Updated at: 09-11-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

You will face difficulties when you purchase short curtains without knowing they will look short after hanging in your window, and the question of how to Lengthen Curtains without sewing pops up internally.

In such a case or scenario, the idea of adding more length to the fabric comes into play. Especially if the purchased curtain looks beautiful and attractive or if the marketplace you buy the curtain is not easily accessible.

Long curtains have a way of adding virtual length to your window, even when it is short.

It adds more attractiveness and makes the room look spacious and insightful. While short curtains always make the room or apartment look awkward, uneven, and unkempt.

It makes the wall room look smaller, and the window frame where you hang the curtain looks small and short.

Even though you don’t know how to sew, you can easily add length to your short curtains without sewing. And that has been explained in this article. To understand the process(es) involved, read the article till the end.

There are several reasons why your curtains may be too short.

Maybe you just moved, and your current curtains fit the old windows, but not the new. Maybe you’ve recently read that curtains should be hung HIGH and WIDE, and you’re trying to update the placement of your current curtain rods. Or maybe you bought curtains that fit your budget, but are just a bit too short for your windows. Unfortunately, curtains can be expensive, and the cheapest options are almost always shorter. All of these scenarios have applied to me at one time or another.

So lets get to making our curtains longer

Easy Steps How to Lengthen Curtains without sewing 

-trim of any kind
–stitch witchery
-seam ripper
-iron & ironing board
-damp cloth

Step One: Carefully remove the bottom hem from your curtain panel with a seam ripper. As you can see, my curtains easily snag, so this was the most tedious part of the whole DIY for me.

Step Two: Once you have ripped out the seam, take your curtains to the ironing board. With your steam setting on, press the former hem open.

Step Three: With my curtains re-hung and the hem removed, I measured how much longer I needed them to be to hit the floor. I bought my lace trim to fit that measurement, and it worked out perfectly!

So…now we’re getting to the fun part! Take your Stitch Witchery and lay it on top of the raw edge of the curtain. Lay your trim on top of that. Take a damp cloth and carefully place it on top of the lace. Press for 5-10 seconds with the steam setting on (make sure to only press, don’t slide the iron). Continue this process all the way across the panel.

Step Four: Now that your first row of lace has been applied, repeat this exact process with the second row. I layered three different tiers of lace by the end, and I absolutely love the look. Also, you can see from the photo above that I left the edges of my lace raw. If you like a more finished look, just wrap the edges all the way around and press exactly the same way. Once the curtains are hung, you really don’t even notice the raw edge.

Here is a comparison photo for you. Like I said before, our curtains weren’t terrible, but I love how dramatic they feel now that they touch the floor, instead of hitting in a sorta awkward spot.

Our house is really starting to come together, and it feels so great to have little handmade touches here and there. The dining room windows are much taller than these. So for those I’ll actually be sewing panels together to get enough length!

Confused by all the “rules” about curtain placement and length? Check out Elsie’s guide to hanging curtains!

Anyway, thanks for letting me share this practical and pretty DIY with you! Now, I’m off to start another house project! xo. Katie

What to do if your Curtains are Small?

If you have a short curtain that looks beautiful and you don’t want to dispose of the curtain, you are looking for a way to fancy it in your room by adding more length without sewing. Use the above steps to achieve your option.

How to Line up Curtains Without Sewing?

The easiest way is to join your lining inside your curtain. Use an iron to bond together by pressing together. Use the fusible hemming web to line/join curtains without sewing, as explained above.

Must Curtains Touch the Floor?

The answer is yes!. For a more decorative appearance, you are to allow your curtain to touch the floor.

What is the length of Bedroom Curtains?

It depends on the height of your wall. But generally, the curtain comes in different lengths—the 64, 84,95, and 104 inches, respectively.

How do you add width to ready made curtains?

Measure the width of your curtain rod, rail or pole and divide it by two. If you want your curtains to be gathered, multiply the result by 1.5 to two, depending on how full you want them to be when drawn. Subtract the width of the pre-made curtain panels from the result.

Is it OK to have short curtains?

Short Curtains Visually speaking, high-water style is not the most appealing way to hang curtains. The shorter length can appear dated. Also, it can cut the visual height of your room in half. From a purely practical standpoint, however, short curtains are sometimes the best option.

How long should curtains hang below window sill?

Just over sill length Take the hem of the curtain to just above the radiator, or up to about a maximum of 4 inches (10cms) below the sill.

Can you join two curtains together?

Place the curtain panels on top of one another, right sides together. Then pin the vertical edges you unpicked together. If your fabric is quite thick you may opt to clip the two panels together instead. If you’re working with patterned panels check that the pattern matches before and after pinning.

Are short or long curtains better?

Like most other rooms, curtains should extend to the floor (give or take an inch). In the bedroom, curtains should only be short when something would interfere with their ability to reach the floor.

What to do if your Curtains are Small?

If you have a short curtain that looks beautiful and you don’t want to dispose of the curtain, you are looking for a way to fancy it in your room by adding more length without sewing. Use the above steps to achieve your option.

How to Line up Curtains Without Sewing?

The easiest way is to join your lining inside your curtain. Use an iron to bond together by pressing together. Use the fusible hemming web to line/join curtains without sewing, as explained above.

Must Curtains Touch the Floor?

The answer is yes!. For a more decorative appearance, you are to allow your curtain to touch the floor.

What is the length of Bedroom Curtains?

It depends on the height of your wall. But generally, the curtain comes in different lengths—the 64, 84,95, and 104 inches, respectively.


Easy steps on “How to lengthen curtains without sewing” have been explained in this article for you to understand. Make sure you read the steps and understand them before practicing.