Updated at: 05-05-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Here, you’ll discover how to put on and remove a maternity belt. Share your opinions after reading this article.

An essential accessory for pregnant ladies is the maternity belt. It gives support, alleviates back pain, and reduces the strain on your spine when you are pregnant. A maternity belt, however, isn’t that simple to put on. Wearing a pregnancy belt correctly is easy if you follow our guide.

Why You Need a Pregnancy Belly Support Band

A belly band can assist you in three different ways as your child develops inside of you:

  • Pain can be reduced by using belly bands. A lot of weight gets gained in your tummy by the time you’re due to give birth. Your back and hips will suffer as a result of this. Seventy-one percent of pregnant women report having lower back pain. Pregnancy belly bands provide the extra support and pressure on your lower back that you need to get the job done while alleviating back pain.
  • Compression is provided by belly bands. A small bit of compression can make all the difference whether you’re running around (exercising, chasing older children, or having a fantastic time on vacation). After an hour or two, take a break and loosen up your belly band.
  • Posture is supported with belly bands. While pregnant, it’s easy to forget to sit and stand up straight because of the snugness of a belly band. Pregnancy support bands can assist you avoid hunching over and cradling your belly, allowing your child to grow to their full potential.

Isn’t it nice to have a simple article of clothing that reduces discomfort, gives compression, and helps with posture? In any case, we’re here to answer any and all of your burning questions concerning belly bands, no matter how many pregnancies you have under your belt.

Choosing The Right Maternity Belt

Trimester-by-trimester, we’ll go through the ideal times, how often, and what kind of belly band to wear during each stage of pregnancy.

First Trimester Belly Bands

These three months may feel like a battle for survival for many expectant mothers.. In order to take care of your unborn child from conception until infancy, your body is putting you through a lot of stress and strain.

A belly band may not be necessary every day during the first few months, but it can be a lifesaver on occasion. This is what we’d recommend:

BanditTM is a two-in-one tool.

Second Trimester Belly Bands

The second trimester is a favorite for many women. If you have an ultrasound, you can see the adorable face of your unborn child, and you can even begin thinking about a nursery or a layette. However, the second trimester is typically when women feel their energy return and desire to get out and about. Take a belly band with you if you want to make the most of your newly discovered vigor.

BanditTM is a two-in-one tool.
Belly Boost or Flawless Belly

Third Trimester Belly Bands

This third trimester is all about expanding. Your baby will gain a pound a week as you near the end of your pregnancy. Also, it’s not only your baby who is evolving. Leg cramps, swollen ankles and hands, and backaches are all possible side effects. What a surprise! Wearing a belly support band for just a few hours a day can reduce all of these issues.

Pregnancy belly bands can help alleviate leg and foot cramps and swelling by relieving the pressure on your legs and feet, while still providing support for your expanding baby. And, of course, you’ll be grateful for the support you’ll receive on your back.

Belly Up


Postpartum Belly Wraps

A “fourth trimester” is becoming more popular among doctors. After the birth of your child, you and your child are still going through a lot of change and growth. You deserve all the support and affection you received during your pregnancy, and then some, while your body continues to heal following a momentous event.

Keeping this in mind, we’ve created a variety of Belly Wraps to assist you get back to your pre-pregnancy self. Each of our belly wraps has a different purpose throughout the fourth trimester, so here is a rundown of what they do.

Pin on Health & Fitness

Pregnancy Belly Wraps

It’s a wrap!

a Belly Wrap made of bamboo viscose

Belly Wraps for the postpartum period

The Belly Wrap Couture

Belly Compression Corsets by Mother TuckerR

5 Ways Your Belly Band Will Ease Maternity Pain

What’s A Belly Band?

It is a circular piece of fabric that wraps around the pregnant belly and links with velcro, making a belly band or maternity brace. Stretchy fabrics like cotton and spandex are used to let the garments to grow with your tummy. In most cases, belly bands may be adjusted to fit pregnant women in a variety of sizes and shapes.

Belly wraps and other tube-top-like garments are among the alternatives available. Round, knitted, and seamless materials form the basis of these circular strips.

Belly Band Benefits

1. Pregnancy Pain Relief

The use of maternity support bands is often recommended to help alleviate discomfort caused by a larger uterus and to support the weight of the growing baby.

That’s because your circular ligament connecting your groin to the front of your uterus alters during the second trimester in order to support your growing embryo. As a result, the hip, groin, or abdomen may feel a dull achy pain as a result of the change in position.

Your lower back, ligaments, joints, and muscles might be put under a lot of strain if you have to waddle instead of walk during the third trimester. This pressure can be uncomfortable for some people.

While engaging in physical activity, the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) serves as a stabilizing and shock-absorbing mechanism on the sides of your pelvis. As your body gets ready to give birth, some pregnancy hormones loosen and stretch your joints, causing discomfort and even instability for the patient.

2. Comfort During Physical Activities

As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t go to the gym without your go-to sports bra, would you? Pregnant women who spend a lot of time on their feet can consider their daily routine as an opportunity to exercise. It doesn’t matter if you’re a cop or a nurse, a belly band or belt can assist you keep up with the demands of your job.

Physical discomfort can be alleviated from the uterus and the abdomen by applying a little compression. While working out, this will assist alleviate any discomfort and allow you to concentrate better at work.

3. Outfit Hacks

Expecting a child is an exciting time in a woman’s life. There are many examples of this, such as when your favorite pair of pants no longer fit. There is no need to panic and toss them away, however. It’s possible to use your belly band to fill up the gap between your shirt and jeans.

It’ll give you a stylish, layered appearance while while concealing your stomach. Unbuttoned pants don’t require ladies to squeeze into them or cope with the discomfort of button imprints; they can just conceal them and rest.

Maternity Pregnant Women Belly Belt Support Prenatal Waist Care Abdomen Band Back Brace Pregnancy Protector For - WeStore24.com

4. Posture Enhancing

In the third trimester, when your lower back and spine are under additional weight, the maternity belt will assist you maintain appropriate posture. Strengthening your spine’s core muscles can help prevent lower back pain. This might happen when you are walking or simply sitting during your everyday activity. Your belly band, on the other hand, will provide the required support to keep your lower back and torso in place.

5. Postpartum Healing

After giving birth, don’t discard your belly band. It can aid in the recovery process after childbirth by allowing the strained muscles and ligaments to rest and mend. You may find it challenging to care for your infant if you are suffering from aches and pains. Using a belly band to provide additional support can make you feel more self-conscious and less comfortable.

How To Use A Belly Band

  • Check with your doctor first to see if a belly band is right for you. Women with high blood pressure or weak circulation should not wear them.
  • Determine your pre-pregnancy size, and then select the appropriate size. Choosing the right pair of pants is made easier with the help of sizing guides provided by several brands.
  • To use your belly band, slide it on over your head, then place it over your stomach. Drop it until it reaches your crotch.
  • It is best to secure belly bands with velcro straps behind your back by placing their broadest point under your stomach for stability. Refer to your band’s directions if you’re unsure about how to apply it; some options attach to the front, while others attach to the sides.
  • You’re looking for a feeling of light pressure. If your belly band is overly tight, it can cause indigestion, heartburn, and an increase in blood pressure and circulation.
  • Allow 2 to 3 hours of uninterrupted use of your maternity support band. Too much stretching can damage your lower muscles if you become too reliant on them. To help your body prepare for childbirth, take a break and allow yourself some downtime.
  • In order to lose weight and build muscle, belly bands should be used in conjunction with regular exercise.
  • Your doctor should be seen if your maternity support band does not alleviate your pain or if you find daily activities unpleasant. A physical therapist may be recommended for you.

Important things to know about wearing a belly band

  • In order to avoid becoming overly dependent on a belly band or support garment, use it for no more than two to three hours at a time
  • During and after pregnancy, strengthening exercises for the transverse abdominis should be combined with the use of a belly band to target the core muscles.
  • Before wearing compression clothing, always consult with your doctor. Women with circulatory problems or high blood pressure should consult their doctor before getting a belly band.
  • Belly bands should only be used as a short-term solution. We must first deal with the fundamental problems that are causing this. Pregnancy-related pain should be addressed by a physical therapy referral.