Updated at: 09-09-2022 - By: cnbusinessnews

Water damage to your windows could be an indication that you need to replace them. Find out how to resurface window seals that have been damaged by water to avoid spending money on costly replacements.

Paint flaking, severe cracks, and even rot in the wood can result from water seeping in through broken window seals. In addition to being an eyesore, cracks in wood damage its structural integrity by allowing water to seep in. Filler and epoxy sealant can save the window seals from having to be replaced.

Benefits of Sealing Your Windows

Let’s pretend you’re debating whether or not to seal the windows in your home. You should not do that.

As an example of the benefits, consider the following:

1. Increased Energy Efficiency and More Money Saved

Because of the additional airflow or drafts, your HVAC system has to work more to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

Window Sill Repair - YouTube

You might expect to see higher costs for your utility bills as a result.

If you close up your windows, they won’t be a problem. Because of this, you have a larger balance in your checking account. It’s a win-win because you’ll be helping the planet in the process.

2. You Feel More Comfortable

A person’s house is a person’s castle, right? You don’t want to be shivering and uncomfortable in that room, though.

The elimination of drafts is one of the benefits of properly sealing windows. Since this is the case, you should expect to feel more at ease in your own home.

3. Reduce Allergens and Bugs

You can hope to have less allergy symptoms if you suffer from allergies. If you take the time to seal off any openings in your home, you can reduce the likelihood that irritating allergens will find their way inside.

Now that these openings have been sealed, your home is safer from pests you’d rather not have.

4. Longer Window Life

You should expect to spend several hundred dollars to replace your windows. Use the windows you currently have instead of spending a bunch on replacements.

Filling up the gaps around your windows will help keep out the weather. What this does is to retard their aging. And you can put that extra cash to better use.

Yes. It’s a good idea to seal your windows. And now you see the many successes you’ve achieved.

You should, then, give window sealing some thought if you can afford to do so when the time comes.

Fixing Water Damaged Window Seals

While attempting a DIY project may seem like a lot of work, it’s worth it in the end. Why not try fixing your window on your own if you are convinced you can do it? What you need to do to repair water-damaged window seals is as follows.

Step #1. Remove peeling paint

Doing it yourself can take a lot of time and energy, but it could be well worth it in the end. If you’re confident in your skills, why not fix the window yourself? Follow these methods to repair water-damaged window seals:

Step #2. Get rid of rotten spots on the sill

Remove the rotten wood by chipping at it with a screwdriver. As a last step in the restoration process, it is essential that all of them be taken out.

Step #3. Sand the wood

Using fine-grit sandpaper, remove any leftover flaking paint and splinters from the wood. To avoid further damage, peeling, or flaking, scrape off any damaged paint. New paint and epoxy were applied, and a small amount of grit was included to improve adhesion.

Wipe away sanding dust from the sill after it has been sanded using a moist cloth. This is essential for achieving a spotless final product.

Step #4. Mix epoxy wood primer in a container

Epoxy wood primer should be poured into a disposable container and well mixed before use. Instructions may vary from one manufacturer to the next, so it’s important to read and follow them closely. Most of the time, equal parts activator and primer should be utilized.

Step #5. Apply the epoxy primer to the window sill

Brush the epoxy on with a thin paintbrush. Apply it in a thin, uniform layer. Dry it for at least 10 minutes to make sure it’s thoroughly dry.

Step #6. Create a mixture of activator and epoxy filler

To make a temporary repair, combine equal parts activator and epoxy filler in a disposable container. Please read and follow all of the directions carefully. Use a thin putty knife to smooth the filler into all the cracks and crevices.

Remove any excess filler with a putty scraper and smooth the surface out to a uniform flatness. Let the filler dry and firm fully before proceeding.

Step #7. Sand the wood once again

Sandpaper with a fine grit should be used to polish wood. Epoxy filler needs to be finished with a flawless finish. The sanding dust can then be cleaned up with a moist towel.

Step #8. Prime and paint the window sill

Priming the sill with an oil-based primer is recommended. When that is done, paint the exterior twice. Water damage to the wood is almost inevitable if you paint the interior.

It’s finished! Faded window seals have been restored to pristine condition. I’m assuming the DIY project was successful.

How to Tell if a Window Seal Has Failed | Kelly Window & Door

Is cold air getting in the broken window seals?

As unfortunate as it may be, this is the case. Even if the seal is destroyed, however, cold air and rain won’t enter your home through the opening. Although they have a purpose, the seals barely affect heat retention.

A weak window seal might also increase your energy costs. Since this is the case, the glass has a tough time retaining the heat from your heater in the winter or the cool air from your air conditioner in the summer.

Weatherproofing your windows

Or maybe you just want to make sure your windows are safe from the elements and anything else that can cause them harm. Perhaps it’s time to give them some sort of shelter from the storm.

Leaks around a window’s frame can be fixed by applying sealant foam to the bottom, top, and center. You can still lock the windows even though it’s inflated because it’s composed of foam.

One traditional method of preventing warm air from escaping via windows is to stuff long tubes of fabric with sand. It’s true that they’re funny, but they also do a great job of keeping the air out.

Film can also be used to cover the window as a second alternative. Using double-sided tape, drape it across the window. Using a hairdryer, shrink and tighten it to the window’s frame as it cools.

What affects the cost of repairing a window seal?

Applying film to the window is another alternative. You can use double-sided tape to stretch it across the glass and keep it in place. Once it’s cool, tighten it up against the window frame with a hairdryer.

If a contractor needs to fix multiple windows at once, they may provide a discount and a free estimate.

Sash replacement

If the window’s insulation is to remain in tact, the sash may need to be replaced. The sash of a window consists of its rails, stiles, gasket, glass, and gas (such as krypton or argon).

Joe Puggioni, owner of Weedsport Window and Glass in New York, says that replacing window glass can be expensive for a number of reasons. The height of the window, the width of the window opening, the type of window frame, and the distance from the floor to the bottom of the window are all relevant considerations (internal grid, low-e, etc.). If you want a price that’s tailored to your exact needs, a free estimate is the way to go, as Puggioni explains.

Examples of prices provided by Weedsport Window and Glass are as follows.

Labor costs

Materials and labor expenses must be considered when pricing a sash replacement, with the latter contributing more to the total price of window repair for more labor-intensive jobs.

Typical examples include the machined, molding-free Andersen units. To get rid of the phony moldings, you’ll need a straight edge and a razor knife, as that’s what Puggioni says you’ll need to do to replace them. Dealing with a situation like this will increase the cost.

Replacing broken glass

You may need to do more than just replace the glass if your windows aren’t well insulated.

Depending on where you live, the price of replacing a double-paned window is between $170 and $180.

Removing moisture

Depending on the company, your location, and the number of windows you need cleaned, the price of defogging can range from as little as $100 to several hundred.

Defogging is a relatively new technique used to remove unsightly condensation from double and triple-paned windows. A professional will drill a tiny hole in the glass, extract the moisture, and then reseal it so that fogging won’t happen again.

Although defogging can improve the look of your windows, it cannot replace the gases or return the glass to its original thermal resistance (known as an R-value).

How much does it cost to replace a window?

In some circumstances, replacing a window is the most cost-effective option compared to a simple repair. As a result, it’s possible that you’ll have to replace them with something fresh.

The typical cost to replace a single pane window is $135 to $145, while the cost to repair a double pane window is $185 to $250.

Why should you repair a broken window seal?

Gas is injected in between the panes of a triple or double-paned sealed window before it is sealed. Insulated gas units (IGUs), often known as gas-filled windows, have surpassed the use of single pane windows in most homes today.

According to the US Department of Energy, having gas fills in windows and insulated doors and walls can significantly reduce your monthly electricity bill. There is often either krypton or argon gas between the panes of glass in IGUs. These gases improve your window’s thermal efficiency by minimizing convection since they travel more slowly than oxygen. The gas filling will decrease heat transfer, making your home more resistant to summer and winter heat extremes.

Gas-filled windows might lose as much as 1 percent of their insulation value every year due to leakage. After installation, they should continue to provide adequate insulation for at least another 20 years.

There’s damage to your window. If one of the panes of glass in a triple or double-paned window breaks the seal between them, the insulating characteristics of the window will be reduced. If you notice visible damage to the seal or the glass, or if you notice moisture or condensation developing between the panes, you may want to consult a professional.

Window Seal Failure: Everything You Need to Know


Our homes’ windows and doors are the primary points of entry for the outside world. They function as a filter, admitting desirable elements while rejecting undesirable ones. Because of this, it is crucial that they remain functioning 24/7 so that no problems arise.

Water, while useful in many ways, may also be harmful to our windows. Keeping your windows dry and secure requires that you know how to resurface water-damaged window seals. Doing projects around the house seems like a nice idea.