Updated at: 12-10-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

When a new mother is on maternity leave, she needs time to recover and care for her baby. However, when is the best time to take maternity leave, and how long should it last? Here, you’ll learn about when to take maternity leave depending on your own personal needs—and what can happen if you don’t plan.

Best Time to Take Maternity Leave

When should you take maternity leave if you want to return to work? If you have some leeway in terms of when you can accomplish this, it will go more smoothly for you. To most people, this means taking a month off of their twelve-week vacation period and then returning for the remainder of the year.

It could also imply that they begin preparing for life after their child’s arrival by reducing their working hours or moving to a part-time job. As long as you don’t require any more rest, your employer may enable you to apply these modifications six weeks before your due date.

When should I go on maternity

To help you decide when to take maternity leave, here are some things to keep in mind:

Working mothers who are pregnant or who perform physically demanding jobs and want to spend as much time as possible with their newborns may find it challenging to decide when to begin their maternity leave.

As a guide, we’ve assembled the facts and some suggestions on what to keep in mind while deciding on your departure date.

When is the best time to start my maternity leave? | Bounty

When’s the earliest I can start my maternity leave?

A typical maternity leave start date is 11 weeks prior to the due date. While it is possible to work right up to your due date, if you develop a pregnancy-related sickness in the final month of your pregnancy, you will be eligible for leave at that time. Your maternity leave will begin on the date you go into labor early, just as it would begin on the date your baby is born.

When’s the latest I can start my maternity leave?

If your boss hasn’t said otherwise, you’re free to keep working until your deadline arrives. Although it is common to take maternity leave a week or two before your due date to prevent the stress of going into labor at work and ensure the safe, scheduled delivery of your baby, it is not always possible.

What should I consider when making my decision?

Throughout your pregnancy, how you’re feeling. Pregnancy experiences vary widely from woman to woman. Pregnant women may be forced to take maternity leave early if they are unable to continue working owing to symptoms such as lack of sleep, back discomfort, indigestion and the like. Contrarily, you may have a breeze with pregnancy! If this is the case, you’ll be able to work till the time you want.

Your commute to work

The stress of commuting to work is compounded when you have a bump to contend with, making the experience much more difficult and tiresome. To prevent the nightmare commute if your employment has a long journey that can’t be avoided, you can consider taking your leave early.

Your job’s demands

If your job is physically or emotionally demanding, you may opt to take maternity leave early rather than wait until your due date. Alternatively, if you have access to a desk at home, you may be content to work until the very last minute.

Your plans before birth

It’s possible that you’d prefer to depart early to focus exclusively on organizing and preparing for your new birth, or perhaps you’d prefer to take a babymoon before your new arrival changes everything! In the weeks leading up to your due date, if you have everything in order and think you’ll be bored while on maternity leave, it may be in your best interest to work.

Advice from other mums

Having a friend or family member who has gone through maternity leave before can be quite useful, especially if they work in a profession that is similar to yours. If you have colleagues who have gone on maternity leave before, why not ask them for their advice?

Can I change the date of my maternity leave?

The date of your maternity leave can be moved up or down by giving your employer at least 28 days’ notice. A possible solution is to move your leave date up; conversely, you may have more energy than expected and opt to keep working closer to your due date if your fatigue is increasing.

Deciding Whether or Not to Work Until Your Due Date

It’s natural to start worrying about your maternity leave as your due date approaches. This decision is influenced by a number of variables, the most important of which are your health, finances, and other personal circumstances.

Even after the due date, some persons want or have a financial need to continue working as long as possible. The due date is a firm “end date” for some people. Some people’s health may make it impossible or dangerous for them to continue working after a certain point.

It’s fine if you want some more time to relax and get ready for the arrival of your new baby. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Consider the following factors before making a final decision.

Medical Considerations

The sooner you take time off from work for a high-risk pregnancy or problems, such as preterm labor, the better. Even a healthy pregnancy can be physically exhausting, so pay attention to how you feel as time goes on. ‘

Resting in a chair for more than an hour at a time is not permitted if your doctor approves it. Standing time should be restricted to no more than 30 minutes at a time. 1 Bed rest may be necessary in the following circumstances:

  • Your body is put under a lot of stress when you’re carrying multiples:
  • A condition known as cervical effacement may increase your risk of having a premature birth.
  • Concerns about fetal development: You may need to slow down if your baby isn’t growing as expected.
  • Having had a history of difficulties, such as a premature birth, stillbirth, or fetal loss, can be a valid reason to require bed rest.
  • Incompetent cervix: Early labor might result from a weak cervix.
  • Preeclampsia: A dangerous combination of protein in the urine, high blood pressure, and edema.
  • The course of early labor can be slowed with bed rest.
  • The placenta may be at risk if there is vaginal hemorrhage.

Your doctor should be aware of your everyday routine, even if bed rest is not required. Describe in fully your work and household responsibilities, as well as the impact they have on your stress level.

How Do You Feel?

Prior to taking your maternity leave early because of sleepless nights or back pain, consider solutions to make work more comfortable. If you’re able to change your work environment or schedule, it could be beneficial. For example, you could wear more comfortable work boots or shoes, bring a fan to your desk, take more breaks, or work an earlier shift.

What’s Your Commute Like?

If you have to drive a long distance to go to work, especially during rush hour, it can be stressful (and dangerous). As your pregnancy advances, it may become more difficult to stand on the train or wait outside for the bus. Taking an early maternity leave may be the best option if you have no other alternative but to go to work.

Financial Considerations

When making a selection, it is important to consider your family’s financial situation and the details of your maternity benefits. Delaying your last day of work if your leave is unpaid may be a good idea. Even if you’ll get paid while on leave, it’s a good idea to save some of your paid time off for when your child is born.

If you can, try to save up some extra money so that you have some wiggle room at the end of your pregnancy. But you should never jeopardize your health or safety for financial gain.

How Much Time Off Do You Get?

Before or before your due date, if you only have six weeks of paid leave, you’ll be running out of time before the baby is born. You’ll only have four weeks with your newborn if you’re two weeks overdue. If your child is too young for daycare or other forms of child care, you may be forced to take two weeks of unpaid leave.

Career Considerations

In the event that you’re not quite ready to begin your maternity leave but are having difficulty completing your normal workday, talk to your human resources department or boss about your problems. Medical and family leave should be granted to expectant mothers as a human right.

In some cases, a telecommuting or part-time work arrangement may be possible. Working from home is an option that may not be available for all jobs, but it can significantly minimize the physical and mental stress of working while pregnant.

When Is the Best Time to Take Maternity Leave - Krostrade

Approach the meeting with ideas that highlight your value as an employee in mind. Describe the advantages to your employer of a flexible work schedule. Some companies are more concerned about the well-being of their employees’ families than others. Consider other options if you can’t come up with an agreement that you’re happy with.

Is This Job Still a Good Fit?

When the going gets tough, it’s important considering whether an unsupportive work environment is worth your time if you’re not content in your position or their flexibility with you. Even if it’s difficult to look for a job when pregnant or just after giving birth, it’s something to consider.

Maternity leave may not be available to you if you’ve recently started a new job. It’s possible that while you’re on maternity leave, you’ll be able to find a new job that better fits your family’s demands. Pregnancy and being a parent necessitate having a flexible employer. As long as the circumstance isn’t ideal, never feel trapped.


What Is Maternity Leave?

The term “maternity leave” refers to a period of time during which a mother is allowed to take time off work in order to prepare for and care for the birth of her child. From a few weeks to a few months, maternity leave can vary greatly in length. In the end, it all relies on the organization she is a part of.

Why Is Maternity Leave Important?

Taking enough maternity leave is a need for every new mother. In addition to the mother’s wellbeing, the health of the newborn is dependent on it.

  • 10% to 15% of new mothers are at risk for postpartum depression; if they return to work immediately after giving birth, this risk is increased by many folds.
  • It is common for pregnant women to suffer from insomnia, back pain and heartburn in the last few weeks of their pregnancy. Having to deal with situations like these will have an impact on the mother’s employment as well as her health. It’s a time to relax and recharge in preparation for the impending birth and the care of the newborn that will follow.
  • The medical community recommends that a woman rest for a minimum of six weeks following a normal delivery (one that is free of problems). A thorough recovery from a C-section may necessitate extra time. Taking a maternity leave allows the woman to recuperate fully following childbirth.
  • Postpartum women experience a slew of dramatic shifts in their hormone levels. Women who return to work too soon after childbirth are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
  • Women who work full-time while caring for a 3-month-old child are more likely to suffer from melancholy, stress, poor health, and overall stress than moms who are able to take maternity leave.
  • Mothers who take maternity leave are better able to feed their children on time, which aids in the baby’s growth and development, as well as the mother-child relationship. It is well accepted that children who are nursed well in the early stages of their lives are more likely to experience a long and healthy life.

When a mother begins working earlier in life, her newborns are more likely to have developmental delays. Even death can result from a lack of effective nursing. The infant mortality rate can be reduced by as much as 10% when mothers take a maternity leave.

When Can I Take Maternity Leave?

To put it another way, there isn’t a perfect moment for a mother to begin her leave. The timing of maternity leave is influenced by a number of factors. The energy level of the expectant mother, the ease or difficulty of the pregnancy after the first and second trimesters, and the stress (both physical and mental) of the job are the most important factors to consider. Maternity leave decisions might be influenced by your financial status, as well as your personal preferences.

Taking maternity leave between the ages of 32 and 36 weeks is a popular choice for many women. Maternity leave can begin as early as 11 weeks before the expected due date. During this time, the baby is between seven and eight months old. Then again, most new mothers want to spend more time with their newborns. You may be able to work up to a week before your due date if you are having a normal pregnancy and are in good health and fitness.

Utmost Till When I Can Delay Taking The Maternity Leave?

If you like, you can keep working until your due date. Even if you’re expecting a healthy baby, it’s best to take maternity leave a few weeks before your due date if your job stresses you out physically or emotionally. Your baby’s arrival will be more likely to go as planned if you follow these guidelines. For those who can work from home, you can finish your project as close to the deadline as possible.

How long before due date should I take maternity leave?

Maternity leave may be begun as early as 11 weeks before the expected due date. While it is possible to work right up to your due date, if you develop a pregnancy-related sickness in the final month of your pregnancy, you will be eligible for leave at that time.

When should I stop working during pregnancy?

Normal, healthy pregnancies allow women to carry on with their jobs until the beginning of labor. However, you have the freedom to end your workday whenever you want. Even in the early stages of labor, some women prefer to continue working while others choose to stop several weeks before their due date.

Is 36 weeks too early to start maternity leave?

MOTHERS IN CALIFORNIA CAN START MAternity Leave at 36 weeks of pregnancy, even if they haven’t paid into the state’s Social Security Disability Insurance Fund (SDI). It is possible for a pregnant lady to work closer to her due date if she so desires.

Can I go back to work 2 weeks after having a baby?

Most new mothers return to work six weeks after the birth of their child, however some doctors allow new mothers to return to work as soon as three weeks postpartum. Delivery or C-section complications can lengthen the healing period.

How many weeks maternity leave do you get?

Your statutory maternity pay is made up of six weeks of 90 percent of your typical weekly income, followed by 39 weeks of maternity leave (before tax)

Can you work 8 months pregnant?

Pregnancy doesn’t have to be the end of your career. As a result, pregnant women may have difficulties at work. You should be aware of how to ease common pregnancy discomforts and when a work assignment can threaten your pregnancy if you want to be healthy and productive at work.

Can I get maternity leave if I just started a job?

Even if you’re the best at your job, you’ll still need time off. If your company has 50 or more employees and you’ve been there for more than a year, you are likely qualified for 12 weeks of FMLA leave.

Does my employer offer parental leave benefits? Where do I find out more information about this?

Parental leave is a benefit that pays for time off from work following the birth or adoption of a child. Before deciding whether or not maternity/paternity leave is enough, you should contact your employer about this!

It’s never a bad idea to seek for benefits from an employer even if you are no longer employed by them when taking time off following the birth of a child. If you don’t want to spend a penny during the first few weeks of parenthood, there are a variety of ways to do so. You won’t regret it, I promise!

What resources are available if I am dealing with postpartum depression?

If you or a loved one is suffering from postpartum depression, there are numerous helpful services available. Family members who have been through it before; neighborhood mental health centers that offer low-cost treatments; local hospitals (you can even dial 911); and, of course, your OB/GYN are all good places to begin.

Do you get maternity leave if you miscarry?

Yes, you are entitled to maternity leave if you lose a baby during your pregnancy. To be sure, companies and states have different policies about how much time employees are entitled to take off for personal reasons.

Do some companies offer paid paternity leave?

While some organizations include this as part of their benefits package, others charge employees either quarterly, monthly, or per pay period charges, depending on the length of time you plan to be absent.

How can I make money while on maternity leave?

There are a few ways to make money while you are on maternity leave.

If your firm offers flexible work alternatives, you may be able to take advantage of some of the perks while caring for your newborn at home. Another alternative is to work as a freelancer, depending on the amount of time and energy you have available. When you’re bored at home, you may try selling things online or driving for Uber/Lyft to make some extra cash.

What companies offer paid paternity leave?

Most big businesses now provide short-term disability insurance that covers parental leave for up to 26 weeks per year, a benefit that is now included by default. In addition, many tech companies offer full-time parental leave after the birth or adoption of a baby or a new family member. This is a great way for new parents to spend quality time with their children while also getting some much-needed financial assistance.

How much-paid paternity leave do most companies offer?

Because just three nations in the world do not provide paid maternity leave, new parents can still get financial support while they care for their newborns. Short-term disability insurance that includes parental leave coverage is now offered by most large firms.

Is There An Ideal Time To Start Maternity Leave?

In addition, many tech companies offer full-time parental leave after the birth or adoption of a baby or a new family member. This is a great way for new parents to spend quality time with their children while also getting some much-needed financial assistance.

What if I’m self-employed/freelancing?

In addition, freelancers may be able to negotiate parental leave policies directly with their clients. Ask for a bonus if you work during a period of high demand, as many organizations will give them to freelancers. When you have a new baby and you’re freelancing, it can be difficult to make ends meet.

What if I’m not working?

Even if you are no longer employed by the same company, you can still request short-term disability insurance from them if you are taking time off following the birth or adoption of a child.

Also, during the first several months, you might want to enlist the help of close friends and family members who can contribute monetarily! If you don’t want to spend a penny during the first few weeks of parenthood, there are a variety of ways to do so. You won’t regret it, I promise!

What is the difference between maternity leave and parental leave?

A mother and father take time off work to care for their newborn during a maternity leave.

The short-term disability insurance known as “parental leave” replaces a worker’s income while they are away from work due to the birth or adoption of a child. Before deciding whether or not maternity/paternity leave is enough, you should contact your employer about this!

It’s not a bad idea to inquire about parental leave benefits from your employer even if you aren’t currently employed there. If you don’t want to spend a penny during the first few weeks of parenthood, there are a variety of ways to do so. You won’t regret it, I promise!