Updated at: 03-11-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Find out when these times are by reading our blog post all about the first signs of pregnancy.

After about six or seven months of pregnancy, a woman may start thinking about maternity apparel. At this point in their pregnancies, many women begin to show, raising the possibility that they will avoid going out in public dressed normally.

When a woman’s breasts and stomach grow to the point where she no longer feel comfortable in her usual wardrobe. But this isn’t the time to start shopping for maternity wear! The need for maternity clothes can be indicated by a wide variety of additional symptoms.

When Do I Start Wearing Maternity Clothes?

Although every pregnancy is unique, there are common experiences shared by the vast majority of expecting mothers. Dressing for your changing physique is one of them! We’ve got the solutions to any style or comfort concerns that may arise as a result of these radical shifts.

Pregnancy clothing are typically first worn when a woman begins to feel uneasy in her regular wardrobe. Each woman reaches this phase at her own pace, but there are several concrete factors to think about before making the leap.

Your Uterus

The uterus is the one part of a woman that will perpetually expand. You can better assess your current comfort level and plan for the future by familiarizing yourself with the typical stages of uterine growth during pregnancy. What follows is a breakdown of the (normal) locations of your uterus at various stages of your pregnancy.

When Do Most Women Start Wearing Maternity Clothes? | LoveToKnow Health & Wellness

At 12 weeks, the top of your pubic bone has just been reached by your uterus.

14 weeks: it’s roughly two inches above the pelvic bone.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is located between the woman’s pubic bone and her umbilicus.

At 20 weeks, it can be seen below the belly button.

Once you reach the 20-week mark of your pregnancy, your uterus will begin to expand gradually. At 14 weeks, you might notice that your belly has expanded, but you probably won’t start showing until 16 weeks, as this is when the majority of women begin to show. By the twentieth week of their pregnancies, most women have already started wearing maternity clothes or at least garments that fit more loosely.

Body Shape

The degree to which you need to adjust your wardrobe to remain comfortable during pregnancy is mostly dependent on your pre-pregnancy body type or shape. If you’re shorter than average, for instance, your belly can show before it would on someone with a longer torso. It could take a little longer for you to start showing if you were overweight before you got pregnant. Even if you can gain some insight into your body’s future alterations by learning about your current structure, there will always be some surprises in store.

Weight Gain

This fluctuates from pregnancy to pregnancy, just like everything else. It’s not always the case, but some women, regardless of their size before pregnancy, seem to gain more weight than others during their pregnancies. Given that women put on weight in different areas, the clothes they feel comfortable in are mostly determined by their body type. For instance, you might not need to buy maternity apparel right away if you put on weight in your face or legs instead of elsewhere.

You may need to make the change as early as the first trimester if you experience constipation or gas.

Other Factors

Since your body’s progesterone and estrogen levels will both rise during pregnancy, you should expect your breasts to swell and weight gain to occur rapidly. It’s possible that your breast size will expand before your belly does, at which point you’ll need to stock up on maternity tops. Most maternity bras, however, feature multiple rows of hooks so that you can wear them even as your bust expands throughout your pregnancy.

If you’re expecting twins, for example, your due date will arrive nearly twice as fast. Even so, these factors can be thought of when planning ahead for clothes purchases.

Early morning sickness can cause weight loss instead of gain if it lasts long enough. The need to acquire special maternity clothing (at least for the stomach area) will be postponed for a longer time frame.

The inventor of maternity wear must have been a pregnant woman, because adapting them to your size is a breeze. Generally speaking, if you wore a size eight before you were pregnant, you’ll wear a size eight when you’re pregnant as well.


But if you’d rather wait to buy a full new wardrobe until after the baby is born, you may still wear a lot of your current outfits well into the third trimester. Wear flowy, a-line dresses that flare out, dresses that have an empire waist, or sheath dresses made from elastic fabric. Similarly, choose pants or skirts with elastic waistbands that may be worn either above or below the abdomen. Last but not least, your breast will thank you if you wear loose-fitting tees or floaty tops.

Many pregnant women delay the transition to maternity wear, but when you do make the change, remember that your comfort is paramount. When it’s time, you’ll recognize it.

Please contact Regional Medical Center immediately for further details and comprehensive obstetric treatment.

What you need

There is a plethora of trendy options for pregnant women. However, it is not need to spend a lot of money on a whole wardrobe.

You should invest in a small capsule wardrobe with versatile staples. Think about the seasons and the weather as your pregnancy progresses. Keep in mind that even after giving birth, you will still need to wear some of your pregnancy items.

A few essential pieces of apparel to think about are:

  • breast-feeding bra
  • Cotton underwear that is soft and breathable
  • a minimum of two pairs of flattering pregnant pants (jeans, leggings, etc.)
  • a simple skirt or dress, such a wrap dress made of stretch jersey
  • maxi dress
  • one’s coat
  • a pair of nursing tops (empire line tops are more flattering)
  • a sartorial ensemble
  • Soft, flat shoes that are easy on the feet

During pregnancy, you can wear longer versions of your regular tops, sweaters, and cardigans. There’s also the option of purchasing a pregnant belt, which will allow you to keep wearing your regular trousers and slacks during your pregnancy.

How to choose a maternity bra

A special maternity bra is not required. Nonetheless, a maternity bra may be more accommodating for some women, especially those with larger breasts.

Preparation for lactation (milk production) begins early in pregnancy, and by the 16th week, the breasts have undergone virtually all of the modifications necessary. Buy a maternity bra now if you plan on wearing one during your pregnancy.

Getting fitted by a specialist is recommended. A well-fitted bra will ease your discomfort and provide necessary support for your breasts.

Wearing an underwire bra during pregnancy or while breastfeeding is not advised. The underwire may cause discomfort and cause your breasts to shift size and form. A clogged milk duct or mastitis can develop as a result of this. Some maternity bras, however, offer support from flexible, low-gauge wires that are less prone to cause discomfort. Some ladies think they’re OK to go with only a sports bra.

Tips to save money

  • Obtain a number of loose-fitting, extra-large t-shirts and vest tops.
  • Purchase maternity wear while it is on sale, keeping in mind the expected climate changes.
  • Change up your look by switching out your accessories, such as your purse, jewelry, scarf, and footwear.
  • Modify your current wardrobe by repositioning buttons, switching to a drawstring instead of elastic, or putting on a pregnant belt.
  • If you or a friend are expecting, borrow some maternity clothes from a spouse or someone who has already been through the experience.
  • Plan an event where people can trade clothing.

Do You Really Need Maternity Clothing?

It is possible for some first-time mothers to avoid buying maternity clothes altogether by continuing to wear their regular wardrobes (particularly long, flowy skirts). Other mothers complain that they can’t feel or look attractive in anything but pregnancy wear.

In the end, it all boils down to a matter of taste and convenience. Wear whatever makes you feel most at ease, whether it’s from your own closet or the clothing you share with your significant other. But if you need to buy some clothes, don’t feel guilty about doing so.

Keep in mind that it is generally not advisable to wear tight clothing when pregnant. Constricted movement isn’t the only downside to wearing tight garments. Wearing something too snug during pregnancy, for instance, can result in discomfort elsewhere in the body. Not only does it hinder blood flow, but it may also cause yeast infections. 1

Consequently, if you’re experiencing discomfort in your current wardrobe, it may be time to either borrow some maternity clothes from your partner or go shopping.

Coming to Terms with Your Changing Body

Some pregnant women find it hard to accept the fact that they will get bigger and curvier as their pregnancy advances. Add to it the widespread acceptance of harsh remarks like “wow, you are growing huge,” and it’s easy to see why so many women prefer to keep their pregnancies a secret for as long as they can.

Fear of pregnancy-related weight gain, however, should not prevent you from enjoying your pregnancy. Here are some suggestions for accepting your ever-evolving physical form.

Give Yourself a Break

Keep in mind that you’re creating a human being inside of you! That’s a miraculous blessing, and your expanding tummy is a physical manifestation of the miracle taking place inside of you.

Stay in the Moment

Women often complain about how difficult it will be to regain their “pre-pregnancy physique,” but dwelling on the difficulties of doing so is a surefire way to remain mired in the past.

You’ll never be the same once you give birth. You do end up looking different afterward. However, it also affects your emotions and mental state. That’s wonderful news, by the way. Take pleasure in the moment you’re in. And remember the importance of prenatal care for your developing baby.

Consider what you’re gaining in exchange for your help rather than dwelling on the possibility of receiving repayment. Your body is performing miraculous feats, and you should be amazed. Bringing a new life into the world is no easy feat, and you should be proud of what you’ve accomplished.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

All too often, women stress out over how their bodies stack up against those of other women. A hurtful and counterproductive activity is engaging in comparison with others. It’s a well-known truth that people who constantly assess their own attractiveness in relation to others tend to be less happy with their physical appearance generally. And it is exactly the wrong direction to let your thoughts travel.

Instead, tell yourself that you can’t go back in time and relive this time in your life. Consequently, you shouldn’t waste your time gauging your worth against that of others. Enjoy the process of your body adapting to the needs of the new life developing inside of you.

Practice Self-Care

When you treat your body with kindness and respect, you boost your confidence and security during this time of transformation. So, make sure you get the sleep you need. Go have your nails done. Try going to a massage or water aerobics class. You should also make sure you’re getting enough of the healthy, nourishing foods that will help you feel your best. Take care of yourself physically and mentally by engaging in activities that bring you joy.

Finding Maternity Clothes Without Breaking the Bank

Once you’ve accepted the possibility that you’ll need to purchase some maternity clothing, especially for the sake of your comfort, it can be challenging to know where to start looking. Here are some suggestions for developing your maternity wardrobe without having to visit Motherhood Maternity, Macy’s, or Nordstrom.

Shop Your Own Closet

Check your current wardrobe for potential maternity wear pieces before making a major investment. For instance, loose-fitting maxi dresses, flowing skirts and tops, oversized button-down shirts, large sweaters and cardigans, and jersey-style shirts and dresses that are soft and stretchy all work well on pregnant bodies. Put these products in the forefront of your closet and add to them with complementary accessories.

Borrow From Friends

It’s not necessary to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe just because you’re expecting; first, check to see if anything you already own will do. Pregnant women can feel comfortable and attractive in a wide variety of loose-fitting garments, such as long, flowy maxi dresses, skirts and tops, oversized button-down shirts, sweaters, cardigans, and jersey-style shirts and dresses. Put them in the foreground of your closet and work from there, adding items that match them.

Look for Deals

Always be on the lookout for bargains, whether at traditional stores, secondhand shops, or on the web. Quite frequently, you will find some truly incredible deals. All it takes is a willingness to look around. A solid rule of thumb is to not put off purchases until the last minute. If you have a wedding in June although it’s just April, you should probably start thinking about what you want to wear and try to get it before the big day. When you wait until the last minute, you may end up spending more money than you intended. Be careful to include in the extra size you’ll need to wear it with when making your purchase.

Keep It Simple

Shopping for maternity wear? Stick to the basics like jeans, leggings, and blouses that may be worn to work or out and about. Think about the existing furniture in your home and try to find new pieces that will work with it.

A decent pair of elastic-waisted jeans, some black slacks, and a button-down shirt are all you really need. To complete the look, throw on the button-down over a bright cotton tank top from your closet and rock the jeans. Wear the black jeans with the button down and accessorize with a cardigan and some lovely jewelry from home for a more professional atmosphere.

Adding to your wardrobe is as simple as buying pieces that can be worn with other things you already own. Try not to waste your money on useless trinkets.

Buy Items That Grow With You

You should remember that your current size won’t fit at 34 weeks of pregnancy when you go shopping. If you’re going to buy something, get something that can be worn for a long time and accommodates your evolving physique. It’s not cost-effective to stock up on jeans when you’re 20 weeks pregnant if you’ll need to buy more when you’re 30 weeks. Think about picking out clothes and accessories that can grow with you.

Tips for Dressing the Bump

Many pregnant women feel frustrated and overwhelmed by the prospect of having to buy and wear maternity clothes. It might be difficult to know what to dress and what to buy when your body is undergoing so many changes. You can still feel confident in your appearance while pregnant if you follow these simple guidelines.

Accentuate Your Features

Dressing in a V-neck, button-down shirt, or dress might make you look taller and leaner, as recommended by fashion experts. You want to achieve the optical illusion of being taller. Legs are another important feature that should be highlighted. Choosing the correct skirt or pants might help them look longer and thinner despite their expanding waistline.

Don’t Hide Your Bump

Keep in mind that you are nurturing a new life inside of you. In other words, embrace your curvy self. You may finally flaunt your expanding curves in those jersey-like dresses and loose-fitting tops. It’s the one and only moment when people won’t give a second glance to your protruding stomach. Have fun while you can.

Pick Something Comfortable

As was previously discussed, there are several dangers associated with wearing clothes that is too snug. Clothes that are too snug can cause more than just physical distress; they can also cut off circulation and make yeast infections much more likely.

When Do You Have To Start Wearing Maternity Clothes? A Guide for Mom's - Krostrade

Stick With Your Pre-Pregnancy Style

You don’t have to start wearing floral pattern gowns just because you’re expecting a baby. Your pregnancy wardrobe doesn’t have to sacrifice style. If, for instance, you live in jeans and T-shirts, you should get a few pairs of maternity jeans and some interesting tops. As for clothing, you should definitely invest in some leggings for your developing physique if you already wear them on a regular basis. You can easily achieve a businesslike look when pregnant if that’s what’s required of you at the office. Tent dresses and muumuus have seen better days.

Don’t Neglect the Footwear

It’s crucial to match your footwear to your attire. Pregnancy can cause swelling in the feet and decreased balance. 2 However, it is true that your belly is showing and that you could stand to lose a few pounds. Get a pair of shoes that supports your arches and provides you with a secure footing. The rule against heels is therefore not absolute. It’s important to make sure they fit well and that you feel sturdy when walking in them.

A Word from Verywell

One size does not fit all when it comes to maternity wear. Actually, there are many different methods to style your pregnant figure. You can choose to put together outfits from random items in your closet, or you can shop for pregnancy clothes at a specialty store.

You may finally express yourself without worrying about breaching any unspoken fashion norms. The general public is usually quite understanding when it comes to the clothing choices of expectant mothers. Instead of discussing serious topics, they prefer to discuss potential names for a new addition. So loosen up, have some levity, and think outside the box.

15 Places to Shop for Trendy Maternity Clothes


If you’re looking for stylish, budget-friendly maternity wear, ASOS Maternity should be one of your first stops. You may discover trendy maternity clothes that are both comfortable and disposable, whether you’re shopping for a jumpsuit, an asymmetrical swimwear, or a dress for a special occasion.

Ranging from $25 to $80, on average (with a few more expensive formal dresses)

Products, including those marked down, can be returned for a full refund within 28 days of the original order’s shipment.

Get it at: aos.com/us


Two mothers who were fed up with unflattering maternity wear established this cutting-edge line that reflects current styles. You can get fashionable sweaters as well as timeless tent dresses made from high-end fabrics that you can wear long after giving birth. In their 2018 poll for “Best Maternity Wear,” readers of The Bump chose this company as their favorite.

Price range: around $125 – $400

Return shipping costs will be covered by Hatch. All you have to do is send an email with your order number and the reason for the return, and you’ll receive a FedEx return label. Within 15 days after receiving the return label, the brand must receive your package.

Purchase it at: www.Hatchcollection.com


The company Rent the Runway has gained notoriety for its role in democratizing designer clothing. Now that it rents out maternity clothes and nursing garments, it has become a popular alternative to buying maternity clothes. A maternity stylist can also advise you on the most flattering and practical garments to wear during each trimester.

RTR Update costs $89 per month, while RTR Unlimited costs $159 per month.

With the Unlimited plan, you have access to four things at all times and can return and exchange them as often as you like during the month. You can return or exchange any of your four pieces for a flat amount of $12.95 within 24 hours of receiving your order with the Update plan.

RentTheRunway.com is where you should sign up.


PinkBlush features an array of fashionable maternity wear, including form-fitting florals, swingy maxi dresses, universally flattering wrap dresses, and more, all at a price that won’t break the bank. In most cases, there will also be a plus-size version available.

The usual range of prices is from $25 to $95.

You have 30 days from the date of delivery confirmation to return an item if you are dissatisfied with it.

PinkBlushMaternity.com is where to make your purchase.


You probably shop at Amazon more than anywhere else since it has everything you need. However, they also have a vast selection of fashionable maternity wear. You may find a wide selection of maternity clothing, from bathing suits and nursing bras to formal dresses and athletic wear, at a range of prices and in a variety of sizes. Absolutely everyone can find something to their liking.

The typical range of prices is brand-specific for maternity clothes.

Maternity brands have varying return policies.

Where to Buy: Amazon.com


Go to Séraphine if you want to dress like a celebrity when you’re pregnant. Princess Kate, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Garner, and Kate Hudson have all been spotted in the brand’s fashionable maternity dresses due to their elastic, bump-hugging designs that can be worn from day to night.

Between $100 and $400 is where most people end up spending on average.

Items may be returned for a full refund within 15 days after delivery if they are unused and still have their original tags attached.

Where to Get It: Seraphine.com


The maternity selection at Old Navy is just as reasonably priced and comfortably basic as the rest of the store. You can shop by trimester or just browse the many options available, including a wide variety of sweatshirts, T-shirts, layering tanks, pajamas, and stretchy, comfortable jeans. Any given day could be the day of a sale that would be worth your time. You might as well throw in a few essentials for the new baby while you’re at it.

From $4 up to $45 is around the average price.

Using the prepaid return shipping label or returning in-store, returns and exchanges are on the house. It’s possible to return things for up to 45 days after purchase.

Place of Purchase:


Famous designers including Splendid, 7 for All Mankind, J. Brand, BCBG, and Lavish by Heidi Klum have created exclusive lines of chic maternity wear for this retailer.

Normal range: $45-$200

Within 30 days after delivery, you can return your purchase in-store or via mail.

Check out Apeainthepod.com to purchase.


In order to put together everyday pregnancy ensembles that are both comfortable and presentable, dependable fundamentals are required. Thankfully, this company was started by best friends Courtney Klein and Grace Kapin, and it focuses on simple maternity garments that can be worn during all three trimesters. Moreover, Storq has updated its website with new photographs including pregnant, postpartum, and nursing women to give you a more accurate idea of how their clothes would look on you.

From $19 to $175 (on average)

Merchandise can be returned for a full refund within 30 days if it is unopened and mailed back in its original packaging. For a store credit, returns are free of charge.

Place of Purchase: Storq.com


Blazers, tanks, jeans, and striped skirts are just some of the well-tailored basics available at H&M MAMA, along with flowy tunics and comfy pajamas. Intriguing, right? Affordable but chic maternity wear can be purchased here.

Normal range, approximately $15 – $60

You can return an item within 30 days of purchase if you change your mind about it. H&M will accept returns or exchanges on unworn, unwashed, unaltered, and unaltered with original tags and labeling merchandise. The refund for an online purchase will be credited back to the same credit card. We cannot issue a refund for shipping and handling fees.

You Can Get It at HM.com


Motherhood has an amazing selection of maternity apparel in a variety of sizes and styles, including petite and large. Wrap dresses, nursing tops, jeans, pregnancy bras, pantyhose, shapers, and more are all available. As an added bonus, Motherhood Maternity features a rewards program whereby customers who sign up for emails and complete a registration can receive coupons, discounts, samples, and exclusive offers from Motherhood and their partners like as BuyBuyBaby and Shutterfly.

From $10 to $150 is where most people end up.

Items can be returned within 30 days for a full refund if they are unused and still have their original tags attached and sent back via regular mail.

Purchase it at Motherhood.com.


Nordstrom is one of our go-to stores because of their incredible selection and helpful staff. You may find some of the most popular and trusted brands in maternity wear, including gym clothes, shapewear, nursing bras, dresses, and blouses. Whatever your preference, you’ll find maternity clothes that complement your figure.

Ranging from $20 up to $500 on the whole

You may return your purchase via mail or in person at any participating location. Nordstrom evaluates each return individually, “with the ultimate purpose of making our customers happy.”

Where to Buy: Nordstrom.com


The London-based firm is another celebrity favorite; Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Garner, and others have been spotted wearing the label’s chic maternity essentials, such as leggings and bump-hugging gowns. Among the nominees for best maternity wear brand in The Bump’s Best of Baby 2018 awards, it made the cut.

Between $100 and $200 is usually where you’ll find the middle of the pricing spectrum.

The period for making a return is 14 days. If you contact them by phone or email before the 14 days are over, they will give you another 14 days.

Purchase it at: Isabellaoliver.com


Rosie Pope (Remember Pregnant in Heels?) is a mother of four who is also an authority on the maternity lifestyle. She sells beautiful and high-end maternity garments and accessories. This popular maternity apparel label now has a sportswear collection.

The median cost is between $50 and $250.

Within 30 days of purchase, you can return any unwashed, unworn item with the original tags attached. You don’t need to do anything special, just enclose the original packing slip and confirmation number. The corporation will pay for the exchange if you are only exchanging sizes.

Shop for it at: Rosiepope.com


Rachel Pally’s collection of figure-flattering maxi dresses are constructed mostly of modal, a breathable form of rayon that feels amazing against the skin and is a popular choice among maternity fashion manufacturers that produce jersey dresses.

Usually between $180 and $300

Returns must be received by Rachel Pally within 30 days of delivery and must be sent back unused and in their original packaging.

Order it from Rachelpally.com.


When should you start wearing maternity clothes?

Some women find they need to start wearing maternity clothes that are at least one size larger when they are approximately four or five months pregnant. When a woman reaches the 6-month mark of her pregnancy, she typically starts shopping for maternity clothes.

Why is it important to wear maternity clothes?

The benefits of maternity clothes do not end after the first nine months. To breastfeed your baby in comfort when he or she is hungry, you need to have some room to move around in your clothing. Pregnancy garments are made so that mothers can easily breastfeed their children.

How many sizes do you go up during pregnancy?

We suggest ordering a size higher if you are trying to conceive and will be wearing the bridesmaid dress during the wedding but are not pregnant at the time of purchase. If you do become pregnant, you may easily accommodate any future growth in the dress before the big day.

Is 14 weeks too early for maternity clothes?

At 14 weeks, you might notice that your belly has expanded, but you probably won’t start showing until 16 weeks, as this is when the majority of women begin to show. By the twentieth week of their pregnancies, most women have already started wearing maternity clothes or at least garments that fit more loosely.

Are maternity shirts necessary?

You only need to start wearing them around the third to fifth month of your pregnancy, so you only wear them for a total of four to five months (plus a month or two after giving birth). Also, there aren’t many brands that make nice maternity clothes, so you only wear them for a limited time.

Can I buy bigger clothes instead of maternity?

Do you want to know the best advice ever? While pregnant, wear standard clothing that is a size or two larger than you presently wear. Furthermore, these things can serve as fantastic transitional pieces for when your body has not fully returned to its pre-baby size following pregnancy. You should try to wear low-rise clothes as your belly expands.

Can a non pregnant woman wear a maternity dress?

FALSE! Yes, maternity garments are only designed to be worn for a duration of time that is significantly shorter than nine months. The truth is, though, that many of them are versatile enough to be worn even when you’re not expecting, and you’ll likely continue to do so for at least a few weeks (and possibly months) after giving birth.

Who should I tell about my pregnancy?

If you want the love and support of your loved ones, friends, coworkers, and other social circles during this wonderful time, don’t keep your pregnancy a secret! Saying something as straightforward as “we’re expecting a baby in ___ months/years” is perfectly acceptable. OR if you’re feeling more artistic, go crazy with the cakes, balloons, and other party supplies. Don’t forget to spread the word on social media with hashtags like #babynovelty to let everyone know what’s going on.

Do you pay tax on Kit days?

If you’re on maternity leave, you can receive compensated for these days, and they’ll be included in your salary after taxes.

Who pays for keeping in touch days?

Your employer, not the National Health Service, will foot the bill for these.

Are Kit days mandatory?

The short answer is no, they are not required. To the extent that your company is willing to provide them or grant you time off to care for your newborn, these are matters that you and your employer may discuss and settle upon.

Do I get paid maternity leave?

You’ll need a clause in your contract stating otherwise, and even then, it’s highly improbable unless you’ve been with the company for a very long time. The answer to this question may vary from firm to company, based on factors such as length of operation.

If you are lucky enough to be granted paternity leave after the birth of your child, keep in mind that the time off will be subtracted from any vacation days you have accumulated.

When Did You Start Wearing Maternity Clothes? A Detailed Guide - Krostrade

What does “Kit days” mean?

The number of “kit days” you receive after the birth of a child is determined by the number of days your employer allows you to take off. Kit Days are granted if a doctor or midwife advises you to remain in the hospital after giving birth, and there is no other reason why your newborn can’t come home with you right away.

Although policies differ by institution, most hospitals allow for paid leave up until the child’s first birthday (if this occurs at all). However, maternity leave is not available in modern times.

Don’t I need to inform my employer before having children?

Plans can change rapidly, so it’s best to have an open dialogue with your supervisor early on about what will happen if/when you decide to establish a family.

Can I earn money while on maternity leave?

Once again, this varies from company to company and depends on their maternity leave policies.

If you are eligible, you may receive Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) from your employer for up to 39 weeks, or 90% of your average weekly wages. Shared Parental Leave is another alternative, but it’s important to talk to your employer about it first.

What happens once I’m back at work?

More flexibility all around, essentially needless concern about what hours/days fit best for both parents, after you’re back in the workforce after having children there will be no real difference unless you remain working part-time and choose not to go full time yet. If you go back to work, however, you lose your right to SMP benefits.

What needs to be taken into consideration?

As a result of the availability of Shared Parental Leave (SPL), both parents have the option of taking leave following the birth or adoption of a child. In order for SPL to take place, all employees must have been consistently employed by the company since before the birth of their infant. Depending on where you are in your career, this could mean greater job security.

This has drawbacks in that it does not provide any financial support during those weeks; further research would be required if this was an issue. Unless otherwise specified by your company or agreed upon by you and your spouse, maternity leave concludes when paternity leave begins.

Can I get a second job while on maternity leave?

In order for SPL to take place, all employees must have been consistently employed by the company since before the birth of their infant. Depending on where you are in your career, this could mean greater job security. This has drawbacks in that it does not provide any financial support during those weeks; further research would be required if this was an issue. Unless otherwise specified by your company or agreed upon by you and your spouse, maternity leave concludes when paternity leave begins.