Updated at: 28-07-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Joyful as pregnancy and the arrival of a new baby are, there are many details to keep track of. I have no doubt that you have spent much time researching nearby playgroups and cutting-edge baby gear. It all comes down to how well you prepare yourself.

One of the most significant changes you’ll ever make is becoming a working mother. Leaving and returning to work as a working parent requires careful planning.

Things to Ask HR About Maternity Leave

The first order of business is to find out how long maternity leave lasts.

Determine if the company provides paid parental leave in addition to the typical maternity leave.

Do not be startled if you do not receive your first paycheck before the end of your maternity leave.

5 Questions to Ask Your Human Resources Department When Pregnant

Find out if paid time off like sick days, vacation, holidays, etc., can be used during maternity leave.

Questions you should ask your employer before going on maternity leave

What forms do I need to fill out to request my maternity leave?

Your company has some formalities to attend to and preparations to make for your departure. Make a list of the paperwork you’ll need to get started, including the date and address to which it should be mailed.

Do I get paid by my company while on maternity leave?

In addition to government programs, several companies also offer paid parental and paternity leave. Some of these perks may pay for your whole wage while you’re on maternity leave, while others may compensate you for a reduced workload. Be sure to inquire about such benefits from your employer. Get a full accounting of when and how much money is owed.

Am I entitled to benefits when on maternity leave?

Depending on the specifics of your benefit plan, you might be able to pay for some or all of your coverage through pretax payroll deductions. Find out from your company how paid time off is handled and whether anything else has to be done before you depart. Post-dated checks could be used to cover benefit contributions during leaves of absence, for instance.

Consider additional benefits, such as pension payments or matching contributions to your 401(k) or similar plan.

Does my maternity leave affect my vacation time?

There is a correlation between years of service and vacation pay. In theory, your maternity leave shouldn’t interfere with your vacation plans. Use your paid time off up until and including your maternity leave, if possible. For your own peace of mind, it’s best to verify your company’s official policy on vacation time before planning any extended trips.

Am I still eligible for my full bonus, or is it a prorated?

If you earn a bonus on top of your regular pay, find out how your company deals with vacation time. Depending on the terms of your employment, you may be eligible to receive a bonus during your time off.

How do I add my baby to my health insurance benefits?

You should inquire about the company’s policies while you are still pregnant. A form submission is likely required for this action. Don’t lose track of the mailing address, expected timeframe for receiving your replacement cards, and associated costs; write them down! You may add this to the pile of forms you’ll have to fill out after the baby arrives.

How can I contribute to a successful onboarding of my replacement?

Get involved in your replacement’s onboarding process to make the transition easier for yourself and your coworkers. Follow your supervisor’s example and make sure your onboarding participation is adequate.

How can I stay connected to the company through my maternity leave?

Think on how much contact you need to maintain with your workplace (or how little, if any). Talk to your supervisor or the human resources department about productive responses. Spend some time thinking about it and be ready to provide your perspective.

Can I keep company assets while on maternity leave?

Create a complete inventory of all the company tools you often use. For instance, your laptop computer and cell phone. You may request that your employer store your personal belongings during your leave of absence if you so choose. The answer could be “no” if doing so would violate business policy. But, well, why not inquire further?

Will the company continue to pay for my professional designation or licensing fees during my maternity leave?

If you work in an area that requires a license or certification, you should verify with your employer whether or not that status will remain in effect while you’re away. You definitely don’t want a few hundred dollar bill to sneak up on you during your maternity leave.

Will the company continue to pay for my education through maternity leave?

Consider the company’s policy on training during maternity leave if you are currently enrolled in such a program.

Can we set up a ‘keep in touch’ schedule?

Consider the company’s policy on training during maternity leave if you are currently enrolled in such a program.

What’s the best way to stay informed of ongoing organizational change and opportunities for career progression?

If you are currently enrolled in a training program before going on maternity leave, you may want to research the company’s training policies.

When will my performance review be administered?

Moreover, it serves as a continual reminder of your commitment to your chosen job. Before you leave, it’s important to take stock of your accomplishments and hand off any remaining responsibilities to your replacement.

Maternity Leave in Malaysia: What You Need to Know | Career Resources

How will I return to work after maternity leave?

Never wait until the last minute to start getting ready to go back to work. Determine with your manager when it is best to resume communication and discuss any other arrangements for your return to work. Make sure that you have planned out everything in advance (childcare, parking, morning routine, meals, etc.).

Will I be returning to the same role after my maternity leave?

It’s crucial to understand your company’s policy about returning to work after maternity leave. Since your duties at work may have shifted while you were out, it’s important to see how your coworkers deal with similar situations.

Do you pay for maternity leave? For how long?

87% of women believe that employers should pay for their employees’ whole maternity leave. Unfortunately, many others do not. In the event of a birth or adoption, employees of organizations with 50 or more workers are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), with several exceptions. Therefore, it may be necessary to forego pay while you learn the ropes of parenting if your workplace does not offer paid leave. Find out what services are covered and for how long. Some women are not compensated at all during their time off to have a baby, while others receive a reduced salary. You should look into short-term disability to determine whether you qualify for it.

Do I have to use PTO for doctors visits?

Working long hours makes vacation planning more challenging. There are a lot of doctor’s appointments ahead of your leave, and you don’t want to take a sick day for each one. You might ask your HR representative or your company whether they will allow you to take some time off during the day. Even if it means staying an extra hour, it’s preferable to know that it won’t be a problem before you arrive.

Who will take on my duties when I’m on maternity leave and will I still have my exact role when I return?

The ability to take time off is hampered by excessive working hours. You don’t want to use up all your sick days before you depart for all the doctor’s visits you have scheduled. The human resources department or your employer may be able to tell you if you can take a day off work. To avoid any potential issues, it is best to come early rather than late.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act provides protection for women who are discriminated against because of their pregnancy, but we know that this is not always the case. Figure out what it is and how to deal with it.

What do you need me to do before I take maternity leave?

Preparing for a maternity leave of 12 weeks or more is more challenging than preparing for the actual birth of a child. Preparation and knowledge of your employer’s expectations before to taking maternity leave will help ensure a smooth transition back into work.

Can I work remotely?

Over 70% of professionals throughout the world now work remotely at least once every week. It’s possible that you won’t be able to work remotely until after you have a baby. Ask your workplace about their telecommuting policies to see whether you can do so for one, two, or more days each week. Depending on your situation, this could mean not having to pay for as much time away from home or less money spent on child care.

Will you keep me updated while I’m on maternity leave?

There is a legal prohibition against communicating with clients or checking email while on maternity leave, not that you’ll have time for either anyhow. You should be aware of any big changes before returning to work so that you are not caught off guard. Even though you won’t miss anything, what if the company decides to merge with another or lay off half of its employees? Before departing on your journey, you should establish ground rules for how you will be communicating with one another.

What paperwork needs to be signed before I leave?

When signing a maternity leave agreement, it’s important to know exactly what’s required of you, when it’s due, and why.

Will retirement and other contributions continue while I’m on maternity leave?

If you’re in the midst of a life transition, you might not be thinking about retirement savings. You’ll get a couple weeks off with pay, but if you use all of it, you’ll need to plan accordingly. Most likely, your accounts and payments will proceed as usual, but it never hurts to verify.

How do I add my new baby to my insurance policy?

Even though there may be a mountain of paperwork to complete after giving birth, health insurance should be your top priority. Guaranteeing coverage for your ultrasounds, bloodwork, and hospital stay during pregnancy is essential, but so is knowing that your care will continue unabated after giving birth.

The answers to the aforementioned questions are crucial because not all pregnancies are planned and not all potential employees enquire about the company’s pregnancy policy prior to accepting a position. In this article, we will discuss the top 20 companies that provide excellent maternity and adoption leave policies.


When should I talk to HR about maternity leave?

In the early aftermath of sharing the news of your pregnancy, set up an appointment with HR. At the very least, 30 days’ notice must be provided for FMLA reasons; however, it is in your best interest to be well-versed in your options well in advance of needing to use them. It’s also a great opportunity to reconnect with coworkers who were away on vacation.

How do I tell HR about maternity leave?

  1. Make sure you are using the correct citation format and references.
  2. Please specify when and where you will be arriving.
  3. Don’t forget to give the recipient’s address!
  4. You should greet them the right way.
  5. Clearly state your purpose for writing.
  6. Work schedule proposal.
  7. Set forth your preferred method(s) of contact and stick to them.
  8. Think about a plan of action for getting back to work.

How do I ask HR about parental leave?

  1. Get informed on the protections afforded to you by federal law.
  2. Become familiar with the laws of your home state and municipality.
  3. Prepare in advance.
  4. Figure out what you’re going to say to your manager.
  5. Ask for a minimum of 12 paid weeks.
  6. Seek at least 12 weeks of compensation.

What does the process for applying for maternity allowance entail?

The first thing you need to do is visit your neighborhood Jobcentre Plus office and fill out a claim form. 15 weeks before your due date, or six weeks after the birth if you’re still on leave, is the absolute latest you should do this.

Women need to submit their National Insurance number, three months’ worth of pay stubs, and information on the salaries of any coworkers they have in order to register a claim. The claims process can take as long as two weeks, so be sure you have everything you need well in advance.

How long do I get paid Maternity Allowance?

Women can get statutory maternity pay for a maximum of 39 weeks (SMP).

Whether or not you are eligible for SMP and how long you were employed prior to taking maternity leave can affect the regulations for getting Maternity Allowance (MA) from your local Jobcentre Plus office.

Can my employer refuse to extend my maternity leave?

If you are a public servant, you are entitled to unpaid leave of any length, including maternity leave. When it comes to maternity leave and pay, the private sector may be in for a more difficult time as a result of federal and provincial legislation.

Get in touch with HR if you want to know more about how this applies to your organization.

What happens if I take my full amount of time off but then want to return early?

You can reduce or even cancel some of your Maternity Benefits by contacting Service Canada at any time prior to their start.

In fact, doing so during pregnancy is preferable to doing so after childbirth, when the mother will have missed out on both her paycheck and her career for a full year.

Unless there is a medical or family emergency, such as complications during pregnancy or the delivery of a child, maternity benefits cannot be stopped early.

Before Mommy may go back to work before her 15 week waiting period is up, Service Canada must give her the green light.

What happens after my Maternity Leave?

If a parent has already taken their 61 weeks of leave and would like to take further time off after their first leave has ended, they can do so for the next 37-40 months.

What is normal maternity?

Pregnancy is a special time in every woman’s life. It’s important to take care of pregnancy-related symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and heartburn, even if you’re feeling fine otherwise. Always consult your physician if you have any health-related questions or concerns. While the good times last, be sure to prioritize your health by eating right and getting plenty of rest.

Oh Baby! 10 Tips for What HR Can Expect When an Employee is Expecting - Hirschfeld Kraemer

What country has the best maternity leave?

Maternity benefits are more generous in countries with more advanced economies. Although there is no nationwide law requiring employers to provide paid leave to expecting moms, several individual states, including California and Rhode Island, do.

Many companies, including Starbucks, now provide up to 16 weeks of paid maternity leave, according to a recent article by Emily Peck of Business Insider.

How much time off should I take after having my baby?

Since there is no one-size-fits-all answer, how you feel after giving birth to your child will be the deciding factor. Remember that everyone recovers at their own time, even among the same people, so you shouldn’t let the claims of those who have recovered faster than you affect you.

How much leave should I take?

How long it takes a new mother to get back to her pre-pregnancy routine is contingent upon the nature of her pre-pregnancy employment obligations.