Updated at: 22-07-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Maternity leave is mandated by law in the United States. Time to rest and bond with newborns is an important part of motherhood. So that you can return to work as soon as possible, we’ll go over the ins and outs of reporting maternity leave on taxes in this piece.

It is common for employers to pay their workers throughout this period. Taxes are not required if the income was not earned in a typical manner. You can deduct more money from your federal tax return when you take maternity leave if you were given paid vacation or sick time while you were working.

If a woman has worked for her employer for more than a year and earns more than $250 per week, she can take up to twelve weeks off utilizing short-term disability without losing any income or benefits by submitting IRS Form 2688 to her employer. ‘ As long as your employer sends you a W-11 form, they don’t have to withhold additional FICA (Social Security) tax.

7 Ways Paid & Unpaid Family/Maternity Leave Will Affect Your 2020 Taxes

By submitting your taxes and qualifying for the Earned Income Tax Credit, you can recoup more of your maternity leave salary from the federal government than you otherwise would (EITC). If you’re married and filing jointly, your combined income must be less than $49,000 per year, or if you’re single, your combined income must be less than $20,950.

In some cases, the more children you have, the more money is repaid! If you are qualified, you can expect to receive an additional thirty dollars a month for up to a year following the birth of your child.

The amount of taxes you pay on maternity leave depends on how much you earn while you are taking time off from work.

Case study: Taxation of Maternity Benefit

This case study illustrates how Revenue adjusts tax credits and bands to take Maternity Benefit into account. These examples do not include those who have their spouse or civil partner as a joint assessee in the assessment process.

An Employee Tax Credit (€1,700 in 2022) and a personal tax credit (€1,700 in 2022) are available to all employees. The amount of their personal standard rate tax band is the cutoff threshold for their standard rate. They pay the regular rate of tax (20 percent) up to the point where their standard rate cut-off point is reached each month. The higher rate of 40% is applied to any income that exceeds the standard rate cut-off point. In order to arrive at the overall amount of tax payable, their tax credits are removed from this sum.

You may be eligible for 26 weeks of Maternity Benefit when you take maternity leave. If you qualify for the regular Maternity Benefit payment of €250 per week, you would receive €6,500 in total. Maternity Benefit taxes will be deducted from your tax credits and weekly standard rate cut-off points. Maternity Benefit tax is deducted from your weekly tax credits and deducted from your weekly cut-off point in the amount of tax owing on the weekly benefit (€250 x 20% = €50). If your employer does not supplement your Maternity Benefit, you may be eligible for a tax refund when you return to work (see Example 2 below).

Example 1: Ann is paid her full salary while on maternity leave

Ann has taken a leave of absence to give birth to her first child. Her weekly gross wage is €465 and the Department of Social Protection (DSP) pays Ann’s employer €250 in Maternity Benefit each week.

By receiving the Maternity Benefit data directly from the DSP (see above for how this is done), Revenue will cut Ann’s annual tax credits and rate band by the Maternity Benefit amount, and issue her a corrected tax credit certificate. It has been determined that Ann’s new weekly rate band is €458 and that her new weekly tax credits are €15.38.

Ann’s weekly salary while she is on maternity leave is made up of:

Total: €715

The employer deducts tax, USC, and PRSI from the corporate salary (€465). Ann’s tax credits and rate band are reduced as a result of the €250 Maternity Benefit part of her tax bill. There is no charge for the Maternity Benefit to the USC or PRSI.

Using the business salary part of Ann’s take-home pay of €465, the following is how the tax liability is calculated:

Example 2: Sally is not paid any top-up by her employer while she is on maternity leave. Her Maternity Benefit is paid directly to her while she is on leave.

During her maternity leave, Sally is not paid by her job, hence the following applies. In total, Sally made €36,920 a year (€710 a week). Taxes, PRSI, and the UC were all paid on a weekly basis by her. On the assumption that she would continue to earn the same amount throughout the year, her tax and Universal Social Charge were subtracted.

Her UC/PRSI obligations end when she begins receiving Maternity Benefits and leaves work on maternity leave (since these are not charged on Maternity Benefit). The Universal Social Charge may be refunded to her. Her tax credits while she is on maternity leave are likely to exceed the amount of Maternity Benefit tax she is required to pay, and she may also have paid more tax on her wage before to taking maternity leave.

Taxation of Maternity, Adoptive, and Health and Safety Benefits

Any increase in benefits for dependents (such as maternity or adoption benefits) is subject to Income Tax (IT). Universal Social Charge (USC) and Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) are not applicable to these payments (PRSI).

Here, any references to Maternity Benefit can be interpreted to include Adoption Benefit and Health Benefit. These advantages are taxed in a similar manner.

How Maternity Benefit is taxed

Taxpayer information on Maternity Benefit payments is available from the Department of Social Protection (DSP). If you receive Maternity Benefit and you are a Pay As You Earn (PAYE) taxpayer we collect the tax due.

We’ll take weekly tax payments instead of monthly ones, and we’ll cut your annual tax credits and rate band as a result. We achieve this by ‘annualizing’ the weekly amount of Maternity Benefit. The weekly value is multiplied by 52 to arrive at a hypothetical annualized amount. Tax credits and rate bands are slashed by this amount every year.

On a ‘week 1’ basis, the maternity benefit is paid. So, each week is a new week in terms of tax credits and rate bands. Tax Credit Certificates show this information (TCC). Your employer will receive a new Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN) from us.

Only while receiving Maternity Benefits will you be eligible for the weekly adjusted tax credit and rate band. After the last payment is received from DSP, they are recalculated.

Full wage received and Maternity Benefit paid to employer

IT, USC, and PRSI taxes are levied on the difference between the wages you receive from your job and the Maternity Benefits you receive from your company.

‘Top-up’ wage and Maternity Benefit received

IT, USC, and PRSI only apply to money you get from your employer, not money you earn on the job.

Only Maternity Benefit received (no wage paid)

On a weekly basis, your employer will be able to access a revised RPN.

You may be entitled to a tax refund. Your employer can’t give you a refund because the RPN is based on a week 1 basis. See if the week 1 basis can be removed by contacting your local Revenue office.

At the end of the tax year, you may still be on a week 1 basis. If you use PAYE services in myAccount, you can submit an annual income tax return and we’ll assess your tax situation.

How to Report Maternity Leave on Taxes - Krostrade

Maternity Benefit claims that span two tax years

A two-year paternity leave is possible for you (for example November to April). In Year 2, maternity benefits are taxed by reducing tax credits and the tax bracket. We’ve been doing this since the beginning of the second year. As a result, the tax owing on the Maternity Benefit in Year 2 is spread out over the entire tax year.

Couples taxed under joint assessment

Depending on your tax credits and rate band, you may be unable to collect the full amount of tax you owe. The remaining amount will be collected by lowering the tax credits and rate band of your spouse or civil partner.


Do I have to report maternity leave on my taxes?

Paid maternity leave is not generally tax deductible, however it is occasionally covered by health insurance. TurboTax asks for this information in the Federal, Wages and Income, Wages and Slaries, Form W2 section if it is taxable.

Will I get a tax refund after maternity leave?

How much will I have to pay in taxes because of them? Yes, that’s the quick answer. EI benefits, including maternity/parental/adoption leave benefits, are taxable income and must be recorded on your tax return.

Will I get a tax rebate during my maternity leave?

Maternity leave often covers two tax years, thus tax is calculated on a calendar year basis. The greater the likelihood that you will be entitled for a tax refund if your maternity leave begins sooner in the tax year. You won’t be eligible for a tax rebate if your tax code is changed to reflect your lower income in the year you return to work. You should apply for a tax rebate after April 5, 2020, if your baby was born in the 2019/2020 tax year and your total income is less than your personal allowance. If you earn a lot of money and pay a lot of taxes, you may be eligible for a tax rebate. To obtain a tax refund, click on the following link: https://www.gov.uk/check-income-tax-last-year

How long it will take to get maternity or parental benefits

As soon as you quit working, apply for EI or Quebec Parental Insurance Plan benefits. For the first four to six weeks, you won’t receive any money.

Even if your employer hasn’t yet issued your Record of Employment, you can apply for EI maternity payments.

To apply for maternity or parental benefits, you’ll need a copy of your employment record from your employer. Include the adoption paperwork in your application if you’re adopting.

The first two weeks of EI maternity and parental leave are usually a waiting period in most provinces and territories. During this time, you will not receive any benefits. The benefits you’ll receive in Quebec are immediately available, and there is no waiting time for them.

Amount of money you’ll get from maternity and parental benefits

Most EI maternity and parental payments are limited to a maximum amount of 55 percent of your salary.

The Quebec Parental Insurance Plan covers up to 75% of a parent’s income.

Benefits you get while on maternity, parental, or adoption leave are subject to taxation.

Find out how much EI maternity and parental benefits will pay you.

Low-income maternity or parental benefit supplements

Supplemental maternity or parental benefits are available to low-income families that meet certain criteria.

  • a family’s entire income
  • child dependents as a percentage of total

You may be eligible for the Family Supplement to Employment Insurance.

Employer benefits for new parents

In some cases, new parents are given additional benefits by their employers. Extensive medical and dental coverage and additional parental leave compensation are two such examples.

Ask your workplace if they offer paid and unpaid time off for parents.

See if you’re able to:

  • lengthen your parental leave by taking vacation and sick days
  • you can receive health and dental insurance while you’re on vacation
  • During your absence, you should keep contributing to your pension.

Paying for health and dental benefits while on parental leave

Get answers to these questions before you take a parental leave:

  • While your time off from work, how much medical and dental coverage you will have.
  • health and dental insurance premiums can be expensive if you have to pay for them out of your own pocket.
  • any differences in coverage or expenses that may result from moving from individual to family health insurance

Pay for your own health and dental coverage while on parental leave if your company doesn’t cover them. If you’re interested in learning more, speak with your manager.

Don’t forget to budget for any insurance premiums you may have to pay.

Coordinating insurance benefits

Your eligible expenses may be covered to the fullest extent possible if your insurance benefits are coordinated with those of your spouse or partner. You can submit a single claim to your plan, and then make a second claim to your spouse or partner’s plan to cover the rest of the expense with the help of coordinated benefits.

Making pension contributions while on parental leave

Retirement savings will be reduced if you don’t continue to make pension contributions while you’re on leave.

For those who contribute to their employer’s pension plan, learn more:

  • whether you’ll miss out on any pension payments since you’re on leave
  • how to keep contributing to your pension even if you’re on vacation
  • how to make up for the pension contributions you missed once you start working again

Employer-sponsored income top-ups

In some cases, you may be able to receive a financial boost while on parental leave. Supplementing your EI or QPIP payments, this additional income covers a percentage of your normal paycheck.

Check to see if your employer provides a bonus on top of your base salary.

  • when it comes to your compensation
  • an idea of when we can expect a top-up
  • If you have to return to work at a specific hour and stick around for a given amount of time, you’ll need to be prepared.

What you need to know about maternity leave and your tax return | Smart Tips

How your maternity and paternal benefits are taxed

While on maternity or paternity leave, all income you receive is subject to taxation.

These include:

  • Employer-sponsored extras
  • Employer’s insurance (EI) benefits for mothers and fathers
  • Quebec’s Maternity and Paternity Insurance Plan

maternity and parental benefit deductions aren’t based on your overall earnings. Tax deductions will instead be based on the presumption that you are solely relying on benefits from EI or the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan for the year.

Income tax deductions from maternity and parenting benefits do not take into consideration:

  • prior to taking a leave of absence
  • other sources of income.
  • Employer-sponsored extras

That could lead to owing taxes at the end of the year since you didn’t pay enough income tax.

How to avoid an unexpected tax bill

If you receive a top-up during your parental leave, ask your employer how much of that money will be taxed.

Putting money aside to cover your tax obligations when you file your return can help you avoid a nasty tax surprise. It’s also possible to request a larger income tax deduction from your employer before you leave on maternity or paternity leave.

How do I get around without buying maternity clothes?

You don’t have to spend a fortune on maternity clothing. If you know where to look, you can find them for a lot less money than you would pay in a department store if you buy them online.

Is it OK to use an exercise ball while pregnant?

Pregnant women should not rely solely on an exercise ball for their workouts, as these exercises might strain the muscles and ligaments in their pelvic, resulting in increased pain and discomfort during the course of the pregnancy.

Wearing high heels while trying to conceive is also discouraged since studies have shown that they inhibit blood flow to the uterus, which could reduce fertility.

Can I exercise during pregnancy?

Yes, as long as you don’t have any medical reasons to avoid it! Increasing blood flow to the muscles relaxes the smooth muscular tissue of the digestive system, hence reducing morning sickness symptoms. Trimesters one and two may see an increase in energy from this, but don’t overdo it or give up if you feel exhausted after working out because recuperation time, especially later on when exhaustion is more common, is just as vital.

Pregnant women should avoid exercising at high elevations (over 8000 feet) because of the possibility of acquiring hypoxia, which is a life-threatening condition.

What should I expect at my second prenatal appointment?

You will be weighed and measured before your blood pressure is taken during this session. By gently pushing her palms over your uterus, the midwife will be able to determine how huge it has gotten. Internal examinations or ultrasound scans may also be used to determine the baby’s position and heartbeat.

Pregnant women of any age are offered these tests regardless of their risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome or any other chromosomal abnormality, so it’s important to know what to look for. Don’t be alarmed; they won’t hurt you or your kid in any way whatsoever.

You should be weighed and measured by your midwife before your blood pressure is taken. An internal examination or ultrasound scan to determine the baby’s position and heart rate may also be performed, as well as feeling your uterus (by pushing their hands over it).

All pregnant women, regardless of age, are offered a simple vaginal swabbing test in which cells from the cervix are obtained to see whether there are any symptoms that the baby could have Down syndrome or other chromosomal anomalies. Do not be concerned about these tests while scheduling an appointment with the midwives because they will not cause any harm to you or your unborn child.

Does maternity pay count as income?

Some of the statutory maternity pay is disregarded under the Universal Credit regulations since it is categorized as ‘earnings’. As a result, the full amount of Maternity Allowance is counted as income rather than earnings.

What is the difference between a midwife and an OBGYN?

A midwife is a trained health care provider who has completed specialized training in the fields of obstetrics, maternity care, neonatology, and maternal and child health. In order to keep expectant mothers healthy, they work closely with them throughout their pregnancies.

obstetricians and gynecologists (ob-gyns) specialize in the care of women’s reproductive systems at all stages of life, including conception, pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period, including issues related to childbirth, such as infertility. Prenatal care, postnatal care, and family planning are all included in the scope of midwifery practice.

Expanded Maternity Leave Benefits Now Tax-Free

Which country has the most generous maternity leave?

However, it is vital to keep in mind that some countries offer new moms much longer paid time off than others. When it comes to parental leave, new moms in Australia can receive 18 weeks or 52 days, whereas women in Canada can only receive up to 17 weeks of parental leave (or 50 working days).