Updated at: 04-08-2022 - By: cnbusinessnews

In case you don’t know, what exactly do you mean when you refer to a “Franklin stove”? There is no back wall in a Franklin fireplace; instead, it is supported by blisters. It has both wooden and iron components.

Some historians believe it predated 1742 when it was supposedly invented by Benjamin Franklin. If Franklin hadn’t enhanced the cast iron metallurgy, this stove wouldn’t have caught fire.

The Franklin stove was a safer and more efficient alternative to a standard fireplace. Therefore, this stove can be utilized with full assurance. It has been utilized for over 200 years in both rural and urban settings across the United States.

What A Franklin Stove Is

You have probably used a Franklin stove before. Take a closer look at this stove, please. To raise the chimney, Franklin’s original plan called for opening the flue from below, which was a horrible idea because the exhaust gas would have to go downward.

Perhaps as a result of the quick fixes made by others, Franklin himself constructed a vastly superior model in the 1770s that made greater use of smoke extraction and coal. When compared to contemporary wood and pellet stoves, antique Franklin stoves are inferior in terms of efficiency, clean burning, and safety.

Almanac: The Franklin stove - CBS News

These are nevertheless preferable than a huge inglenook that does nothing except soak up and release the room’s heat. Regardless, information about inglenook fireplaces is available. Some contemporary Franklins have glass doors that open to display an efficient burner or open fire for instantaneous warmth and aesthetic appeal.

The Franklin Wood Stove Design

The Pennsylvania fireplace, often called a circulating stove, was a type of hearth that used an inverted siphon and a hollow baffle to collect more heat from a fire than would have been possible with a standard design.

The inverted siphon, which is U-shaped, acts as a flue, drawing smoke and other combustion byproducts from the fire and directing them up and over a perforated baffle at the stove’s rear.

The stove’s hot air is released from the baffle through two vents at the top.

Due to its open front, a freestanding stove may effectively heat an entire room when positioned in its center.

However, the stove’s inverted siphon meant that the airflow was inadequate.

Before reaching the chimney, the smoke cooled off too much in the flue, reducing the draft.

In order to keep the flue hot enough to create a strong draft, the fire had to be maintained burning constantly.

This issue hampered sales of the stove.

How Does The Stove Work?

The works of Jean Desaguliers and Franz Kessler had an impact on Franklin.

As he was fixing the fireplace, he spent hours poring over articles on how to maximize heat output from a given quantity of fuel.

There is a higher chance of fire and smoke inhalation while using open fires in the home.

Kessler’s inverted siphon was a source of innovation for his efforts to maximize the efficiency with which he recovered combustion gases.

Franklin designed his fireplace to exhaust fumes up the chimney while simultaneously eliminating as much heat as possible from gases.

The Franklin Stove was built with cast iron rather than brick or stone.

In contrast to conventional open fires, Desagulier’s experiments demonstrated that cast iron was an efficient heat transmitter.

Franklin found that metal could be used in place of wood to heat a dwelling more effectively.

The original Franklin wood stove had a firebox at the bottom of the chimney, which made it difficult to properly vent smoke and other byproducts of combustion.

The first design of the Franklin stove was inefficient and problematic because smoke rises.

Despite these drawbacks, however, the stove was still preferable to the open fires of the previous generation.

The Franklin stove had a profound effect on people all over the United States because it increased fireplace safety and ultimately saved many lives.

The modern stoves that we are all familiar with today evolved from variations on Franklin’s original fireplace design.

Modern stoves are constructed using cutting-edge technology and are very efficient to provide users with the greatest possible experience.

Since Franklin did not file a patent for his stove, others were free to modify it and make it better.

In 1780, David Rittenhouse made a major improvement to the stove by designing an L-shaped vent.

Installing A Franklin Wood Stove

  1. If you want to be sure your stove is installed safely, away from any combustible walls, check with the building department. Stoves need to be placed on fire-resistant pads. All furniture, the ceiling, and the walls should have the same distances between them.
  2. In order to set up the legs for a new range, one need consult the manual.
  3. Before you can start using your stove, you’ll need to attach the chimney adapter and washer. A chimney is placed over the vent on the top or back of the stove casing to allow smoke to escape. Fireproof liner must be secured to the bottom of the chimney adaptor with screws.
  4. Starting with the stove’s chamber, set the grille and ash pan in place. A grill with ash-collecting holes can be used in conjunction with an ash pan.
  5. Flue the stove into your chimney by setting it on a fireproof stand.

What Is A Franklin Stove? Amazing Facts You Should Know! - Krostrade

How It Came About?

The authors Jean Desaguliers and Franz Kessler had an impact on Franklin’s thinking. He labored for hours on end to perfect a fireplace that would require less wood but yet provide adequate warmth. The objective was to lessen the likelihood of house fires and other accidents involving fire by eliminating unnecessary sources of ignition. A Kessler inverted siphon improved his ability to gather combustion gases. It is possible to remove as much heat from Franklin’s vapors as possible by packing them into the chimney.

The Franklin stove, constructed of cast iron, was designed to be used in place of brick. The research conducted by Desagulier shows that cast iron produces a hotter flame than conventional open fires. Franklin also found out that metal might potentially be used as a better, more constant, and quieter heat source for the residence.

There were many functional issues with the original design of the Franklin wood stove, which had a firebox at the heart of the fireplace. Problems arose, in part, because of an increase in smoke, which was already a factor in its failure. Despite its drawbacks, the stove was much more secure than the conventional fireplaces of the time.

With its improved safety features, the Franklin fireplace has helped save countless lives and is now enjoyed by people all around the country. Modern fireplaces are the result of iterative refinements to Franklin’s original design and technological advances. Even though modern stoves are highly efficient and made to give people the best possible technological experience, Franklin has never filed a patent for an improved design or efficiency.

David Rittenhouse made the most important changes in 1780 by adding an L-shaped vent to smoke the fire via an oven, which considerably increased the fireplace’s popularity.


Franklin’s wood fireplace was more efficient and safer than modern wood fireplaces. Most examples had a front door that folded down and stood on three legs. They were made to be burned with the doors wide open, and the resulting heat can be lethal if you’re not careful. They should have been that way.

The front doors are closed when the unit is not in use because it is used more like a fireplace than a wood stove. Costing money and taking up valuable space, firewood is not a practical fuel source.

The high levels of smoke they generate and the difficulty in controlling them indoors make them a fire hazard. That’s why so many families have made the switch to wood-burning fireplaces, which are also more efficient, safer, and visually appealing. Consider how long it takes for water to cause damage to wood for similar content.

How did the Franklin stove help people?

Benjamin Franklin created the Franklin stove to assist colonists heat their homes more effectively and safely. Inefficient but nonetheless widely used, fireplaces were the primary source of heat for dwellings in colonial America. They lost a lot of heat and produced a lot of smoke due to the chimney. The electric Franklin stove was designed to get around this problem.

Franklin’s stoves were great for heating homes because they were more efficient than conventional fireplaces and could be adjusted to produce temperatures ranging from scorching to bearable. There are those who, even in the midst of winter, don’t need or want a particularly cold place to live. Another perk was that it wasn’t necessary to wait for the fire to die down completely before lighting another one. By virtue of these features, Franklin stoves were appealing alternatives to traditional open fires for both heating and cooking.

Several of Franklin’s innovations simplified stove operation and improved their usability. They now include handles so that they can be easily carried and emptied into the trash. Soot built up over time on the metal in the fireplace chamber, but this had little influence on the stove’s performance, therefore he made his stoves so that they didn’t need cleaning very often.

By the end of his life, Franklin had created new materials that are still in widespread use today. For instance, he developed pollution-free lighting by placing charcoal within glass tubes.

How did the stove impact society?

It was also made to keep the room at a pleasant temperature once the fire was put out. Benjamin Franklin created the Franklin stove “for greater warming of rooms and at the same time saving fuel as the fresh air admitted was warmed.” As a result, we looked for societal effects that would have the least negative influence on the environment and the least amount of human effort. Historically, many people consider the Franklin stove to be the first practical cooking device available to the general public.

The Franklin stove improved people’s lives by decreasing the amount of money spent on heating and cooking. Franklin’s experiments in the 1770s inspired Thomas Edison to experiment with lamps that used energy from radio receivers powered by solar panels, which originally contained materials made using procedures similar to those employed by Edison. Without this precedent, the development of silicon-based photovoltaic cells in the 1970s and 1980s is extremely unlikely.

The Franklin stove has had an impact on city development.

What was special about the Franklin stove?

Franklin’s stove was unique because of its hollow baffle (a metal plate used to restrict gas flow) and its upside-down siphon flue. As a result of these improvements, it was far more energy efficient than comparable stoves of the period.

Farmers who had no way of replacing a broken Franklin stove dubbed it “the family stove” because of how easy it was to keep in working order. Further, it didn’t generate much smoke or have any other unfavorable effects on the atmosphere.

Finally, the Franklin stove made significant historical contributions by proving that natural gas could be used to heat homes instead of wood. Before this innovation, coal and oil were the only fuel options for heaters.

The Franklin stove is an incredible innovation for many reasons. It was cleaner and more effective than its predecessor.

Why wasn’t Benjamin Franklin’s stove successful?

Franklin’s stove was not a commercial success. An inverted siphon meant that smoke from the stove had to go via a cold flue (placed on the floor) before it could reach the chimney, which led to inadequate ventilation. Also, most people didn’t have access to stoves despite their low cost.

Many residences at the time lacked fireplaces, so people turned to hot air balloons and open fires to keep warm.

Ben Franklin Wood Stove, First Fire in the Off Grid Log Cabin - YouTube

In the end, Benjamin Franklin kept quiet about his invention. It was never anything he wrote about or spoke about in public. This may have been the underlying cause of its failure.

It’s A Wrap!

In general, I would advise against putting in a Franklin wood stove if you’re wanting to avoid fire risks. But Franklin is remembered for his lifelong fight to make homes safer from fire. Frankly, all the credit belongs to him when someone wonders what a Franklin stove is. You should shop around for a modern wood stove that meets your needs: one that consumes less wood, emits less smoke, and is safer to operate overall. The knowledge of what a fire blanket is might be useful for protecting yourself and others.