Updated at: 31-10-2022 - By: cnbusinessnews

Not sure where to put the ashes from your wood stove? Never discard the wood ashes from your fireplace. Read the whole post to fully appreciate these resources.

Both your house and yard will profit immensely from its use. When we used wood stoves for heat, we had to clean the grate of ash every day.

You can now make use of the ash that accumulates whenever a fire or wood stove is used. But what exactly do you intend to do with it? There’s no reason for alarm, pals. To help you make the most of your wood stove’s ash, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite uses for wood ash. Read on to learn more.

What is Ash?

Find it intriguing that ash cannot be used to start a fire a second time? Ash, like soot, is composed of very small, gathered particles that were not entirely consumed by the fire. Inhaling ash and soot can irritate the respiratory system. Diseases like asthma and heart disease can be made much worse by exposure to toxic particles.

Acute irritation caused by inhaling ash or soot might express itself in the following ways:

  • My throat hurts so bad.
  • My nose is stuffed up.
  • Coughing
  • Skin irritants
  • Tired, irritable, and bloodshot eyes

In most cases, removing a healthy adult experiencing such symptoms from the trigger will alleviate them.

When to clean your stove’s ashes

Many people find that removing the ashes from a wood fire requires a lot of guesswork. Even while you should clean the ash out of the fireplace on a regular basis, you should also leave a small amount at the bottom for combustion.

If You Throw Away Your Wood Ash, You May Regret It For Life

One to two inches of ash is the sweet spot for your stove. Any accumulated ash should be removed using a scoop. It’s not a good idea to remove the ashes from the fireplace after each use. Leave some ash in the bottom of the stove so you may start a new fire and keep it going.

Tips for Ash Removal

Ash removal from fireplaces and wood stoves poses a health risk that is often overlooked. When working with ash, it is imperative that you wear protective gear to prevent breathing in any of the particles. Dressing in long slacks and a long-sleeved shirt will help prevent skin irritation.

The ash dump door of your fireplace is located in the middle of the firebox, also known as the hearth floor. To move the ashes from the ash pit to the fireplace, open the ash pit door and use a soft broom. Leaving a thin layer of ash on the floor of the fire pit can increase the amount of heat produced by the fire and has many other uses. The ashes need to be dumped via a second door, either in the basement or at the outdoor chimney’s foundation. To be clear, there is no need for haste. For a long time, many homeowners avoided cleaning out the ash pit.

After the last fire has burned out, wait at least 24 hours before cleaning out the ash pan, firebox, or wood stove. Wearing the aforementioned protective gear, shovel the ash into a metal pail with a lid. Keep in mind that you must never dispose of ash in a combustible container. Don’t stir up the ash or let it fly around if you can help it.

What to Do with Ash / Ash Disposal

Keep the ashes far away from your house and front porch. Choose a surface that won’t catch fire and make sure it’s away from anything that could catch fire. Even if the ash bucket were metal, it would still be the cause of a number of fires each year in American homes. It’s remarkable that ashes may retain their heat even when they appear to be cold. Because embers might be rekindled by the wind, it is important to keep the lid on an ash bucket tightly closed.

Once the risk of fire has passed, you can return the ash to your garden’s ash pile. It is not necessary to use a metal trash can; a regular trash can will do.

During the cleaning procedure, it will be next to impossible to prevent ash from entering the home. Why not get a chimney sweep to come take a look at it? They are equipped to execute the work without damaging your property in any way.

Different Ideas To Do With Ashes From Wood Stove

Even if we don’t use as much firewood as we used to, ash is a valuable raw material that may be used in a variety of ways around the country. We’ve compiled eight options for properly discarding ashes from wood stoves:

Enhancing the soil

Wood ash is water-soluble, thus it could quickly increase the pH of your grass soil if you apply it. Test the soil in your garden or lawn for its pH level to get started. Most lawn and garden soils thrive between a 6.0 and 7.0 pH range. If the pH level is greater than seven, then the substance is alkaline. pH values below 6 are considered acidic.

The pH of your soil is unchangeable if it falls between 6 and 7. Tomato plants, for instance, require a lot of calcium and potassium, which can be provided by using wood ash as a soil supplement. Water solubility is another benefit.

Plants’ root systems can’t handle the loss of calcium and potassium when soil pH drops too low (which is deficient in these minerals). It could be useful to know how to reduce the pH when working with hydroponics.

Aluminum, magnesium, phosphorus, and salt can all be found in wood ash in minute quantities. They can be obtained from other sources, however this one can be utilized if necessary. This method can be used to revive a wide variety of plant species. Crop rotations and depleted soils can benefit from this.

Be sure to research the needs of your garden before adding wood ash. Rhododendrons and blueberries are two plants that thrive on acidic soil. In addition, adding more wood ash to your system all of a sudden is never a good choice.

11 Kinds of Wood that Should Not be Burned in a Fireplace + BONUS MATERIAL - Down to Earth Homesteaders

In addition to your compost pile

Composting can be done in either an exterior compost battery or an indoor compost bin. Each layer of compost adds a little something to the final soil or “compost tea,” in the form of nutrients. Wood ash tea can be made by soaking ash in water for four to five days and then scattering the resulting liquid on the ground. It has been suggested that adding three pounds of wood ash to a 30-gallon water tank and letting it steep and filter (like a giant wood-ash teapot) could be beneficial to plants.

Use as a cleaner

We have the free solution you need to clean glass and metal. Wood ash diluted in water is effective for cleaning glass, buffering oxidized metals, and removing adhesive residues and stains. Use a cotton towel to wipe up any spills, and put on some gloves to avoid any skin damage. You should test the waters in a small area first to see the impact on the final product.

Making a soap

One of the primary components of soap, lye, was combined with water and wood ash to create the earliest homemade soaps. The amount of potassium in hardwood ash is sufficient to make lye. In any event, by clicking on the offered links, you can get the facts regarding lye and organic soap.

Even if you don’t need to buy a bottle or bar of soap for further use, you can still produce your own by following the correct production procedures. Follow the instructions from a reliable source and always use protective gear while attempting any sort of home experiment to reduce the risk of injury.

Preventing hazardous pests

Repellent properties of wood ash have been shown against slugs and snails. After the ash has been washed off the plants by the rain, reapply.

Slick pathway traction

In the same manner that gravel is spread on snowy roads to increase traction, wood ash can serve the same purpose. Some should be kept in a locked metal container in your vehicle in case you need to flee a perilous situation.

Cleaning up driveway spills

Having to get your car’s oil changed? …or anything else that would alter its hue if spilled across it. You can use the wood ash to soak up the liquid. The driveway may be covered in black asphalt, but the ash’s absorbent properties should help you locate it afterwards.

Putting out fire

It’s possible that a thick layer of ash can act as a fireproof barrier. Wood ash can be used to assist put out a fire in the absence of a fire extinguisher, soil, or sand. Make sure there are no leftover molding burrs in the vicinity after putting out a fire. A final inspection of the area around the fire’s origin verifies that it will not restart. It could be useful to know what a “fire blanket” is.

Remove Sticky Residue From Jars

One of many cheap and effective ways to clean the house yourself is to use fireplace ash. Using a microfiber cloth and a paste produced from wood ash and water, you can easily remove stubborn label residue from jars.

Neutralize Odors

Roughly the only thing worse than a stinky trash can is a stinky refrigerator. You undoubtedly already know that baking soda can be used to eliminate odors in specific areas. The fireplace ash can be used as a substitute due to its alkaline composition. Throw some ash in a bowl and store it in your fridge or at the bottom of your trash can to neutralize any lingering smells. If your cat’s litter box has a problem with odors, try adding a couple cups of fireplace ash to it.

Clean Your Fireplace Glass

Soot can quickly accumulate on glass fireplace doors, but cleaning them with wood ash is quick and easy. When the glass has cooled, add an ash and water paste to a cotton rag or sponge and scrub.

Protect Yourself From Icy Conditions

If you happen to reside in a frigid, snowy region, you should always have a jar of wood ash on hand. Similar to the use of salt or gravel, it can serve as a traction assist on a driveway or sidewalk. Put some in your car just in case you slide off the road.

Repel Pests

There is a wide variety of options for keeping pests away from your home. Fireplace ash can be used as a non-chemical alternative to seal off the problem areas from insects and rodents. This technique can be used independently or in tandem with the help of a local pest control expert.

Clean Up Oil Spills

Using wood ash as a temporary fix for oil leaks in your car is a quick and easy solution. To prevent oil from damaging your pavement, use fireplace ash to absorb up any spills. It’s best to wait until the ash has absorbed all of the oil before cleaning it out of there.

Prevent Mold

Similar to how a driveway might become a puddle when it rains, wood ash can gather water from the air. Place several tin cans or jars full of fireplace ash in a wet spot of your home to deter mold growth. The use of charcoal can boost the efficacy of the concoction slightly. If there is any question as to whether mold or mildew is present in or around your home, you should have a professional inspection performed.

Brighten Your Whites

If you don’t want to use bleach or you’ve run out, you can clean your clothes in a solution created from fireplace ash. By mixing wood ash with water, lye water is produced, which is used as a standard soaping ingredient. A cup of lye water can be used in the washing machine as a bleaching agent to achieve whiter garments.

Clean Your Grill

Clean your barbecue grates quickly and easily with wood ash. Wearing protective gloves, apply a thick paste of ash and water to the openings. Next, get an abrasive sponge and some rubber gloves to scrub away the grime and burned-on debris. When you’re done, give everything a good rinsing with water.

Unclog Your Drains

Put some fireplace ash down the drain before hiring a plumber. Down the offending drain, add a cup of wood ash mixed with warm water and let it sit for a few hours before flushing it with more water. Use finer, white or gray, non-wet ash instead of combining it with other chemicals or cleaning agents.

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Polish Silverware

Is it time for new dishes? If your jewelry has lost its luster, try cleaning it with some fireplace ash. You can polish silver or any other dull metal with a mixture made of water and ash using a microfiber cloth. Rinse and dry the metal thoroughly after polishing it.

It’s A Wrap!

Once you have some ideas in mind, the ashes from your wood burning stove can be put to many different purposes.