Updated at: 06-05-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

How do you start a DeviantArt donation pool? All you need to do is choose a goal amount for your donation, and then include a donation button on your DeviantArt page.

Art fans or artists who want to raise money for their DeviantArt creations are likely among the group. It’s possible that you’re one of those people who savor the colors and shapes of art.

Whatever the situation may be, you’ll need DeviantArt points to get ahead. However, what is DeviantArt? What is the point system, and how does it work? This post will address all of your concerns.


Most artists and art enthusiasts use DeviantArt as a medium to express their passions and personalities via their work. A cultural context informs the methods used to create, capture, and disseminate art. At present, it is one of the most comprehensive social networks for artists and art-related individuals. It would be possible for them to display, share, or promote their work with others who share their passion in art.

How To Start A Donation Pool On DeviantArt - Krostrade

Millions upon millions of people have become members and visitors to the page over the past decade. Many of the users, known as “deviants,” upload an incredible number each day in a variety of artistic mediums ranging from painting to animation to digital art.

Point System

Getting started on DeviantArt is easy thanks to their point system, which can be used for both purchasing a basic membership and supporting individual artists’ commissions. But what are the benefits of accumulating points?

#1. Buy Deviantart merchandize

To put it another way, if you have enough points, you can make purchases from some of your favorite deviants. Paying for goods and services from your favorite deviants in the DeviantArt Marketplace.

#2. Share with your friends

One of the best ways to show your appreciation for a favorite deviant artist is through point sharing. If you’d want, you can easily give one away as a present or for commission. Try asking strangers for points as easily as sharing.

Starting A Donation Pool

On DeviantArt, how can you begin a donation pool? If you’d like to earn more points, there are two ways to do it. That can be done by using a point transfer system or by using your currency to pay for things you don’t want.

#1. Money Conversion

Adding money to your points is an easy way to build them up. There are 80 points in a dollar. You can begin the transfer by filling out the form on the Points page.

#2. Donations

A fantastic method to increase your score is to ask for advice from another artist. A donation pool on DeviantArt or a request for themes from your friends are also viable options. Here are a few easy steps to follow if you want to start a donation pool. You’ll first need to log in to your DeviantArt account. Go to your account settings. Toward the bottom of the screen, next to your username, you’ll find a button titled “Edit Page.”

The next step is to find the Donate Points option on the left side panel by scrolling through the pages. In the Personal Zone, click and drag it to the top of the page. After that, click finished to store your changes. If you haven’t set a goal, you won’t be able to accept a donation. Set a destination before anything else. The number of points you hope to earn is known as your points target. It’s time to finalize the donors’ details, such as whether their names will appear or merely their avatars.

Users of DeviantArt can now donate points to you anonymously or privately once you’ve saved. It doesn’t matter what they do or how much they present; you will still be notified. Your donation page will show the same amount you received even if your goal is set at 200.

Points Guidelines

Of course, DeviantArt’s point system has its own set of regulations. Maintaining a sense of fairness and order is the purpose of this rule. If this is your first time, take advantage of the opportunity to become more familiar with the regulations so that you can earn the most points possible.

#1. DeviantArt members only

Only DeviantArt members are eligible to use the DeviantArt points. For those who haven’t yet signed up, there is no point system. Registration and account creation are the only steps required.

#2. No reverse transfer

Donating points is an irreversible decision, thus you must be sure that everything is proper before deciding to do so. When exchanging money for points, the same rules apply. If you buy something with money, you can add points to your account, but you can’t get your money back.

#3. Limited point transfer

A maximum of 3,500 points can be transferred in a single transaction, or 20,000 points can be transferred to the same individual in a year. As a result, you can’t send points indefinitely, unless you have a ton of them.

#4. Security

DeviantArt will always protect the personal transactions of points.. As well, do your share. Keep track of your balance and read the entire terms and conditions of the point system when each transaction is completed.

How to Create a Leave Donation Program

A program known as “leave donation” or “leave sharing” enables employees to give unused paid time off (PTO), vacation, or sick time to a general pool for the benefit of coworkers who are dealing with medical problems or natural catastrophes and have exhausted all of their paid leave options. Employee morale and camaraderie may be boosted as a result of leave-donation schemes, which may benefit both the firm and employees. There may also be an impact on productivity, absenteeism and recruitment and retention of high-quality staff from these employee-friendly activities.

One of the basic tenets of tax law is that even if someone receives paid time off and can utilize it or donate it as they see fit, they must still pay taxes on it. As a result, both parties would be taxed on any leave earned by one employee and given to another. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows for two exceptions in which leave can be granted without tax repercussions to the giver.

Medical emergency exception

It is described as “medical condition of the employee or a member of the employee’s immediate family requiring prolonged/extended absence from employment and resulting in substantial loss of income to the employee, independent from the leave-sharing arrangement,” a “medical emergency exception.” See Private Ruling Letter, Rev. Rul. 90-29, 1990-1 C.B. 11, for more information.

Major disaster exception

There are two types of disasters that are considered “major disaster exceptions”: those proclaimed by the president under the Stafford Act’s section 401 or those that are declared by the president for federal agencies under Section 6391 of Title 5, United States Code (TLCS). After a catastrophic disaster is declared by the president, the IRS permits employees affected by the disaster to receive leave gifts without incurring tax repercussions for the giver (s). See Notice 2006-59 from the Internal Revenue Service.

Before initiating a leave donation program, employers must take into account a number of variables, as outlined in the steps that follow.

Step 1: Decide Which Type of Leave Donation Program to Implement

Medical emergency leave

A pool of donated leave may be offered to employees who have exhausted their paid leave if they need to care for a spouse, child, or parent who has a medical emergency, and they have exhausted all of their paid leave.

To qualify as a “bona fide employer-sponsored (medical) leave-sharing agreement,” a plan must meet the following criteria:

  1. Written and administered by the employer should be required.
  2. The bank or pool of donated vacation time might be established for the purpose of disbursing it to employees who need it for personal or family health emergencies.
  3. In order for an employee to be eligible for paid leave, their request must have been authorized and all previous paid leave has been spent.
  4. Specify that only medical situations are to be used for leave. Only significant illnesses of employees or their families that necessitate long-term absences should be included in the plan. When a spouse, child or parent dies, an employee may be entitled to additional time off under IRS standards.
  5. Define and specify the annual limit on the number of days of paid leave that can be provided by a single employee.
  6. Ensure that employees are able to make a detailed written request for leave that outlines the nature of the specific medical emergency or medical condition they are dealing with.
  7. Keep track of how much time is being spent for medical leave by employees who have been transferred from a health insurance plan.

A scheme that allows employees to cash out their vacation time in exchange for cash is unlikely to be considered a legitimate benefit.

2 Guidelines When Requesting a Donation - Art Biz Success

Major disaster leave

When the president declares a major catastrophe, an employee who is affected by the disaster can take leave from an employer-sponsored leave bank or pool.

A significant catastrophe plan must be in written and meet the following standards to qualify for the IRS exception:

  • To avoid confusion, no leave can be deposited for a specific leave beneficiary under the plan.
  • Every year, the maximum amount of leave that can be contributed by a leave donor does not exceed the amount of leave that an employee ordinarily accrues over the year.
  • Payed leave (at the employee’s normal rate of compensation) can be taken from the leave bank. Those granted leave must use it to attend to the needs of those affected by the calamity.
  • Leave donors can deposit their unused leave in the leave bank for a period of time determined by the severity of the big disaster, and leave recipients must use the leave they have received from the leave bank within that period.
  • It is not possible for a leave recipient to exchange paid leave for cash instead of using the paid time off. But if a leave recipient has a negative leave balance as a result of a major disaster, they can use the leave they obtained under the plan in order to get it back to zero Leave without pay taken as a result of a catastrophic disaster might be substituted for leave granted under this arrangement.
  • Every approved leave recipient must be given an amount of time off based on necessity, which must be determined by the employer.
  • A significant catastrophe leave deposit can only be used for employees who have been affected by that catastrophic disaster. Except for amounts so small that accounting for them is unreasonable or administratively impractical, any unused major disaster leave-sharing plan leave must be returned to the leave donors (or, at the employer’s option, to those leave donors who are still employed by the employer) within a reasonable period of time, so that the donor can use the leave. Because of a big calamity, the amount of leave contributed by each individual donor must be refunded in proportion to the amount of leave donated as a whole.


Donor employees cannot claim any expenses, a tax deduction, or a charity contribution for any of the leave they donate as part of medical emergency or significant disaster plans. The beneficiary employee must withhold Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), and any appropriate taxes from any paid leave they receive.

Due to the lack of an IRS exclusion, any donations made to a recipient are deemed taxable wages for both donors and recipients. Legal and tax experts should be consulted before implementing these strategies.

Step 2: Consider Budget Implications

When designing a plan, employers should keep in mind certain aspects, such as eligibility, that will aid in budgeting in the future. Consider the following design considerations:

  • eligibility of the donor. Who can make a donation to the bank of leave? Any minimum length of service or leave balance is required to be eligible for benefits. Exist any classes of employees who are not eligible (e.g., senior management)?
  • Donation sums. Is there a bare-bones donation amount that an employee can make? Is there a minimum amount required in a worker’s personal leave account?
  • Eligibility of the recipient. Who is allowed to take time off from work? Is there a set amount of time you have to work before you get a raise? Exist any classes of employees who are not eligible (e.g., senior management)?
  • Amounts paid to individuals or organizations. Does the bank have a limit or minimum amount an employee can receive? Is there a term of ineligibility or a waiting period? Will employees have to use up other types of paid time off before being eligible for this one?
  • The worth of a gift of vacation time. Is leave always valued at the recipient’s rate of pay, or is it translated to a comparable monetary rate for the recipient? See To what extent do employers take into account wage disparities when implementing paid leave donation programs?

Step 3: Review and Set Budget

Companies should engage with their finance departments just like they do with their overall financial planning in order to ensure that they are aware of the impact on leave costs and any accounting liabilities that may arise. Step 2 calls for employers to assess the criteria and be ready to talk to finance about the potential costs. When budgeting for a leave donation program, businesses should keep in mind the following considerations:

  • A leave donation program may lead to an increase in the utilization of paid leave that would otherwise be forfeited, resulting in possible cash flow concerns and increased payroll costs. Workers who don’t utilize much time off are more likely to give it away, which can have a negative impact on cost estimates. Natural catastrophes and major medical emergencies can’t always be predicted, but identifying hazards, such as employees who live in disaster-prone locations, can help predict how the leave donation program will be utilized. Employers can save money by limiting the quantity of leave that can be donated and the amount of leave that can be received.
  • An employer may face financial difficulties if more low-paid employees are donating their time and more high-paid employees are receiving leave benefits. The cost of benefits for a company can rise if the leave benefits are paid at the existing and regular rate of pay for employees. By valuing the leave at the rate at which it was donated rather than the rate at which it is used, a comparable dollar value method may assist prevent this problem.
  • In order to avoid financial hardship and cash flow problems, employers may want to discuss the worst-case scenario(s) with the finance staff.

Step 4: Design the Program

In order to implement the leave donation program, companies must first establish a budget. Considerations such as these are common:

  • Making explicit, neutral qualifying standards applied equally to all employee categories, unless there are solid business reasons not to do so, to avoid charges of discrimination and unfair treatment.
  • How leave bank distributions may effect short-term disability (STD) or long-term disability (LTD) payments. When an employee has used up all of his or her paid leave, may the donated time be used to boost disability payments if they haven’t already been reduced or delayed as a result of receiving distributions from the leave bank?
  • Ensuring that the privacy of the employees is safeguarded. Employee privacy can be protected by omitting an employee’s medical condition when alerting the workforce about an employee’s request for leave donation. Even though HIPAA normally doesn’t apply to information gathered in the management of a leave donation program, ADA confidentiality obligations do.
  • Understanding any state restrictions that govern the amount of leave that can be donated in the states where the employer conducts business. The right of an employee to accrued, earned, unearned, vacation, paid time off, or sick leave varies from state to state because of this. When developing a leave donation program, employers should contact with legal counsel to ensure that the plan complies with state law.

A written leave-donation policy is essential, and businesses should ensure that it includes the following:

  • Employees will be able to give leave to a leave bank or pool from which it will be dispersed to those in need.
  • In the event of a medical emergency or a significant calamity, the leave can only be used.
  • Determine who can give or get paid time off.
  • Limit the amount of leave that an employee can contribute or the amount of leave that an employee can be granted.
  • Allow employees to take time off within realistic time frames.
  • Describe how to donate and how to apply for a leave of absence to be donated.
  • Determine what constitutes “evidence” that leave was utilized.
  • Indicate that the recipient will be paid time off at their regular rate of pay during the specified period of time.
  • Make clear that employees who donate leave under the plans can’t claim any kind of tax deductions, charity contributions, or expenses for doing so. All paid time off granted to an employee is taxable and must be withheld from their paychecks.
  • Employees should not be able to sell their time off for payment, according to this rule.
  • Specify that all other paid leave must be spent before a leave contribution can be considered.
  • Indicate that the beneficiary of given leave may not be specified by donors.

Step 5: Implement and Roll Out the Plan

When a company implements a leave donation program, it should designate employees to keep track of donations and requests for time off, in addition to overseeing and administering the program. Manage the monetary transfers of leave benefits, such as from department to department or different levels of employment and salaries, and manage return-to-work programs will also be part of the administration of the plan Donations and requests can be tracked with the use of various software solutions.

To ensure that both the employee and the employer get the most out of a leave donation or leave sharing program, employers should implement a robust communications campaign. A communication strategy should specify the conditions under which a contribution or a request for a donation can be made, as well as the procedures for both donors and recipients to use in making these decisions. Building employee morale, enhancing camaraderie, reducing turnover and absenteeism, and improving overall productivity can be achieved through a well-designed and effective program. See How to Develop and Implement a New Company Policy.

How to Plan a Donation Drive for Charity

Right now, everybody is looking for ways to make a difference. Whether it’s small donations or big drives, people want to find a way to help their communities in whatever way they can. If that’s you, then take the step toward big change by starting with some sort of donation drive. Maybe it’s a clothing drive or a food drive for locals. Whatever your idea is, take the steps and run with it! We’ve compiled a guide with tips, tricks, and steps on how to plan a donation drive for charity. Check them out and see what a difference you can make!

Build Your Team

Everyone is looking for a means to make a difference right now. There is a strong desire among people to contribute to their communities in any manner they can. If that’s the case for you, then start small by organizing a contribution drive. A clothing or food drive may be in order. Whatever your concept is, take the necessary measures to make it a reality and go for it! We’ve put up a step-by-step tutorial on how to organize a charity contribution drive. Take a look and see how much of a difference you can create with these!

Consider delegating the sorting of funds, keeping track of donors, managing social media posts, and any other small duties you think are necessary. With your team’s cooperation, your project will be tailored to your position and community.

Set Your Goals

Decide on a donation target as a group. Do you have a certain monetary goal in mind? Do you have a specific goal in mind in terms of the amount of clothing you raise? It will be easier to achieve your goals together as a team when you have a clear task to work towards. Donors may be more motivated to donate if they realize that you’re only a short distance from your objective. Transparency is essential when it comes to fundraising efforts.

Find a Local Partner

Once you’ve decided on your team’s goals, the next step is to choose a charity to work with. Don’t provide items that the group you’re donating to does not require before you start collecting them; otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time. Get in touch with organizations in your area to learn more about the specific needs of the people they serve. You’ll be able to focus the entire drive if you can tell contributors what to donate.

Another option is to work with local small companies. Is there a way that they can promote your campaign? Is it possible for them to agree to financially match each other’s contributions? Is there a way for them to hold a fundraiser? It’s akin to building a team and then extending it. You’ll have a higher chance of contacting more individuals if you have a business partner involved.

How to fight donation fatigue | Deccan Herald

Market Your Donation Drive

The success of the contribution drive depends heavily on getting the word out. Attempt to get the word out in as many ways as possible. Use any social media network you can think of, for instance. Instagram and Facebook are essential, especially if you build up a profile and pay for them to promote it for you! But don’t forget that social media is simply one of many available marketing channels.

Flyers and posters can have a big impact. You could even contact your local radio station or newspaper, depending on how widespread you want the campaign to be. Do whatever you can to connect with your neighbors!

Be Quick to Thank Donors

Make sure to thank your donors as soon as they begin donating throughout the donation drive. Companies and individuals that donate to your cause will remember you for your prompt and insightful responses. If you want to continue running contribution campaigns, you’ll need to maintain strong relations with them. There is no telling when you could find yourself in need of a donor again.

Keeping a donor registry is also something you should strive to achieve. To keep track of your donors, ask them to fill out a form with their name and email address. You don’t want to ask the same people to donate every time you have a fundraising campaign. The less likely people are to feel “burned out,” the more donor pools you may draw from.

Figure Out a Sorting System

Now, depending on the type of contribution drive you organized, you’ll have to sort through the money raised.. It will just cause additional tension if you wait until the last donation comes in. Instead, begin pre-sorting all donations as soon as they arrive. There are a number of ways you might organize a clothing drive, such as separating children’s clothing from ladies and men’s clothing, or bedding from men and women.

Having a good relationship with the charity is an important part of this as well. Ask them what sorting and delivery methods they prefer. When shipping, it’s best to pack all of your items in clean boxes or bags. Sorting and packaging for delivery should begin as soon as possible.

Share Results and Success

Make sure to celebrate your accomplishments once you’ve completed all of the tasks. For easy sharing on social media, make sure you take lots of pictures along the process. Sharing your journey and successes can inspire others to follow in your footsteps, especially in the modern era. Your partnership with local media is a great opportunity to communicate how much money you raised, the amount of money that was donated, and whether or not your target was reached.

This is a great time to thank your donors by sending them a thank-you email, which will allow everyone to see the positive impact their contributions have had. It’s also a great method to assess how much of an impact you’ve had on the community!

How to arrange a contribution drive for charity isn’t that difficult now that you know how to come up with a good idea for a donation drive! See what an impact you can make in your community and the charity you support by following these simple steps! Choose GreenDrop as your charity partner if you go with the garment drive idea. We are a non-profit organization that accepts donations, and you can even drop them off at one of our sites if you like. If you’re interested in cooperating with us, please contact us right away!


Please utilize your points carefully once you’ve established a contribution pool on DeviantArt, now that you know how to do so. Set up a donation button on DeviantArt right away to start collecting donations for your favorite artists’ work.