Updated at: 22-07-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Paying your payments while on maternity leave can be a stressful concept for working moms. The good news is that paying your bills while on maternity leave doesn’t have to be difficult. How to Pay Maternity Leave Bills, how to use online banking services, and the overall cost are all covered in this post. What happens if your employer doesn’t offer paid parental leave will also be covered in our discussion.

One of the most common questions we get from expecting mothers is where to transfer their direct deposit funds during maternity leave. Indirect Deposit simplifies bill payments because you don’t have to worry about mailing cheques or using debit cards for each payment. If your employer doesn’t provide direct deposit, you’ll need to figure out how much money you’ll need to transfer into each account to avoid incurring overdraft fees.

Using online banking services like Chase QuickPay, Google Wallet, or PayPal is a convenient alternative if direct deposit doesn’t work for you because of how frequently payments may come in during maternity leave (i.e., biweekly instead of monthly). Moms-to-be can use online banking even when they can’t physically write down a check at home. All three choices allow you to move money between your accounts at the same bank for free, making it easier to pay your expenses.

Difference between Maternity Leave, Severance Pay and Redundancy

In most cases, maternity leave is either paid or unpaid, depending on one’s job status and length of time at one’s current employer; some firms offer vacation pay while others only allow pregnant women unpaid maternal leave following the birth of a child.

Tips and Tricks for Moms: How to Pay Bills While on Maternity Leave - Krostrade

Severance Pay: For each year of employment, a corporation may offer a severance package that includes two to four weeks’ worth of earnings. A lump sum or a series of payments may be made, depending on your employer’s policies and the specifics of your termination.

A typical redundancy payment is two weeks’ pay for every complete year of service an employee has had with their current employer. Poor performance or misconduct with regard to the correct fulfillment of job tasks might lead to financial compensation instead of notice or pay, in some instances.

Making contingency planning ahead of time is the greatest method for employees to prevent themselves from losing income during transitional periods like maternity leave, redundancy, and severance packages.


Redundancy and severance packages, as well as parental leave restrictions, must be made clear to employees so that they are informed of their rights and duties under the law in order to protect themselves from future financial losses.

Employers who give written notice of layoffs must include a statutory payment of at least two weeks’ earnings for each year that an employee has worked for their present employer as part of the statutory minimum payment.

As a result of a poor performance or misconduct, this may involve compensation in lieu of or in lieu of pay, depending on the circumstances. Maintaining a fair level of health and wellbeing is the best method for employees to protect themselves from losing income during periods of transition, such as leave, redundancy, and severance packages.

Employees often have trouble remembering to provide notice when they’re leaving their jobs, especially if their contracts or agreements specify that they must do so by a certain date.

For employers, the best way to deal with these situations is to maintain open lines of communication between the company and the workers who may be terminating their contracts soon because this will give them more time in advance instead of “being told” that they have lost their jobs due to redundancies or changes within organizations, which can cause both groups to be frustrated because neither party was given enough time before major decisions were made.

Managers/employers and employees must maintain a professional demeanor even when working relationships don’t go as planned. This can assist avert problems, layoffs, and the loss of employment.

How effective are postpartum belts? After the birth of a child, a belt is an excellent tool for helping women return to their pre-pregnancy form and size. Even though they may look the same, not all pregnancy belts are alike. Moms who want more than simply the ability to keep their trousers up while they lose weight after giving birth have a wide range of options to choose from today. These are some of the most often asked questions about pregnancy body shapers, with a focus on waist cinchers like this one.

Find out what you’re due

What you owe, not when you owe it. What kind of maternity (or paternity) leave does your firm offer?

Baby on the Way? How to Make a Money Plan for Your Maternity Leave


There are twelve weeks of unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act that you can take throughout a 12-month period for the birth of a child. Any time throughout the first year of your child’s life is a good opportunity to take this leave, and you can even break up your FMLA time. If you’re adopting or getting a new placement for a foster child, the same rules apply.

Please keep in mind that the FMLA may or may not apply to your situation. It’s a shocker! Briefly stated, FMLA must be provided by your employer if your company has at least 50 employees and you work for a public agency or a public school However, in order to be considered an employee, you must have worked for the company for at least 1,250 hours throughout the previous year.

Until the day you actually take a vacation, this is counted. Getting pregnant before the 12 months is fine, but you will not be eligible for the leave unless your baby is born at least 12 months after starting your new employment. This is a common misconception.

Don’t get started too early if you’re expecting a pregnancy in the future! It’s easy to make the assumption that a nine-month pregnancy is a given. FMLA won’t cover you if you become pregnant within three months of starting a new employment and give birth to a premature. You don’t want to be in that position! If you’ve just started a new work, be sure to prepare ahead so that you can take use of your FMLA rights during your pregnancy.

Check out this Department of Labor brochure if you have any questions about your FMLA rights and duties. Talk to your company’s human resources department, or at the very least, contact your HR department.

Company-Paid Leave and Short-Term Disability

In the event that your employer must provide FMLA, they may additionally provide supplemental maternity leave benefits. I was fortunate enough to land a job with a family-friendly company that provides short-term disability benefits for new moms, so who knows? Whichever option you choose, be certain you are familiar with every aspect of the maternity leave policy in place at your employer. Starting with the company handbook, write down any questions you have about your position. You can then discuss your concerns with a member of HR.

These are just a few of the things you may have to deal with:

  • How your maternity leave policy is affected by your use of sick and vacation days.
  • For how long you can take maternity leave from work.
  • Assuming that your employer will continue to fund their half of your healthcare costs while you’re away from the office.
  • How much and when you’ll be paid while on vacation.
  • For example, if your company is going to continue to fund your HSA or dependent care account while you’re on leave.
  • While on maternity leave, you may be able to work part-time.
  • If you’re able to continue working a part-time job while on maternity leave.

As an example, I’ll give you a quick run-through of how my personal maternity leave policy will work.

A short-term disability insurance coverage covers the cost of our leave of absence. However, I am unable to begin my leave until three days after the onset of the qualifying medical event. There are no provisions in the short-term disability policy that specifically address the needs of babies. In order to take three vacation or sick days at the beginning of the labor/delivery/newborn process, I have to save up at least three vacation or sick days.

A doctor’s supervision is required to continue getting short-term leave benefits, and I can’t earn any money while on leave. For me, this includes revenue from my freelance work as well as income from my main company. It was critical to have this knowledge. In the event that I make money outside of the disability policy, my benefits may be terminated or I may even have to pay them back. Yikes!

An employee can take up to three months of unpaid leave, with a greater rate of pay for the first month than the third month. My employer will continue to contribute to my dependent care account while I am on leave, as usual.

Isn’t it a lot more complicated now? As a result, you should not assume that you know everything about your company’s leave policy. Instead, speak with a member of HR to make sure you fully understand what you’re signing up for.

Also, if you want to extend your leave, find out how different benefits “play” together. As an example, you might be able to start your leave with a couple weeks’ worth of paid vacation time. In this case, you may be able to take advantage of a disability or maternity leave benefit. Then, if you don’t meet FMLA requirements, you can take the rest of your leave unpaid.

Create a maternity leave budget

Take a look at the expenses you’ll incur while on maternity leave once you’ve determined what benefits you’ll be receiving.

A typical American family spends less than half of their take-home salary on essentials like food, clothing, and transportation. As a result, you may be able to cut back on some unnecessary expenditures while you’re on maternity leave. For the time being, this is the best we can hope for while I’m away on maternity leave.

Take a look at your finances, and don’t forget to include any additional funds you’ll need for your new child. It’s a good idea to budget for back-up formula (you never know when you’ll need it!) and disposable diapers (cloth won’t fit for a few weeks if you plan to nurse and cloth diaper).

For each month of maternity leave, you’ll see how much money you’ll need in this budget. When calculating your maternity leave income, subtract any money that you’re 95 percent certain you’ll receive, such as a spouse’s income or your partial maternity leave benefit.

For example, you could do the following calculation:

  • Expenses that are absolutely necessary: $3,000.
  • $2,500 in known income
  • Money that’s still in the bank: $500

That amount that’s left over can fluctuate from month to month while you’re on leave. This is due to the fact that my disability policy gets compensated in increasingly lesser amounts over the course of a month.

Aside from that, this sum is all that is required for maternity leave savings. When you’re arranging your time off with baby, this is where you’ll begin.

Don’t forget about medical expenses

Medical costs are a potential stumbling block.

After your baby is born, you may not get your hospital bill for a few weeks or perhaps a few months. As soon as they have tallied up every single bill that came in, they will send it to your insurer and then send the rest of your bill to you.

With today’s high-deductible health insurance policies, the remaining balance might be astronomically costly. There is no need to panic just yet.

Most hospitals and doctors allow you to set up a payment plan for your medical expenditures. Contact the hospital’s billing department as soon as you receive your first bill to discuss your payment alternatives. Explain that you’re on maternity leave for the next few weeks and that you’ll be able to raise your monthly payment after that.

Billing departments are used to dealing with patients who cannot afford to pay thousands of dollars in medical costs up front. It’s a given. If you owe them money, they’d like to negotiate with you rather than send your debts to a collection agency, where they’ll likely only get a few cents per dollar.

The sooner you take the lead, the better your chances of getting a better deal! Simply ensure you include some additional funds in your pregnancy leave budget to cover any necessary hospital bill repayments.

How To Save Money For Maternity Leave - Best Money Mom

Save as much as you can

Let’s get to the meat of the matter. These figures will tell you the bare minimum amount of money you’ll need to save for maternity leave. However, it’s a good idea to save more than that just to be on the safe side. Even if the unexpected occurs, such as an early birth or a lengthy parental leave, this is especially true.

Saving money may include taking up a part-time job or enlisting the help of your partner. Alternatively, you might trim your spending in the months leading up to the birth of your child. Just make it a habit to put away whatever extra money you earn instead of blowing it on frivolous purchases.

Consider these articles on one-and-done saves and on saving more with less effort if you’re looking for additional methods to save money over the next couple of months.

Pay some bills ahead

What if you’re not a disciplined saver? As an alternative, if you’d want to avoid the postpartum blur of bill-paying when you’re still in a state of exhaustion, you can use a bill-paying service. As a result, you won’t have to worry about budgeting for some of your costs while you’re on maternity leave.

It is possible to pay a car payment or cover the costs of daycare for your older child in advance. Check with the business or creditor in any of these cases to make sure that your payments are being applied to future installments. Extra payments are sometimes automatically applied to the principle, and you will continue to receive a monthly statement.

Find other options for funding your leave

Consider taking on a part-time job from home after a few weeks of recuperation, if possible. It’s difficult to return to work after giving birth, let alone working from home with a newborn in tow. However, it is an alternative if you must have more income or must return to your full-time employment sooner than you’d prefer.

Having your husband or significant other take on a part-time work while you’re on leave is an additional possibility. However, it may not be enough to cover all of your expenses for a few months. During your maternity leave, one of you may be able to take up one of these work from home opportunities.

A further choice? Ask for help if you truly need it. When a new baby is born, many family members and close friends are already thinking about ways to show their support. Maternity leave expenses can be reduced by giving practical presents, if you feel comfortable doing so. Even if you don’t need the baby clothes, asking for diapers and formula (if you plan on formula feeding) might be a big assistance.

Prepare for the unexpected

Short-term disability benefits are an important consideration while preparing for a future maternity leave. When your baby is born, these payments can help your household budget, and they may even provide additional coverage if you have issues during or after the birth.

Mothers in many states (such as New Jersey) can easily acquire temporary disability benefits after the birth of their kid in order to recuperate and bond with their child before returning to work. Even if you live in a state or business that does not provide this coverage, you may want to consider getting a disability insurance policy.

If you can’t make it work

You might not be able to work while you’re away from work because of your pregnancy. What if your expenses exceed your income by a single month? If you find yourself in this situation, a personal loan or credit card could come in handy. If everything else fails, you may be able to utilize a 0% APR introductory credit card to cover your expenses while on leave. Of course, this is your last alternative. When you return to work, make sure you pay off the card as quickly as possible to avoid accruing interest.

Try to keep your expenditures to a minimum while you’re on vacation if you find yourself in this situation Student debt deferral may be possible, so long as it’s possible to do so. Use coupons and prepare meals on a budget. Switch to a cheaper cell phone plan and cut your cable expense. You may be able to save money on your vehicle insurance or homeowners insurance by shopping around.

Cut back on your spending as much as possible before you begin your maternity leave. While you won’t be able to reclaim these first few weeks with your new baby, you can manage any financial concerns that may arise as a result of maternity leave with a little discipline.

How to Maintain Financial Stability on Maternity Leave

Know what benefits your company offers

Many firms feature a benefits guide that might help you figure out how much maternity leave you’re entitled to. The Family Medical Leave Act gives 12 weeks of unpaid leave, depending on your employment, so be careful to read the fine print.

A state that demands paid family leave is a rare treat, but it does exist. States that mandate paid family leave vary in length from California to Connecticut to Massachusetts to New Jersey to Oregon to Rhode Island to New York, but it is mandatory in all of these states.

When a parent is only eligible for unpaid leave but needs some form of income, short-term disability (STD) may be an alternative. Parents who believe they require more time than their employer is willing to provide for their leave may find that STD is a useful tool. See if you’re qualified for STD benefits or other programs through your company’s Human Resources department.

It’s vital to know what benefits you’re entitled to in order to plan for financial stability and success when you’re not working.


There are many different ways in which we might negotiate our salary at work, but the most common is when we are offered a new position and we want to boost our salary. Negotiating your maternity leave may be an option if you are dissatisfied with your company’s maternity leave benefits and have spoken with human resources about your options, as there is often room for wiggle room in other parts of our job.

The FMLA allows employees to take an additional unpaid period of six weeks of leave in addition to the six weeks of paid leave they’ve already accrued. The time is right now for you and your family to think of creative solutions if you wish to stay at home with your newborn for the whole 12 weeks but cannot save enough money to cover the remaining six weeks.

For the remaining six weeks, would you be willing to work part-time from home on three days per week and take two days off from getting paid? Is there someone in your family who could help you care for your infant while you work from home for the next six weeks? Identify your goals and the needs of your family before presenting a plan to your manager. To get the best deal, we need to take the time to think about what we want and come up with a plan.

Save in advance

You’re familiar with the perks offered by your employer, you’ve negotiated your leave, and you know how much money you’ll make while you’re away from work. Determine how much money you’ll need each month to cover your expenses by looking at your budget, or calculating your monthly expenses if this is the first time you’ve used a budget. To figure out this amount, you need to cut away all the extraneous stuff and focus just on your payments and needs.

For the sake of discussion, let’s imagine that you are solely eligible for FMLA and that your company does not offer any other benefits to you. Calculating your monthly expenses, you find that you require $2,000.00 to cover them all. Once you’ve determined how many pay periods remain before your due date, the next step is to calculate your total debt. If you started preparing early, you should have around six months to go before the baby is due.

You’ll need $6,000.00 to pay all of your expenses for a 12-week maternity leave. If you have six months to save, you should be setting aside around $1,200 each month, or $600.00 per pay period, to cover your expenses. Take your partner’s alternatives into consideration when calculating how much money you’ll need to save aside if you’re planning to take time off together.

Keep that budget going

When you establish a budget during pregnancy, you’ll be able to save enough money to pay your costs while you’re on maternity leave, but if you adhere to your budget after the baby is born, you’ll be able to retain your financial stability.

If you want to save money while having a kid, the easiest and most efficient strategy is to set aside a certain amount each month for things like diapers and formula, as well as food and baby supplies and bills. Then, keep track of your money’s ins and outs, either by writing it down or by utilizing an app on your phone. Your financial stability will be maintained long after maternity leave, even if you have to cut back in one area to make up for a lack of income elsewhere.

What is parental leave?

Allowing new parents to take a lengthy leave of absence from the workforce to care for a newborn is the goal of parental leave. During this time off, employers absolve their employees of any and all responsibilities relating to their jobs. This provides parents with some breathing room while they get used to their new family dynamics and routine. Parental leave comes in a variety of flavors, each with its own set of rules and benefits.

How to make money when on parental leave

Professionals who take parental leave to spend time with their children and adjust to their new roles as parents may wish to earn more money while on leave. This helps cover the costs of child care and substitutes a professional’s normal income if they are on unpaid leave from their work. While on maternity leave, consider following these strategies to earn extra money:

1. Consider work-from-home jobs

A career that allows you to work from the comfort of your own home is ideal because of your new role as a parent. As a result, you can stay at home with your child while still earning money. Additionally, working from home gives employees greater freedom and flexibility.

2. Try to find a job that offers flexible hours

Working from home often entails the ability to choose your own hours. As a parent of a newborn or recently adopted child, this is an especially useful tool, as your attention is naturally drawn to your child and what he or she needs. Finding a work that you can break up into smaller chunks is a good idea if you have children who have an unpredictable schedule. Using this method, you can have multiple periods of concentration throughout the day without disrupting your child’s schedule.

If your infant has a daily nap between 10 and 11 a.m., you can take advantage of that time to get some work done.

3. Consider any environmental requirements the job may have

Professionals may need to work in a specific setting even if they are working remotely. When teaching online music lessons, for example, you need a quiet place to record yourself. Having a newborn in the house is not ideal. Instead, search for a position that allows you to work from anywhere and doesn’t necessitate a lot of face-to-face meetings.

Finding a profession that allows you to be mobile and prioritize the needs of your children is essential if you want to maintain a good work-life balance.

Pregnant Mum Reveals Partner Insists She Split ALL Bills During Maternity Leave

4. Communicate with your supervisor often

Be upfront and honest with your supervisor about your expectations for the job and your ability. It’s not necessary to share personal details with your management, but letting them know about your position may urge them to be more accommodating with your schedule.. Additionally, you may be able to work with your landlord to come up with an arrangement that better fits your needs.

5. Ask your current supervisor for flexibility

Even if it isn’t an option for everyone, you might want to talk to your boss about working less hours. Negotiate a schedule with decreased hours and remote work if you’re able to do your existing job from home. This gives you the opportunity to extend your leave without having to worry about losing any money. It may also be more convenient for you to approach your current employer for special considerations rather than look for a new employment.

16 ways to make money on parental leave

Doing extra work while on maternity leave is possible, and there are numerous ways to go about it. Getting a new job or picking up side gigs may be a better option for you, depending on your preferred work schedule. For those on parental leave, below is a list of options:

1. Offer transcription services

A transcriptionist is a person who works from a distance, listening to audio files and writing down what they hear. Medical practices, law firms, and educational institutions are just a few of the places looking to fill these positions. Transcriptionists are often paid on a per-audio basis, allowing them to establish their own hours.

A great benefit for parents is that they can transcribe when their child sleeps or whenever they have the time.

2. Find freelance writing opportunities

Writers working for themselves as independent contractors get compensated for each piece of work they do. Even though they are frequently working under tight deadlines, these professionals are in charge of their own daily routines. A wide range of genres and topics can be covered by freelance writers, allowing you to write about what you’re interested in or knowledgeable about.

Using your professional experience can help you locate opportunities to write. As an example, certain companies may be interested in opinion pieces or definitive articles regarding medical matters from nurses.

3. Resell items

Reselling goods is a relatively easy way to make money. Consider getting rid of things you no longer wear or use. Organizing your home and making money at the same time is possible by selling some of your belongings. Customers can be found on a multitude of websites and marketplaces. A simple way to make money, reselling allows you to establish your own rates, giving you greater control over how much money you make.

4. Create craft products

Consider selling crafts online if you’re creative or have the necessary supplies. This allows you to establish your own prices and even have some fun while developing a product, similar to reselling products. Decide what you can make and sell based on your own abilities and resources. Make stickers, artwork, or customized office and home goods for sale to online customers on a crafting platform and make a little extra cash.

5. Offer care services

Consider providing home care services to others in your immediate area. Babysitting and pet sitting can be a terrific way to improve your caregiving skills while also allowing you to work from home. You may even be able to watch another youngster or pet in the comfort of your own home. For example, a full-time caregiver can still make money while taking care of a young child.

Babiesitting services often have scheduled hours and a fixed hourly charge. Consider reaching out to people in your business or personal network to see if they know of anyone in need of kid or pet care services.

6. Become a virtual assistant

Clients can rely on virtual assistants to handle their day-to-day administrative needs. Writing and sending emails, scheduling tasks, offering technical assistance, and keeping records are all examples of this. As a new parent, you may be able to get a contract with a virtual assistant that allows you to work during your parental leave.

7. Tutor students

Consider becoming a tutor if you have good interpersonal skills and are able to work with children. You can pick and choose what topics and clients you want to focus on in this position, which gives you a lot of freedom. Tutors can help students in person or online. For the sake of convenience, tutors typically work on the weekends or evenings, but both tutors and clients are free to set their own working hours.

8. Apply for call center representative positions

Positions as a call center representative don’t typically necessitate previous experience and can be done from home. When you work in a call center, your employer provides you with a list of people to call. While some contact center agents are in the business of selling, others are involved in fundraising or disseminating information. It’s a terrific opportunity for new parents who have excellent communication skills to work in this position.

9. Take surveys

A paid survey profile can be set up by professionals on certain websites. The amount of money paid out for each survey varies, but this is a good option for working parents to supplement their income while on leave. Taking surveys is a simple task that can be done at any moment by these specialists. The amount of money you’ll get for completing a survey is clearly stated on most of them. It is because of this that your earnings from this side employment can be controlled by the number of surveys you complete.

10. Work as a bookkeeper

It’s feasible to get a remote bookkeeping job with little experience, even if you have a strong background in administration, organization, and math. Professionals on maternity leave can benefit from working as a bookkeeper because it allows for a flexible schedule and is often rewarding.

11. Offer freelance translation services

Consider becoming a freelance translator if you are proficient in a second language. Translation work is generally done from home and can be done at any time of day or night. Transcribing audio or written material into a language other than the original source language is one of the responsibilities of a translator. Being able to communicate fluently in a second language is a valuable asset in the job market.

12. Apply for disability benefits

If you recently gave birth or are still pregnant, you may be entitled to apply for disability benefits in your state or workplace. When you’re on parental leave, you don’t have to worry about finding a new career. Applying for disability benefits may allow you to get additional time to get used to your new family member before returning.

13. Start a blog

Consider launching a blog while on parental leave if you enjoy writing. Determine what you’re most interested in and write about it extensively before starting a blog. When it comes to rabbit care, for example, you may establish a blog to discuss the various aspects of caring for a pet rabbit, such as the foods they eat and any health issues they may have.

As soon as your blog has a sizable following, you might want to explore including affiliate links in your posts. When a reader clicks on one of your article’s affiliate links, you earn a commission.

14. Accept endorsements

If you have a huge social media following, you may be able to join up as a brand ambassador for a company. In order to promote a particular product, brand ambassadors use social media to post online. To compensate you, the firm that sells the product pays a financial reward or allows you to keep the product you’re promoting. With these deals, you can get products that will assist you care for your child in exchange for your endorsements. You’ll save money because you won’t have to buy any of those childcare items anymore.

15. Sell pictures to stock photo companies

Selling photos on stock photo websites is another option to make money passively. Using a stock photo website, upload a photo of anything generic, such as an oak tree or a coffee mug. When someone downloads one of your images, you get paid. Selling your images is a way to get some extra money, but it isn’t a reliable one.

16. Test new products and websites

In exchange for a free product or monetary recompense, some companies pay experts to evaluate their new website or product. Upon getting a product or website to review, you are required to provide an unbiased account of your thoughts and feelings about it. Advertising and product improvement are aided as a result.


Can you defer payments while on maternity leave?

You may be able to postpone payments owed to private lenders, despite the fact that it’s tough to lower a monthly payment owed to private lenders. Unpaid maternity leave borrowers can get 12 months of forbearance from Laurel Road, for example.

What are some common reasons why new moms don’t wear postpartum support garments?

If you’re a first-time mom, you may not realize how important support garments can be. Some postpartum girdles may not be suitable for pregnant women with specific needs or preferences, while others are comprised of soft, comfy materials. Before making a purchase, think about what kind of maternity clothes will be most useful to you, so that you can make the most of your money!

Is it normal for maternity leave to be unpaid?

Is maternity leave a compensated or unpaid leave of absence for new mothers? Maternity leave in the United States is unpaid for the vast majority of women. The majority of states do not require paid maternity leave. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, 35 percent of private employers in 2018 gave some sort of paid maternity leave.

Saving for Maternity Leave: How to Financially Prepare Your Family - MintLife Blog

How much should I save for unpaid maternity leave?

Calculate how much you’ll need each month for maternity leave by multiplying the number of months left before the due date. You can save aside $800 a month until the baby is born to meet your savings goal of $4,000 in five months.

Can you split up maternity leave?

To be eligible for FMLA benefits, you must be employed full-time. Taking your 12-week maternity leave all at once is an option, but you can also spread it out throughout the year leading up to or following the birth of your child.

What happens if I work while on maternity leave?

The government will withdraw dollar for dollar from your EI maternity payments if you work while receiving them. The maximum amount you can earn while receiving EI parental benefits is $50 per week or 25% of your weekly payment, whichever is greater.