Updated at: 30-08-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

How long is too long when it comes to turning a fridge off? Freezers can be turned off for up to 48 hours, whereas refrigerators can only be left off for up to four hours.

This is a question you might have if you’re debating whether to leave your refrigerator on or off while you’re away.

Food can be kept fresh in the fridge and frozen in the freezer all through these times. However, you would be ahead of the game if you always turned on your refrigerator.

I can sense your eagerness to solve this enigma. When storing food that needs to be refrigerated, it is imperative that the appliance be turned on. Without further ado, let us get started on this thing called “life”

How Long You Can Turn Off Your Fridge

In this part, we’ll discuss how long a refrigerator can remain unplugged. Yes, I’m aware that power outages and vacations are two of the main causes of refrigerator failure. To guarantee the food’s quality and safety, however, cold storage is required. A lack of refrigeration facilitates the growth of harmful microorganisms.

How to Turn Off Refrigerators for Long Vacations | Refrigerator Service NYC

So long as this is the case, your food should be safe in the fridge for up to four hours. Food stored in a fully stocked freezer can be safely maintained there for up to 48 hours. If this holds true, then one day would be sufficient to fill the freezer up to almost halfway.

Close the refrigerator’s doors and seals before turning it off to prevent any food from spoiling. Maintaining a consistent temperature within the refrigerator will prevent perishable food from spoiling.

This is why today’s refrigerators have to be so powerful. They are built to operate continuously, all year long. Therefore, they refrigerate your meals for your health and safety.

Your refrigerator can be unplugged for up to a month if it is empty or nearly empty. On the other hand, you shouldn’t leave your refrigerator unattended for long periods of time. If you have to leave your refrigerator unattended for longer than two weeks, be on the lookout for mildew and maggots.

Turning off your fridge is also a smart move. The refrigerator move or cleaning could be the case. However, it’s probable that frequent power outages can drain your finances over time. Don’t flip the switch on your refrigerator upside down.

While utilizing the compressor, it is possible that harm will be done to the compressor itself. Refrigerators are a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, so make sure you give it a good cleaning before you turn it off.

In reality, turning off a fridge requires little more than pressing a button. However, you are risking the integrity of your food supply. Turning it off for an extended amount of time requires turning it on and clearing it first.

Should I Turn Off My Fridge To Save Money?

My roommates and I are all trying to figure out how to lower our monthly electricity costs. An example of this is turning off the refrigerator. This approach, however, does have certain drawbacks.

If you want to conserve electricity right now, turn off your refrigerator. Experts agree that a refrigerator’s temperature must be maintained at all times if the food inside is to be consumed safely.

However, you should think twice before turning off your refrigerator. Imagining a set of stairs inside of your fridge is not too difficult. It will take some time for the refrigerator to cool down after being turned on because its interior is already warm.

When food is kept at the optimal temperature in the refrigerator, it uses less energy. If you switch off your refrigerator to save money, for instance, you may be impeding its ability to cool your food.

If you turn off your refrigerator and then turn it back on, it will immediately begin cooling again. When the refrigerator’s cooling cycle resets, the compressor and other parts will require a lot of power to maintain the desired temperature inside. Thus, if this happens, your electricity bill can go up.

As an added bonus, I recommend that you invest in a fridge that has an inverter installed. An inverter allows the appliance’s wasted energy to be sent back into the device’s electrical system. Since an inverter prevents the fridge from having to be repeatedly turned on and off, it may be possible to use it for a long time at a reasonable cost.

How Long Has It Been Since Your Power Went Out?

When the power goes out, your perishables have a four- to six-hour half life. Closing the doors of your fridge and freezer can help your food last longer.

When you have food stored in the freezer, you free up more time. Depending on the temperature, a completely stocked freezer can keep food safe for up to 48 hours, while a partially stocked freezer can keep food safe for about 24 hours. Again, closing the door is a must.

When the electricity goes out and you open the refrigerator, you let precious cold air escape. Keep from opening the fridge or freezer only to have a peek inside.

Is My Food Safe if the Power Is Out?

When you get your refrigerator back up and running (or just feel like a snack), you should always double check the temperature inside. Knowing which foods are worth saving and which are best discarded is made easier with this tool.

As soon as you have restored power to your refrigerator (or are hungry), you should examine the contents to ensure they are at the appropriate temperature. This might help you determine which foods are safe to eat and which ones can go bad in the fridge.

Once your refrigerator is up and running again (or you’re hungry), you must check the temperature inside. Sort through your food storage and decide what you can eat and what needs to be thrown away.

Refrigerator Not Working | Refrigerator Troubleshooting & Repair

What Foods Can I Usually Keep During a Power Outage?

Some food requirements can be preserved and eaten even if the temperature rises by two or three degrees beyond the 40-degree threshold, which should be reviewed in the event of a power outage. The following are things to think about if your power goes off for an extended period of time:

  • Rigid, aged cheddars
  • Artificially flavored and preservative-filled Cheddar.
  • Grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses that have already been prepared and stored in a can or other sealed container.
  • Dairy goods include butter and margarine.
  • Fresh, uncut fruit
  • Fruit juices, in a nutshell
  • Fresh produce preserved in a can
  • Dried fruits such as dates, raisins, and candied fruit
  • Put the mayonnaise, tartar sauce, and horseradish in the trash if the temperature stays above 50 degrees Fahrenheit for more than eight hours.
  • condiments such as ketchup, olives, pickles, and pickle relish
  • BBQ sauce, teriyaki, honey mustard, teriyaki, hoisin, and Worcestershire sauce are all examples of sauces.
  • Sauces and condiments with vinegar
  • Breads, pastries, muffins, and other baked treats
  • These pancakes, waffles, and bagels are available at this eatery.
  • Custardy peach pies
  • just harvested goods
  • Vegetables, fruits, and fungi

One’s own discretion is warranted here. Before retaining anything, make sure everything passes a thorough inspection and take a whiff to make sure it doesn’t smell bad. In the case of a high fever or other suspicious symptoms, a stomachache is not worth the risk.

What’s the Right Temperature for a Refrigerator?

For optimal food safety and freshness, refrigerator temperatures should be maintained between 38 and 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Before you go out and buy a fridge thermometer, check the dial to see if it has a real temperature setting. If the power goes out and your refrigerator turns on, you may not be able to tell if the temperature is correct.

Pro Tip: Invest in Coolers for Power Outages

Keep ice and coolers on hand in case you experience repeated power outages. In order to keep perishables chilled for up to four hours, you can use ice packs or a cooler. However, while this method may help you save your morning coffee, it won’t keep your groceries fresh for long.

If your refrigerator has been acting up frequently, you may want to consider calling a repairman.

5 Ways to Keep Your Food From Spoiling During a Power Outage

Keep Ice on Hand

Extra supplies of water and ice are always useful to have on hand in case of an emergency. It’s a good idea to freeze some containers and water bottles in case of a power outage, so long as there’s room in your freezer. Water expands when it freezes, so don’t fill bottles or containers to the brim.

Move Food to the Bottom and Group Together

The Food and Drug Administration recommends keeping frozen foods together in the event of a power outage. If you want your food to stay frozen for as long as possible, it’s best to store it in the lowest area of your freezer.

Keep Doors Closed

As soon as you’ve moved food to the freezer and put it into groups, close the doors of the refrigerator and freezer. The FDA recommends keeping frozen foods frozen for no more than 48 hours, and for no more than 24 hours if the freezer is only half full.

Use Coolers for Power Outage Food Safety

The American Red Cross advises taking along portable air conditioners if the power outage is expected to continue more than a day. Pack your cooler to the brim with perishable items like milk, meat, and leftovers to keep them cold. Try to maintain a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit for as long as you can.

Don’t Keep Food Outside

If your power goes out in the winter, you may be tempted to store your cold or frozen food outside, but foodsafety.gov warns against this. Even with snow and ice on the ground, temperature swings can cause cold food to enter the “danger zone,” or between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, and frozen food to start defrosting. Animals and unsanitary conditions can also have a negative impact on the quality of food. When the power goes off in the winter, keeping the house warm becomes an additional challenge.

After the blackout is gone, you should check the temperatures in your freezer, fridge, and cooler. The FDA recommends a freezer temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less when refreezing previously frozen goods. The food in the fridge should be fine if the power goes off for no more than four hours as long as the door is kept closed. Foods that have been exposed to temperatures exceeding 40 degrees F for more than two hours should be discarded.


How long can I leave my fridge turned off?

You may keep food in your fridge for up to six hours during a power outage. You may store your frozen food in the freezer for up to 48 hours without worrying about it spoiling.

Can we switch off refrigerator for 3 months?

There is a six-hour window during which you can safely retain perishables in your refrigerator in the event of a power loss. If you forget about your frozen food in the freezer for up to 48 hours, it will be fine.

How long can I turn freezer off?

If the temperature inside your fridge or freezer rises beyond 40 degrees, you should probably toss it. Full freezers can maintain cold temperatures for two days; half-full freezers can maintain frigid temperatures for one day. Without being opened, a freezer can maintain its temperature for several days.

unplug your fridge when not in use

What to do when you turn off a fridge?

While you’re away from your fridge or freezer, leave the door open. To avoid coming back to a musty, moldy appliance, be sure to follow these precautions.

How do I turn off my fridge for moving?

Before moving your refrigerator or freezer to your new home, it’s best to unplug it for at least 24 hours beforehand. It is best to defrost the refrigerator’s evaporator before transporting it to reduce the risk of any damage occurring during transport. The compressor’s oil and fluids will settle and cease to circulate during this time.

Should I unplug my garage refrigerator in the winter?

Even while they serve a purpose, garage refrigerators can be a pain if they aren’t serviced regularly, especially in the colder months. Food in the freezer or refrigerator section of a refrigerator left in the garage may thaw or freeze if it isn’t used.

How long will my fridge last Without Power UK?

How long will the food in my fridge and freezer last if the power goes out? You might have an issue with the perishables in your refrigerator and freezer. Food will keep for 4–6 hours in the fridge and 15–24 months in the freezer if it isn’t opened.

Why do you have to wait 24 hours to plug in a fridge?

In what ways can you ensure that your refrigerator and freezer continue to function at peak efficiency? You should be aware that the compressor oil in your appliance could cause a clog if it leaked into the cooling system. Turning on the compressor again will result in oil blocking it.

How long can a fridge lay on its side?

There will be no permanent harm if you let your refrigerator stand upright for at least 4 hours (and no more than 24 hours) before turning it on.

How long can a refrigerator lay on its back?

You might have to lay the fridge on its side after transport. Spending time on its side is equivalent. If it’s been lying on its side for more than a day, let it alone.

Turning Off Things Already!

Great! For how long can a refrigerator remain unplugged is a question you already know the answer to. Then, it’s only a matter of weighing the pros and cons of going without a fridge at home.

Turning off the refrigerator for around four hours is the safest way to store perishable food. For energy savings, large freezers can be unplugged for up to two days. If the freezer is just partially full, one day will enough.

If you are interested in seeing more, please let us know. Discover the cause of your refrigerator’s automatic shutoff. You’ve shown great consideration by reading this lengthy essay. If you have any questions or concerns after reading this post, please let me know.