Updated at: 29-09-2022 - By: cnbusinessnews

I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of a coal mine so I could keep my stove going. Have you ever needed coal for an old-fashioned coal-powered furnace but didn’t know where to find it? We’ll be here for you and ready to provide you a range of solutions.

Coal is not necessary for use with today’s stoves, and the transition is easier than, instance, switching to gas or electricity exclusively. Traditional stoves that operate most efficiently with coals are great, but there are occasions when you won’t want to use anything but a modern stove.

Since coal is less necessary nowadays, we will let you know where to look for it and how much it will cost. We’ll try to make it as straightforward to find as possible.

Options On Where To Buy Coal For Your Stove

A number of retailers sell coal for use in fireplaces and stoves. In high-traffic areas, this could not be the case. This could potentially limit your accessibility to coal suppliers.

However, if you’ve exhausted the options nearby, we’ll give you some suggestions for where to explore next. Having a wide variety of options and a backup plan in place is usually advantageous when going shopping. Here are some alternatives for you to think about. I need to get some coal for my stove, but I don’t know where to get it.

The first choice is to peruse online retail outlets.

We suggest first that you check out several online merchants, since this will most likely be the most cost-effective option. When people are afraid to leave their houses because of a pandemic, the spread of the disease is facilitated. You should think about conducting some of your shopping online because of how convenient and safe it is.

Where Can I Buy Coal For My Stove? 2 Favorable Options For You! - Krostrade

The variety of goods and stores available to you when you buy online is another perk of doing so. It’s possible that feedback from previous buyers can guide you toward the greatest products.

Various products that have received numerous positive reviews and have a high average rating will be suggested. These look identical, yet their quality couldn’t be more different.

You should consider how long a coal will burn before purchasing it because not all of them light easily. One that will light up quickly but burn more slowly than normal.

Here are some suggestions for where to find the highest grade coal. Anthracite is superior to other types of coal because of its high grade. Information on domestic coal consumption is available on the internet.

Before making an online purchase, you should do further research and verification on the sites you visit. Use the resources available to you effectively and keep your expectations realistic.

Alternatively, you may try looking in food and hardware stores.

When we really need something, like food or water, we normally go to the store to stock up. Here, in this one convenient aisle, we should be able to find anything of regular use.

However, in some areas, these stove coals aren’t as important. What’s the harm in giving it a shot and seeing if you can’t find your coals on your own?

You can also find coals on your tools. Some grocery stores sell them separately from other items. They tend to hang out in high-traffic areas like shopping centers.

If you type their names into a search engine, you might be able to find them quickly. Try exploring for local hardware stores and grocery stores online. As soon as you switch on your location, various options will become available to you.

How much is coal?

Buying coal in large quantities is a great way to save money. Use them extensively, but budget for a significant outlay up front in order to realize sizable savings over time.

On average, a ton of coal will set you back $212 USD. Current coal per ounce pricing can be viewed at the aforementioned website. You need to know more about what you’re going to buy so that you can find a better solution.

A ton of coal typically sells for around $210.00. To view the current price of coal per ounce, visit the aforementioned resource online. A better answer can be found if you have more information about the item you plan to purchase.

How to Burn Coal at Home

Coal vs. Wood

Overall, the heat output per pound of coal and wood is roughly the same. However, coal is more thicker and more cumbersome to transport about despite being lighter in weight. Keep in mind that coal requires much less storage space than does wood. Because of this, reloading a coal furnace or fireplace is a less frequent chore than reloading a wood furnace or fireplace, saving you time and effort.

Coal is the most accessible fossil fuel, hence it is quite improbable that the United States will ever run out of it. Because of this, we do not anticipate a significant increase in the price of coal in the near future. Coal, in contrast to wood, doesn’t necessitate any preparation before it can be burned. Coal has the added benefit of not luring unwanted critters into your home. Coal also leaves less creosote in your chimney than wood does.

What is a Multi Fuel Stove?: Buying Guide | Direct Stoves

There are a number of issues with using coal as opposed to wood. Use of coal has negative effects on both the environment and human health due to the high sulfur content of coal. The presence of coal dust in your home could be harmful to your health. Coal fire smoke lacks the pleasant aroma of wood fire smoke, and it requires more kindling to burn than a wood fire. Coal byproduct disposal and the usage of coal-burning fireplaces and stoves are likewise governed by legislation.

Burning Coal

A stove, furnace, or boiler that can burn coal and meets regulatory regulations is required for usage in the home. These sorts of heaters are typically referred to as stokers. Be sure to clean your heater regularly and as directed by the manufacturer when using it. When burning 50 pounds of coal, 5 to 10 pounds of ash is created, therefore in some cases you may need to remove it almost daily.

A coal-fired furnace is likely to be your primary heat source. Most homes use coal to heat water and other liquids in boilers. A coal-burning stove is commonly used for primary heating.

Here Are the Advantages of Coal

1. It is available in an abundant supply.

Coal is easily accessible to developed nations like the United States, India, China, and Russia. A large portion of the United States’ coal reserves are thought to be sufficient to provide the country’s energy demands for the next 400 years. That means we don’t have to worry about meeting demand for this fuel, and can instead concentrate on meeting the needs of other infrastructure projects.

2. It has a high load factor.

Continuous electricity can be provided in a community using coal. Numerous coal-centric infrastructures exist to support the extraction, transportation, processing, and final use of this fossil fuel. The high load factor of this apparatus makes combustion an efficient and reliable means of generating energy. The current state of technology does not permit the use of any other fuel source to provide the same degree of certainty.

3. Coal offers a rather low capital investment.

Several of our fuel and power generating technologies already make extensive use of coal. This means that the upfront costs of establishing new social resources are lower than those associated with developing nuclear or renewable energy sources.

4. Carbon capture and storage technologies can reduce potential emissions.

Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is a technique for reusing the greenhouse gas produced during the combustion of fossil fuels. Scrubbers and filters do more than only capture CO2; they also keep it from re-entering the atmosphere. Therefore, this mitigates the impact that increased coal use would have on global warming.

5. It can be converted into different formats.

Coal can be utilized in the same ways whether it is refined or raw, whether it is a gas or a liquid. A fuel that may be used as a liquid or gas has been created by minimizing the amount of ash and other combustion byproducts.

6. Coal can be used with renewables to reduce emissions.

It is conceivable to use a second fuel source in power plants that were originally designed to use coal through retrofitting those plants to use biomass technologies. Consequently, by burning less coal, less carbon dioxide and ash are released into the atmosphere. Since the coal industry is already well-established, it is possible to ensure its economic influence is maintained while also preserving the environment, creating a win-win situation.

7. It is a full-time energy resource.

Unlike renewable energy sources like solar and wind, coal can be burned constantly to generate electricity. In other words, due to its predictability, it is a reliable power source in today’s society. With solar power, there is no need to deal with fluctuations in output like there is with other power sources in development at the moment.

8. The global reserves for coal are estimated to be quite large.

Current global estimates place coal reserves at 1 trillion metric tons. If we keep using coal at our current rate of use, we have another 200 years before we exhaust our supply. Its use as an energy source in developing countries has the potential to improve the living conditions of some of the world’s poorest people.

Here Are the Disadvantages of Coal

1. It is not a renewable resource.

Coal is a finite resource, and we cannot keep using it to meet our energy and electrical needs indefinitely. Availability is restricted because of its fossil fuel status. Even if some places have supplies that might last for decades, it is still important to have a backup plan.

2. Coal contains a high level of carbon dioxide per British Thermal Unit.

Many experts believe that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions contribute significantly to global warming. More carbon dioxide is released per unit of energy produced from coal than from any other source. According to the EIA, coal with a carbon content of 78% and a heating value of 14,000 BTU would generate 204.3 pounds of CO2 per million BTU.

3. Coal power can create high levels of radiation.

Radiation can be found in coal ash, which is produced when coal is burned. Ash from the coal plant eventually ends up in the surrounding landscape. If you compare the amount of radiation released by a coal power plant to that of a nuclear power plant, you may be surprised. Coal combustion produces a number of hazardous substances, such as nitrous oxide, heavy metals, and mercury.

4. Coal emissions are linked to health concerns.

People who work with coal or are exposed to its contaminants are at a higher risk of developing asthma and other inflammatory disorders of the airways. Extended contact with coal dust or ash has also been connected to the development of lung cancer. Coal miners are at risk for developing a fatal lung disease known as “Black Lung” due to their constant exposure to toxic dust and airborne coal dust. People with Black Lung only have one way to die, and that’s by suffocation.

5. Even clean coal still has high levels of methane.

Even with the most advanced CCS technology, carbon dioxide and other pollutants are still created. However, CCS technologies do not deal with methane emissions. Though methane quickly degrades in the air, it can persist for eons at the ocean below.

State looks to help people still burning coal for heat to change their ways - VTDigger

6. Coal mines cause relocation and destruction.

Coal mines frequently use the open-cast mining method, which destroys the habitats of native species. Green fields, streams, and other natural areas are quickly destroyed by coal pollution. Coal mining accidents that start flames underground are notoriously tough to put out. Because of the danger of coal mine contamination, it is sometimes necessary to uproot entire villages.

Conservation of natural resources and meeting immediate needs both demand careful consideration. Coal is essential to our modern way of life. Do we have a plan B if coal suddenly became unavailable?


At last, I’ve located a source from which to procure coal for my stove. We may fire up the stoves that have been waiting for a hunk of coal to keep the house warm. If you want to have a better time, keep the above advice in mind.

If you are interested in reading about how my wood stoves emit smoke whenever I open the door, here you go. Learn more about using coal in a wood fire by checking out:

Coal’s 14 Pros and Cons