Updated at: 11-08-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Dracaenas need to have their temperature, humidity, and light conditions carefully managed. When watering dracaena, it’s important to think about a number of things beyond just the amount of water you’re giving the plant. Therefore, if you reside in a location that experiences extreme weather conditions, a greenhouse is the optimal environment for growing these plants.

Although dracaenas are very low-maintenance, frequent care is still required to keep them looking their best. Care for them goes beyond just making sure they get adequate water, because the conditions in which they are immersed on a daily basis can also contribute to growth issues. Giving your dracaena the attention it deserves is all it takes to keep it flourishing.

What’s a Dracaena?

All Dracaena plants have one thing in common: their long leaves spread outward and upward from a central cane. The sturdy canes add a unique architectural touch to the fantastical plant life.

The Dracaena, with its seemingly vertical appearance, is actually rather adaptable and can be utilized to fill in areas such as those found under furniture or in particularly tight corners.

Dracaenas are the best option for a low-maintenance houseplant.

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Best Guide On How To Water Dracaena

When to water

When watering dracaena plants, timing is of the utmost importance. It is crucial to water at the proper time of day for all plants to prevent overwatering and underwatering. Inadequate watering can dry the plants, which is detrimental to their health, while regular watering can produce stagnant water and rot in dracaenas that do not require it.

If you have a dracaena plant, you may be wondering how often and when you should water it. Remember that these plants can only be found in warm, humid climates. They don’t require always moist soils, so you only need to water them when the earth seems dry to the touch.

Root rot and other diseases can be prevented by preventing dracaenas from coming into contact with water that doesn’t drain quickly or from soil that doesn’t dry up between waterings. Use a container or media that drains water efficiently, and keep the plants in a consistent environment, like a greenhouse, to maximize water retention. This means you’ll have less flexibility with watering schedules.

How to water

Dracaenas require an idealized method of irrigation. To help these plants thrive, you should let the soil dry out between waterings. The dracaena planter has holes on the bottom for drainage, which is useful for those who are growing the plant indoors.

If the current climate is dry, misting the soil with water may be an option. Overwatering can cause root rot, so it’s important to water just enough. Furthermore, dracaena plants are sensitive to fluoride, which is present in some water supplies.

Use filtered water instead of tap water if you are concerned about the quality of your tap water for watering dracaenas. If your plants’ leaves have brown patches and yellow margins, fluoride toxicity is a high likelihood. On the other hand, drowning is indicated by yellowing leaves.

Other considerations

Dracaenas require consistent conditions in order to receive adequate irrigation. If temperature and humidity are difficult to control, soil drying times cannot be accurately predicted. Learning your plants’ specific requirements is also crucial for catering to their needs.

Caring For Dracaena

Aside from watering, knowing how to properly care for a dracaena is essential. Regular care for these plants will keep problems and diseases at bay. First of all, where exactly should these plants go?

Ideal location

Dracaena grows best when daytime temperatures are around 70 degrees and nighttime temps are around 60 degrees. The constant temperature inside a greenhouse eliminates the need to constantly adjust your watering and feeding schedules. Winter cold is a well-known foe of dracaena plants, as it causes damage to their leaves.

Keep a watch out for any drafts that could cause damage to the plants. When it’s hot and dry outside, dracaenas do better with a high relative humidity. Diseases like mold growth can be avoided if the humidity is kept low enough.

In addition, dracaenas should be kept in a bright but shaded area to maximize their happiness. Some plant species, however, need very little light, therefore it’s crucial that you know what your plants prefer. Even when kept indoors, dracaenas’ leaves will burn if exposed to direct sunlight, so either keep them in the shade or use grow lights at an appropriate distance.


When making your plans, do you think about what the dracaenas will eat? In the spring and summer, you can give these plants a balanced fertilizer. Once fall hits, you can reduce the frequency of feedings to once a month if every other week is too frequent. Stop fertilizing your dracaenas in the fall if you want them to hibernate like other tropical plants.

How to Water Dracaena Marginata Plants (Essential Tips) - Petal Republic

Providing a constant environment and meeting the dracaenas’ dietary and watering requirements will keep them content and healthy. You can get a closer look at your plants if you cut off the tops. In addition to helping the dracaenas maintain their current size, this will also promote the growth of their leaves.

Tips On Dracaena Watering

To properly care for a dracaena, you need to go beyond just knowing when and how much water to give it.

Consideration of water usage is essential for a successful plant growth. The following are some of the most well-known Dracaena varieties:

  • One great example of this is the Dracaena marginata plant.
  • Plants in the genus Dracaena Both Dracaena Warneckii and Janet Craig
  • Miniature Dracaena
  • Fragrant Massangeandra (Dracaenaceae) (corn plant)

When and How Much Water?

Like many other subtropical plants, dracaenas are attracted to water but would prefer to stay dry if given the choice.

The plant is difficult to water consistently because higher humidity levels require fewer waterings.

For this, a finger test of your plant is in order.

Put your finger into the potting soil to feel how deep the moisture is.

Before watering a dracaena, make sure the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Most plant owners like to wait until the top two to four inches of soil on mature plants are dry before watering again.

Give your plant a good soaking by slowly pouring water down the drainage holes until you see it trickling out.

Check to see that there is no extra water.

Too much water in the soil might promote root rot, therefore it’s better to provide too little than too much.

Choosing the Proper Water

Instead of using tap water for your houseplants, use bottled water.

Urban water supplies may include pollutants that could be harmful to your plants. The elements bromine, chlorine, and fluorine are only a few instances where this is true.

It is possible to reduce the amount of chlorine in tap water by letting it soak overnight, but this won’t help with the other toxins.

Read on to find more about Dracaeno fertilizer and the dangers of fluoride.

Your Dracaena will thrive in clean, rainfall.

Distilled water, or “baby water,” is another option.

While hydrogen peroxide can be used to simulate rainwater, it shouldn’t be used constantly. Plants can benefit from hydrogen peroxide, which can be found at the following link.

If you’re in a pinch for time, filtered water is also an acceptable substitute.

Care must be taken while deciding on a filtration system, as some eliminate chemicals in addition to particles.

Tap water often contains harmful levels of lead, nitrates, salts, and zinc.

Therefore, if you want to use tap water for your plants, you need a filtering system that can remove both mineral and chemical contaminants.

In the pursuit of their passion for plants, many people forget that their appliances can also be used to distill alcohol.

Air conditioners and dehumidifiers both contribute to condensation when used. The water collected in their drip trays has been naturally purified, making it suitable for plant use.

Quick Summary of Dracaena Care

Although there is a wide variety among this genus of plants, they all share the same care requirements. These can be summed up in a nutshell as follows:

  • Bright, warm, indirect sunlight (avoid unfiltered, direct light)
  • Soil with good drainage capacity
  • The relative humidity should be raised to its optimal level.
  • Always make sure your plants get enough water.

Watering & Care of Dracaenas


Dracaeno can withstand dry conditions, but wet soil is not to its liking. It is best to wait until the soil feels almost completely dry before watering, and then use plenty of tepid water until the drainage holes are barely wet. After about one hour, remove the drainage saucer and never let the pot sit in water again. Avoid having the soil become completely dry. In most cases, one or twice weekly watering is sufficient. For best results, sprinkle your Dracaena once a week throughout the dry winter months. Additionally, misting helps to remove dust from the vegetation.

Dracaena 101: How to Care for Dracaenas | Bloomscape


Dracaeno can withstand dry conditions, but wet soil is not to its liking. It is best to wait until the soil feels almost completely dry before watering, and then use plenty of tepid water until the drainage holes are barely wet. After about one hour, remove the drainage saucer and never let the pot sit in water again. Avoid having the soil become completely dry. In most cases, one or twice weekly watering is sufficient. For best results, sprinkle your Dracaena once a week throughout the dry winter months. Additionally, misting helps to remove dust from the vegetation.

Light and Temperature

Dracaeno may survive dry periods, but it prefers drier conditions. Wait until the top few inches of soil feel dry to the touch before watering, and then water well with plenty of lukewarm water until the drainage holes are just slightly wet. Take the drainage saucer out of the pot after an hour and then never put the pot back in water. Never allow the soil to become completely parched. Watering once or twice weekly is usually plenty. Spraying Dracaena with a light mist once a week is recommended during the dry winter months. Misting also aids in reducing dust levels on plants.


An excellent liquid fertilizer should be used once or twice monthly on indoor plants like Dracaena to ensure the plant thrives. Determine the proper rate of application by following the manufacturer-recommended mixing or dilution instructions indicated on the label. Hibernation causes indoor plants to stall in development during the fall and winter months, therefore fertilizing them at this time is unnecessary.


Calculating the precise amount of water required by tropical plants can be challenging. However, dracaena watering may be mastered in a matter of minutes by following three simple steps. Your dracaenas will be happy if you take care of them in the right way at the right time.