Updated at: 04-05-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Are you wondering how to start a fund for a cancer patient? Organizing a fundraiser is an excellent way to get started generating money. We’ve heard of people who raised significant sums of money in only a few short hours of work, so that should help keep you motivated.

The cost of cancer treatment is considerable, and the treatments themselves, as well as the adverse effects they produce, take time away from work. Isn’t math simple now? While less money is coming in, more is going out. As health insurance coverage is reduced and treatment expenses rise, it’s becoming increasingly easier for people to get into debt.

Organizing a fundraising event can be completed in a matter of days or even weeks. However, choosing an event planner is the most difficult component of organizing an event. Do you know somebody who enjoys strategizing and delegating tasks? Fundraising should always have as its primary goal the recovery of a loved one who is in need of medical attention.

Identify a group of 4-5 friends who are willing to help out with an event and offer the organizers their contact information. Allowing them to choose how many more times they want to meet in person after that will be beneficial. More can and should be learned. Continue reading to have a deeper understanding of the subject!

Fundraiser Event

In addition to assisting the patient financially, holding a fundraiser has many other benefits. Organizing a charity event can have a big impact. Cancer patients’ loved ones and friends frequently express a sense of helplessness.

Cancer charities are most popular cause with the public, survey finds

A common desire of many cancer patients is to have their loved ones sit with them and simply listen, rather than attempting to solve an issue that they are unable to resolve. To make a meaningful difference, sign up for a charity event. Others who attend the event may benefit from it as well, if they are fortunate enough to do so. You can use a fundraiser to make it possible for your cancer-stricken loved one to communicate with and meet her friends. When you learn that a close friend or family member has cancer but is otherwise doing well, it’s encouraging to know.

Steps To Start A Donation Fund For Someone With Cancer

Here are the actions you need to do to start a fund for a cancer patient:

Step #1. Choosing the location

Consider your final goal before you settle on a five-star hotel as your place of choice. Think of your event as a way to help cancer patients pay for their treatment.

By saving money on the leasing price, the recipient will receive an increase in their own funds to spend as they see fit. Decide ahead of time whether or not alcoholic beverages will be served at the party. In the long run, it is more cost-effective to pay with cash at the bar.

The expense of renting a restaurant’s space for an event can be partially mitigated if a cash bar is set up. Drinking is a personal decision, and both sides have compelling arguments. Select a location that is easily accessible by all.

Step #2. Knowing what food to serve

Be sure to have enough refrigeration in your home. Depending on where you are staying, you may be required to have your meals supplied by the hotel, which would place restrictions on what you can eat. In other cases, the choice is entirely up to you.

If a big number of people are willing to provide food, may a potluck be organized? Fresh fruits and vegetables are always a hit because they are so healthful. Restaurants may agree to provide food at your event as a form of free marketing for their business. The best strategy, though, is to divide your buying and purchase among your closest friends, as many local bakers have been inundated with requests for donations to private fundraisers.

Step #3. Playing music

Adding music via a pipe may help improve moods, but nothing beats a real live band performing for you. Alternatively, you may ask a close friend who’s in a local band for help. Many budding artists, young and old, value the attention that comes with charging a small price.

No one gives a flying fig about finding the perfect band that can only perform one style of music; it makes no difference. Because it is not a formal tuxedo occasion, you will not be subject to any social pressure. In the end, all you can do is help make their battle with cancer a little bit easier.

Step #4. Spread the word

A flyer advertising your event should be created at the earliest opportunity. To donate to a good cause, some businesses may ask for a flyer. The acquisition of post office boxes may also make it easier to combine donations. You should advertise your business in places where people are likely to see it, such as neighborhood businesses, shopping malls, and libraries. Before you do anything further, make sure you have your friend’s permission to send a message to her Facebook friends.

Send an email or use social media to make a public message. Persuade those who are interested in your work to tell others about it. If you’re on Twitter or another social media network, do your best to spread the news.

How to raise money for someone who has cancer

Planning a fundraising event for a cancer patient is an excellent way to get started. And just in case you’re scared off by the prospect, we’ve heard of folks who raised thousands of dollars after only a few hours of planning. There is no doubt about the necessity of raising finances. Because cancer treatment is so expensive and you have less time to work due to treatment and side effects, the math becomes simple. Out with the old and in with the new.

Health insurance coverage is shrinking even as the cost of treatment rises. As a result, cancer patients face an increasing financial burden. Hosting a fundraiser, on the other hand, has many other benefits, including helping your loved one financially.

With a fundraising, you’re able to accomplish something new. Cancer patients’ loved ones sometimes lament that they feel helpless and powerless in the face of their illness. Many cancer patients wish their loved ones would just sit with them and listen instead of trying to solve things that can’t be fixed; this is also true for cancer survivors.) A fundraiser is a great way to support in a tangible way.

The people you invite can also profit from the event. A fundraiser can give your loved one with cancer the chance to mingle with friends that she hasn’t had energy to visit or even contact. Friends find it comforting to discover that their loved one is still alive and well despite being in the throes of cancer treatment.

What it Takes to Plan a Fundraiser for a Cancer Patient

  • A handful of my pals.
  • Just a small bit of time and effort on your part
  • a meeting spot
  • That’s all I can say.

Getting Started

In the ideal situation, you’ll have a few weeks to arrange your benefit, but don’t let that discourage you. Fundraisers often have only a few days or weeks to plan their events.

Online Fundraising Hacks: Fundraising Ideas and Tips to Skyrocket Your Donations

Where to Begin

A good event organiser is essential for the initial phase. No, I don’t know someone like that, but if you do, please tell me. Try to avoid assigning your loved one any work at a fundraiser because the purpose is to generate money for her treatment and allow her to heal. In the case of a male buddy with cancer, the same knowledge can be applied.

Make a list of four or five pals who are “doers” and share their contact information with the event planner once you’ve decided on one. To keep things as flexible as possible, the group will probably wish to meet in person at least a few times in the future. With today’s technology, fundraisers can be planned and executed electronically.

Set up a Donation Site

To begin raising money before your fundraiser, do not wait until the last minute. Create a fundraising page on a website like GoFundMe. Include all of the following information.

Set up a Website or Facebook Page

Create a Facebook page or a website as soon as feasible with all of the pertinent information about your event. Include the following information on the page:

  • When, where, and how much money will be raised
  • For those who are interested, a brief profile and a reason for the fundraiser are necessary, and regular updates will keep the site fresh while attracting new visitors.
  • Will there be a silent auction or raffle in the afternoon or evening? In the event that this is the case, you may want to include a list of objects and photographs if possible.
  • As an alternative to charging a predetermined fee, many events offer a suggested donation instead. Guests who can’t afford your proposed donation shouldn’t be turned away. The opposite is also true: you don’t want donors — many of whom will donate more — who want to give the maximum amount of money possible.
  • Some people may not be able to make it to your event. If you’ve already set up a GoFundMe or other fundraising site, include a link to it in your message.

The Location

While a five-star hotel may appear posh when looking for a location, what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Keep in mind that the purpose of your event is to raise as much money as possible to assist cancer patients with their medical bills while you make your decisions. The recipient of the benefit will have more money to spend if the hall is less expensive to rent.

Whether or not you want alcoholic beverages offered should be decided in advance. The expense is reduced by using a cash bar. A cash bar may be employed by some establishments to offset the costs of allowing their venue to be used for charitable purposes. Drinking alcohol or not is a deeply personal decision, with strong arguments on either side. Make an effort to find a place that is easily accessible to everyone who will be there. If so, where is the nearest VFW, a community center, or the American Legion?

The Food

Keep two things in mind when preparing food: make it simple to prepare and have enough refrigerated. Many times, your location dictates your food options—the venue may need catering for your event. In some circumstances, you’ll have to make the decision. Is there enough interest in a potluck to make it possible? There is nothing better than a generous serving of fresh fruits and veggies.

Your event could benefit from the generosity of a local restaurant. When it comes to private fundraisers, many bakeries are besieged with requests for donations, so it may make more sense to share the shopping and buying out among a few friends.


Live music is even better than piping in music at a fundraiser since it adds to the atmosphere. What if you knew someone in a band or knew of a new band in your neighborhood? Many young (and older) musicians are prepared to offer their time in exchange for the publicity that comes with a nominal fee. You don’t need to look for a perfect band or one that performs a specific genre of music to find a good band. Even if you have to keep reminding yourself, it’s important to remember why the event is happening. No one will treat you like you’re attending a black-tie event (or at least those with caring hearts will). Instead, they will be grateful for your efforts to make the treatment of your loved one’s cancer a little bit easier.

Spreading the Word

Produce a flyer with all the pertinent information about your event as soon as feasible. When making a donation, some companies insist on submitting a flyer. Donations can be mailed to a P.O. box purchased by the organization. Whenever you’re ready, click here.

  • Post fliers at local businesses, shopping malls, libraries, and other public places where they can be easily accessed by people in the community.
  • Get an email list of friends from your cancer-stricken friend. Remember that you’re trying to avoid making him or her do any additional effort. Decide whether you can or cannot mention something in an email.
  • Send out a Facebook message to your friend’s pals if she gives you permission. Your friends should know about it, too. Encourage your audience to share your content on their social networks.
  • Consider posting a tweet about the event if you use Twitter.

Keep Talking

Many people are apprehensive about “reminding” others about the forthcoming event, at least at first. However, if you’re on social media, it’s a must. There are some people who spend all of their time on social media, while others just use it sometimes. The material you present in your follow-up communications should pique the interest of your audience. You may want to talk about the new silent auction donations you’ve received. You might also post on GoFundMe that you’ve met your primary target. Definitely react to any comments that are made on your posts. Get as many people involved as you can.

Fundraiser Day Ideas

One of the most effective methods of raising money is to hold a party. While the “games” you have will undoubtedly raise funds, don’t let that be your sole focus. In many cases, the amount of money raised through an auction or raffle is significantly less than the amount of money raised through cash donations. Here are a few ideas:

  • For a silent auction, think of baskets themed around football games, spa days, coffee lovers, etc.
  • Organize a raffle (for a few bigger items)
  • Smaller donations can be collected via an envelope draw.

Find out from your peers what has done well in the past for similar fundraisers in your area.

Ideas for Silent Auction Donations

In the beginning, the best advice is to just ask for donations. What could possibly go wrong? Even if someone tells you no, don’t give up. You may be amazed at how many firms are willing to help. Because so many of us have had personal experience with cancer through family members or close friends, we have empathy for individuals who are suffering.

Some businesses will want proof of your fundraiser, such as a flyer, while others won’t require any documentation whatsoever. It is possible to locate email addresses online, but you may also want to call the business and inquire about the finest email address to send a message to the company.. Here are a few ideas:

  • If you’re looking for a quick bite, a family-owned restaurant can be the best option.
  • a place where you can bowl
  • Courses for golf
  • Gyms for climbing
  • Memberships at different gyms
  • Sporting event tickets are available for purchase.
  • As a form of advertising, small community and dinner theaters are more likely to respond to the request for tickets.
  • studios for ballroom dancing
  • Salons for getting one’s hair done
  • You may want to offer people to donate their artwork in exchange for your services.
  • The type of shops that you or your pals like to go to.

Consider the nearby companies in strip malls as a starting point for your brainstorming session. You may wish to check the phone book in your area. See if you can get some more ideas from people who have done this before.

As Your Fundraiser Nears

You’ll need to gather last-minute supplies as the date of your fundraising approaches. You can’t put a price on the value of a time-based spreadsheet.

The Week Before

There are a lot of people who will inquire about what they can do, but many of these people will be short on time. Ideas for delegating include the following:

  • Purchasing plastic cutlery, plates, and napkins (or asking for contributions of them)
  • Your event should be advertised in the community and the venue’s front door with posters.
  • supplying raffle boxes (wrapped in slotted paper)
  • Printing out fliers (on nice paper) stating the worth of donated goods and the starting price at which bids can be placed
  • Organize a team of three to four persons to take money and deliver things from the silent auction, if necessary.
  • The cost of flowers can be minimized with a little forethought and strategy. Is there a stash of low-cost glass vases somewhere? If not, you may want to check out Goodwill. Flowers can be purchased from a local farmer’s market or cut fresh from a garden during the appropriate time of year. At the conclusion of the night, consider donating a few flowers to a charity of your choice.
  • Make a list of personnel who will be in charge of cleaning up after the event and keeping track of any cash or checks that were handed out.

Even though these are only a few pointers, the most important thing is that you begin. Having a cancer diagnosis can be a double-edged sword in this economy, which is already stressful enough. For years to come, your cancer-stricken buddy will be thankful for your efforts.

The Day Before

It’s possible that those who haven’t experienced cancer fatigue are unaware of the differences between cancer fatigue and regular tiredness. Your cancer-stricken loved one should take the day before the event to rest, even if all the details aren’t finalized. Unlike a theatrical production, there is no star ranking system for a fundraising event.

To show gratitude to those that attended, ask your loved one to prepare a brief statement or at the very least to say “thank you” a few times.

The Day of Your Event

Plan to relax as much as possible the day before the event. This might be a wonderful day to catch some zzz’s if you’re a morning person. Even for people who aren’t dealing with cancer, a few hours of fundraising can be exhausting. Reach out to someone you trust at the event if you can’t find enough individuals to help with cleanup or who can help count up the sum raised. Don’t forget to name any borrowed items so that you can return them to the right person after you’re done with the project.

The Benefits of Online Fundraising - NFCR

After Your Event

After your event, you’ll want to think about who to recognize for their participation in it. Businesses that make charitable donations may or may not ask for an acknowledgement of their good deeds, depending on the nature of the event.

Send out thank-you notes to everyone who contributed to the success of your fundraiser. Making these messages more personal by include a few phrases describing how a person assisted is preferable to merely expressing gratitude for their assistance. Your pals who assisted will feel valued if you describe the specific tasks they helped with.

You will still have access to your GoFundMe account even once the event is done. You can keep friends updated on the progress of your loved one by providing them with a link to the account. Share your progress with your followers as soon as you’ve reached a milestone (such as achieving half of your original goal).

Other Ways to Meet Financial Needs

Even after a successful fundraiser, your friend may still require your assistance in getting out of debt. The approval of a loved one to seek help is another way friends may aid. Is it possible that you may accompany her on a trip to the cancer facility where she is being treated to meet with a social worker? There are a few, but they’ll require a lot of time and effort.

Despite the wealth of information available online about financial resources for cancer patients, many of these overlook a critical resource: tax deductions.

It’s remarkable how many people with cancer qualify for medical deductions that surpass 10% of their gross adjusted income. This includes not only your cancer-related costs, but those of your family members as well. The cost of braces, contacts, and other orthodontic procedures for teenagers and tweens is likely to be very high for families.

A Word From Verywell

Emotional assistance is just as crucial as physical and financial help. Check out these helpful hints for helping a loved one with cancer, and learn more about what it’s like to deal with cancer yourself.

The phrase “what can I do to help” is frequently mentioned as one to omit when speaking to a cancer patient. The decision to answer this question is only one of several that cancer patients must make while coping with the disease. Instead, people who have cancer choose to get help in a specific way. For example, they might ask if you might wash their windows for them on Wednesday at 3 p.m., one week from now. Planning a fundraiser is easier if you focus on specifics.


Is it legal to fundraise for yourself?

You are permitted to generate funds for any purpose you choose (as long as it is not illegal). Raising money to pay for your therapy and any additional costs you may face in the future is totally reasonable.

How can I raise money for cancer treatment?

Cancer crowdfunding refers to online campaigns that solicit small monetary donations in order to assist an individual or family in covering the costs of pricey cancer treatments like chemotherapy. The most cost-effective and simple approach to begin raising money for cancer treatment costs and chemotherapy medications is through crowdfunding.

How do you ask for donations examples?

For my [cause/project/etc.], I would like to ask for your help in any way possible. I can accomplish a lot with a tiny donation of [amount]. You may be sure that your money will be put to good use by making a donation. [ A personal connection might help donors feel more connected to your cause.

How do you start a donation email?

Dear [insert name], thank you for your attention. The amount of money I need to raise for [insert charitable cause] will be met in [number] days. Only [enter number] people would be able to help me accomplish my fundraising goal if they donated [insert dollar amount].

How do I start a donation account?

Open a contribution account at the financial institution of your choice. Talk to a bank representative about starting a charitable gift account. One of the things that will be discussed is how people can give money to the account.

How do I make a donation in honor or memory of someone?

Donating to the American Cancer Society in honor or memory of a friend or loved one is a simple way to commemorate their memory. The Gift Type field on the donation form is all that is needed to make a donation.

Is the family notified of my donation amount?

No, the American Cancer Society will send a card to the honoree or family to thank you for your donation as soon as it is received. Donations made in memory of or in honor of someone are kept private.

Does the American Cancer Society have family addresses on file for memorial gifts?

Privacy regulations prevent us from keeping your address on file.

How long does it take to receive an acknowledgment card from the American Cancer Society?

Please wait up to two weeks for the creation and delivery of a paper card by the United States Postal Service. The majority of e-cards are delivered within 24 hours.

What assets can I use to make a gift to the American Cancer Society?

Generally speaking, you can make an outright gift of money, securities, or other property during your lifetime (e.g., real estate, personal property). Your gift can be dedicated to the American Cancer Society in your will or through a distribution from a retirement plan or life insurance policy.

What tax forms do I need to make a planned gift?

A copy of the American Cancer Society’s tax-exempt letter can help you and your financial advisor structure planned gift contributions.

Can I make monthly, automatic donations to the American Cancer Society?

You become part of a group of people who are working together to save 500 lives a day from cancer by pledging a monthly credit card donation in an amount you can afford.

Donating on a monthly basis is simple.

  • Today, you can join the fight against cancer by filling out our secure online form.
  • Call 1-800-227-2345 if you’d like to inquire about making a recurring donation.

Why should I donate monthly?

If you want to help the American Cancer Society fight cancer, making a monthly donation is the best way to go about it. It’s both cost-effective and convenient. With your help, we can carry out crucial research and offer vital services to cancer patients and their families, including as prevention and early detection, patient support, and reliable information.

When will my credit card first be charged?

Every month, on the 15th, you’ll be charged. Your credit card will not be debited until the 15th for your first online gift. The 15th of each month will be the date for all following charges.

Will I receive verification of my donations for tax purposes?

Donors who pay on a monthly basis are sent an annual statement outlining their overall donations for the previous year. In most cases, you’ll receive this statement in the mail in February.

Once I’ve made an online gift to the American Cancer Society, how can I make changes to my account, i.e. change amount, change my credit card number, or stop payment?

You can reach us by phone at (800) 227-2345, or you can talk to us online using the chat feature.

What if I need to stop giving? Can I stop whenever I want?

Yes, please let us know via phone at 1-800-227-2345 or online chat.

Please call 1-800-227-2345 if you have any additional donation or general questions.

What is the address to mail my donation to the American Cancer Society?

Society for the Prevention and Control of Cancer

Post Office Box 22478

Does the American Cancer Society have a matching gift program?

Employer Matching Gifts are available. At 1-800-227-2345, you can also get further information.

What is your refund policy?

Any discrepancies or reports of credit card or debit card fraud should be reported within 30 days of when the donation was made. If you need assistance, please call us at 1-800-227-2345.

Can I donate my hair?

The American Cancer Society is unable to accept hair donations, but Wigs for Kids, an organization to which we can connect those in need, can.

It’s A Wrap!

It’s time to get started on a donation fund for a cancer patient because you already know how to do so. Once you’ve caught someone’s eye, do whatever it takes to keep them interested in you. Check out these articles on how to record a donation in QuickBooks as well as how to set up a paypal donation to get started!