Updated at: 15-07-2022 - By: cnbusinessnews

Is there a reason for all the smoke coming from my wood stove? There could be a number of reasons why the fire started off so poorly.

It’s important to remember that the beginning of a fire is critical. You must keep the flame burning as soon as you start it. A lot of smoke will be produced in the event that something goes wrong once the fire is started. If the fire gets a hold of the fuel, it will swiftly consume the wood. Smoke could be caused by a number of other factors, including a sloppy start.

In addition, if the wood or stove is cold or there isn’t enough airflow, your wood stove may start smoking. If you haven’t already, please continue reading!

How Do Wood Burning Stoves Work?

Traditional Wood Stoves

An inefficient burning technique is used by older wood stoves to create heat. Using paper, kindling, and wood, you can create a fire in the stove. Intake vents allow fresh air to enter the stove and assist keep the flames going. According to the California Air Resources Board, this is the stage at which a significant amount of energy is expended in the process of drying out the wood in the stove. Vaporizes and is expelled by the chimney. Carbon, charcoal, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the burning wood are also expelled by the chimney. Burning these gases instead of extinguishing down the chimney provides some heat at 600 degrees Fahrenheit. In order for the now-charcoal wood to begin to burn and generate heat, the stove must achieve a temperature of 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why Does My Wood Stove Smoke Up The House? 4 Best Reasons! - Krostrade

Certified Wood Stoves

After 1990, the EPA began certifying stoves manufactured in the United States. Modern, EPA-certified stoves use less wood and produce less pollution while producing more heat. Secondary combustion or catalytic combustors are used in stoves that have been certified by the EPA for efficiency. In secondary combustion stoves, air is drawn into the firebox through a second intake. This air aids in the combustion of the gases that would otherwise escape up the chimney, generating greater heat as a result. A catalytic device, like those found in automobiles, is used in catalytic wood stoves. The catalytic combuster compels the gases to burn at a lower temperature than they normally would as they depart the firebox. Rather than contributing to air pollution, both of these systems convert gases into more heat for the home.

Heating the Home

The walls and top of a wood stove radiate heat as they warm up. Natural air flow can carry this radiant heat across the house and into adjacent rooms. Fans driven by electricity or convection can help distribute this heat to a wider area. Some wood stoves use a convection chamber that wraps around the firebox to provide both radiant and convection heat. Cool air is drawn into the convection chamber and warmed before returning to the room.

Air Quality Concerns

Despite their efficiency, even the most environmentally friendly wood stoves contribute to pollutants. Wood smoke, for example, contains 80–90% fine particulate matter, according to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Reduced lung function, nasal and throat discomfort, irregular heartbeat, and other health problems can be the outcome of inhaling these particles. The use of wood stoves is strictly regulated in California’s Air Quality Management Districts to assist prevent the negative health impacts of wood smoke. From November to March, all wood stoves sold in the state must fulfill EPA Phase II Certification and on specific “Spare the Air” days, the use of any wood stove is prohibited.

Reasons Why Does Wood Stove Smoke Up The House

There are many factors that can contribute to an overabundance of smoke when utilizing a wood stove. But we’ll focus on the four most typical explanations for this difficulty. So, what gives my wood stove the urge to spew so much smoke into my home? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

#1. Excessive moisture

A lot of water is dripping from trees in the woods. In wood stoves, the primary source of smoke is moisture from the wood being burned. Make sure the wood is thoroughly dry before igniting a fire. The high moisture content of freshly cut wood might cause problems when used in a fire. A process known as “seasoning” is required before this issue may be resolved.

The disadvantage of burning damp wood in a stove is that more smoke is produced. First, you must remove any moisture from the wood so the fire can accomplish its job of generating heat and burning it. It is also more difficult to start a fire using wood that has a high quantity of moisture in it.

It is more smoke-producing when the wood is burned inefficiently, such as when it’s too damp. However, when used properly, wood-burning stoves emit just a little amount of smoke.

When burning “well-seasoned” or “kiln-dried” wood, you need to keep an eye out for a lot of smoke. These phrases are used to describe wood that has been dried and cured to the point where it can safely be burned. Moisture meters can help you determine how much moisture is in your wood. Under 20 percent water content is ideal for optimum results. Low-moisture wood burns faster and creates less smoke, making it ideal for use in stoves.

#2. Cold wood

Unheated stoves and cold wood can lead to smoldering. An explosive temperature can only be reached when the wood has warmed sufficiently. The fire will smoke since the wood isn’t burning efficiently. About a day or two before we need the stoves to be fired up, we bring the wood in from the outdoor storage area.

Wood is stored in a box near the stove and brought in to be warmed to room temperature before being used. When the wood is around room temperature, it burns more efficiently and produces less smoke.

It’s possible that you’re curious about where to get wood pellets and firewood for your fireplace.

#3. Cold wood stove

Smoke from a fire can be produced by a cold wood stove. Cold air trapped inside the stove pulls in any smoldering fire’s evaporating smoke. Exhaust from your stove won’t get to the fire as much if it’s not working properly.

Smoldering and failing to consume the wood, a fire produces smoke when it lacks oxygen. As a result, before lighting our woodstove, we normally leave the door slightly ajar. Because it is isolated from the rest of the house, closing the stove door makes it colder.

Let the stove warm up to room temperature before using it to reduce the amount of smokey emissions. It is, nevertheless, a challenge to stay up with the latest developments. There are several ways to reduce the amount of smoke and waste gas that enters your home, but using a stove with a weak draw is one of the most common.

In order to eliminate the cold air that has built up in the flue, the flames must be ignited. Begin the stove as soon as you notice the flue filling up with smoke from burning newspapers. Start a woodstove fire with this method.

#4. Lack of airflow

Because of a lack of oxygen, a fire in your stove may go out before all of the wood has been burned completely. Having too few or too few open air vents on the stove can cause an oxygen deficiency. Before starting a fire in your wood stove, make sure all of the air vents are open. Until the fire has devoured all the wood, keep the doors and windows open.

To increase the amount of heat produced by the fire, keep adding larger and larger logs as the smallest pieces of wood are consumed. To get the most out of your fire, close the air vents until the fire has completely burned through the wood without smoldering or producing smoke. If you have a wood stove, you might be interested in learning how to reduce the smell of wood.

16 Reasons Why Your Wood Burning Stove Is Smoking

A Guide to Maintaining Your Wood Stove

Cleaning & Inspecting Your Wood Stove

It’s a good idea to get a wood stove inspected before you move into a house that has one. In order to guarantee the stove is safe and compliant with local regulations, a qualified chimney sweep should conduct an inspection.

Before using your chimney, you should get it cleaned if necessary. You’ll be safe to use your stove this winter if you have a clean chimney and a passing inspection.

You’ll probably want to have your stove serviced once a year after the initial cleaning. Depending on how often you use it and what kind of fires you burn, you should get it serviced at least once a year. Annually, following the burning season, is a good time to have it done as a rule of thumb.

Cleaning the stove yourself is an option if you don’t want to keep paying your local chimney cleaner. That your stove is cleaned on a regular basis and done correctly is the most important thing.

Choosing The Right Firewood for Your Wood Stove

Getting the appropriate kind of wood for your wood stove might make all the difference. Depending on the type of wood, there are hardwood and softwood firewood. Oak, maple, and birch trees produce dense hardwood. It’s conifers, including pine, fir and cedar, that make up the softwoods.

It takes longer for hardwood to burn because it is more dense. Heat is generated for a longer amount of time with this appliance. For this reason, wood stoves are typically made of hardwood. It’s fine to use softwood, it just burns faster and hotter than hard wood..

Where you reside has a significant impact on the type of wood you might expect to find. Because hardwoods aren’t always easily available, your cord may be made up of of softwood in some regions instead.


There is a danger in mentioning creosote when discussing wood stoves because it can pose a risk to health and safety. Incomplete combustion from your fire leads to the accumulation of creosote, a dark substance in your chimney.

What’s the big deal? A buildup of creosote in the chimney can result in fires and problems with the chimney’s ventilation. Creosote hardens over time and can catch fire if heated enough. Cleaning your stove and chimney by a professional on a regular basis can help prevent the buildup of creosote.

A wood stove thermometer is a tiny, convenient tool that can assist you in managing your fires (pictured below). One of these can be installed in your chimney to help you keep the temperature of your fires in a safe range for a long period of time.

A couple things you can do to prevent creosote:

Although you can take steps to avoid creosote buildup, it is inevitable that your chimney will eventually become clogged with the substance. If you use your stove regularly, burn different types of wood, and keep things hot while doing so, you’ll need different amounts of creosote.

  • Instead of slow, smoldering blazes, start up a blazing blaze. Slow-burning, smoldering fires produce more creosote, which builds up more quickly.
  • Burn the proper kind of wood. Only use dry, seasoned wood. Also, your stove should only be used to burn wood, not man-made substances like newspaper or cardboard.
  • For most wood stoves, creosote is inevitable, thus it’s critical to clear it out on a regular basis. Every year should suffice for most people.


Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning from a wood burner?

It’s safe to say that a wood-burning stove can produce carbon monoxide. Additional fuels like gas, oil, solid minerals, and biomass can also lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. There are more than just wood- and multifuel-burning stoves.

Why is my wood stove Backdrafting?

An updraft created by a hot fire sweeps the waste gases from a fireplace or a wood stove up through the chimney. Fires that are too low in heat or that have blocked chimneys can cause backdrafts. Air pressure variances might also be to blame.

Do you need a carbon monoxide detector with a wood burning stove?

Having a carbon monoxide detector fitted if your wood-burning stove was installed after October 2010 is mandatory. It’s required by law. It doesn’t matter if the carbon monoxide alarm is mounted on the wall or the ceiling, the horizontal distance between the alarm and the woodburner should be 1m to 3m.

Are wood burning stoves to be banned?

Please don’t freak out; wood stoves will not be prohibited. Your ancient stove can still be used. In 2022, new rules will go into effect. Now is the perfect time to invest in a brand new, highly efficient stove that burns cleaner.

Is it safe to sleep with a wood stove burning?

Reduce the fire’s intake of fresh air. Close the vents, but don’t shut them off altogether. This will slow the fire’s extinguishment by limiting the amount of air that may enter the chamber. When the fire’s embers turn orange, you know it’s dying and you may go to bed in ease.

How do I improve my wood burning stove?

A wood stove’s draft can be improved in several ways, the most common of which are as follows: Every year or every season if you’re using wood as your primary source of heat, have your flue or chimney cleaned. Begin the process of starting a fire by leaving the stove door open for at least an hour. Before starting a fire, warm the flue with a heat source.

How do you stop a downdraft in a wood stove?

How to Keep Chimney Downdraft Exhaust Fans From Being Shut Off: As a rule, switch off your exhaust fans when you’re using your fireplace, as they naturally draw air out of the house. If your damper is bent, you may need to make a small adjustment to it in order to achieve the desired airflow.

Is a wood stove bad for your lungs?

Particulate matter can be inhaled all the way to the base of the throat. It can cause cell damage, making breathing more difficult and exacerbating heart and lung diseases if it is stuck in the cells for an extended period of time. Smoke from wood-burning stoves has been related to a number of health problems, including: The deterioration of lung capacity.

Can I burn a Duraflame log in a wood stove?

It is not recommended to use Duraflame firelogs (other than stax logs) in wood stoves or fireplace inserts with doors that restrict air circulation. Except as specified by the fireplace manufacturer, open the glass doors of your fireplace whenever a firelog is burning.

Does wood smoke have carbon monoxide?

We now know that wood smoke can have a negative influence on the health of your family and those around you, despite the fact that people have been burning wood for millennia. In addition to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide, dioxins, and other toxins, it contains wood tars, gases, and soot.

Can I complain about my Neighbours wood burning stove?

The Environmental Protection Act of 1990 requires local governments to investigate complaints about public health and nuisance issues, including smoke and odours from fireplaces and stoves.

Are wood stoves bad for your health?

specialists claim wood-burning appliances are harmful to the heart and lungs because of their high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon monoxide emissions. Air pollution and tiny particles can enter the lungs and bloodstream through their emissions.

You are now prohibited from burning wood or coal on an open fire. Smokeless fuels, such as dry wood, should be used solely.

How long will a wood burning stove last?

While some people say they’ve had the same wood-burning stove for decades, others say they’ve had the same stove for decades. The whole tale may not be told, however. Yes, if properly cared for, a log burner can last for several decades.

Possible Reasons Smoke Is Backing Up Into Wood Stove

How do you make logs burn slower?

Slow down a fire from the beginning by building it from the top down. Burn wood that has a moisture percentage of 15% to 20%, rather than really dry wood, for your fire. It’s better to use hardwood logs in your fire than softwood logs because they burn for longer lengths of time.

How long will a wood stove burn?

Your wood burning stove can burn for up to 8 hours or more if you load it with large chunks of wood that are tightly packed together, allowing the fire to spread from log to log. You won’t have to reload for a long while. A low, continuous heat can be maintained all night long with this type of burn.


It’s everything here! The traditional answers to the question, “Why does my wood stove smoke?” are as follows. Because you’re already aware of the problem, you may take steps to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Know how to burn coal in a wood stove by reading related articles.