Updated at: 03-08-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Is this anything you might be curious about? A lack of action is equivalent to not giving blood. The key difference is that a specific kind of machine is used, which opens up opportunities for participation.

Two of a donor’s own red blood cells are used during a single donation. After that, the clinic will return your platelets and plasma to you.

The side effects of this medicine are amplified in patients with chronic blood disorders or who have experienced trauma. Red blood cells are a vital part of the blood’s composition. They are typically given to patients quite often. As was previously mentioned, the effect of a donation made in red or power red is multiplied by two.

What Is It?

When you donate two units of red blood cells at once, your plasma and platelets are returned to you using specialized equipment, just as they are when you donate a full blood unit.

Give more red blood cells. Make a Power Red donation. - YouTube

How Is a Power Red Cell Donation Different?

During a power red cell donation, blood is drawn from one arm and delivered to a machine using a sterile, single-use syringe. The machine will harvest two units of red blood cells from the same arm, separate them, and return them to you along with some saline. There is a video available from the American Red Cross that explains how to perform the process.

The Benefits

  • Spend less time working for your money: If you are an A, AB, B, or O negative blood donor but are really time-pressed, power red cell donation may be a possibility for you. You can give patients more of the essential ingredient with each successive therapy. You can give blood every four months, but only an RBC (power red cell) donation takes about 20-30 minutes longer.
  • All of your platelets and plasma, plus some saline, are returned to you after a blood donation, which may leave you feeling more hydrated than before.

How Is It Different?

Red power donation refers to what, exactly? Initial blood samples will be drawn from your arm with a sterile, single-use needle. The objective is to establish a device for receiving donated red blood cells. The machine is currently separating the red blood cells into two distinct piles. The remaining saline and blood components have been returned without incident. The single limb will suffice for both tasks.

Apheresis is the medical word for this kind of robotic blood donation. A plasma donation takes about 25–35 minutes longer to complete than a whole blood donation. However, many contributors say they are in better spirits after making a power red contribution. The saline solution injected into their veins has helped them retain even more water.

Who Will Be Eligible for The Donation?

I’ve laid up the requirements for receiving your power red gift.

  • You either have blood type O positive, blood type B negative, blood type A negative, or blood type O negative.
  • A man of 5 foot 1 inch height and 130 pounds in weight.
  • You have around average height and weight for a lady of your age.
  • There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be in prime physical condition and experiencing nothing but happiness.
  • Hemoglobin concentrations over 40 percent and above 13.3 percent g/dL are observed.
  • The average donation cycle is once every 112 days; you’ve already donated more than three times this year.

What Are The Benefits?

Here are some of the benefits that you can expect to reap from giving red authority.

#1. Enable your donation to go further

Red power cell donations are a fantastic gesture of solidarity. In this way, patients will get the benefits of the procedure’s enhanced efficiency. In addition, you can get it done in 20-30 minutes. Therefore, you can give once per quarter if you’d like.

#2. Feel better

You’ll get your plasma and platelets back. The saline environment is the same. As a result, none of the fluid in your blood will be lost. Donating blood will replenish your fluid stores and make you feel better overall. Get a handle on the significance of red contribution.

#3. Make an impact

Distribution of double red blood cells has far-reaching effects on the neighborhood. The lives of up to three people can be saved by a single donation. The issue is that it typically takes more donors to save the life of a single patient.

Why Take Multivitamins w/ Iron After You Donate?

Donating blood is supposed to cause iron loss. Lack of iron in the diet or anemia might go together in hand. True if it isn’t dealt with. When iron levels are managed properly, optimal health is possible. Consequently, it helps keep strength and vitality for the long haul.

After that, you should get some more iron. Those under the age of forty, in particular, must understand the importance of this. This is because their physical selves are still maturing at this point. A healthy, well-rounded diet rich in iron-rich foods should be planned. Foods high in vitamin C are also important.

Red Blood Cell Donation - Power Reds | Red Cross Blood Services

However, dietary improvements alone are not enough. Therefore, a multivitamin with 18 milligrams of iron will provide your body with a welcome boost. Please remember to take this supplement on a daily basis for the first sixty days after each blood donation. Additionally, it can go on for an additional 120 days after each power red contribution is made. It is helpful in restoring the iron levels in your body.

Seeking professional medical advice is also recommended. Do this before making any changes to your current eating or activity habits. You must take a multivitamin with iron in it. Remember that you’ll need to take a supplement after donating blood so that you can put things in perspective.

Do You Have to Talk To Your Doctor Before Your Test Results?

See a doctor if your iron or hemoglobin levels fluctuate. Even if your results come back normal, you should proceed with caution. Thus, it is entirely up to you whether or not you wish to continue giving blood. Have others close to you in on the conversation as well.

What If Your Hemoglobin Levels Were Too Low?

At first, the Red Cross will check your hemoglobin. They will examine your donation with a finger stick before accepting it. This process determines how much hemoglobin is in your blood. It is possible to identify a protein in the blood. It is what gives it its distinctive red tint.

Hemoglobin also transports oxygen from the lungs. It nourishes all of the body’s tissues as well. If your hemoglobin levels are low, you will be requested to wait.

The Benefits

  • Hemoglobin also carries oxygen, which comes from the lungs. Moreover, it nourishes all of the body’s tissues. Patients with low hemoglobin levels may be asked to wait.
  • Improve the effectiveness of your blood donation and reduce the amount of time it takes: Power Red may be the best choice if you are a blood donor with blood types O, A-, or B-negative. You can give patients more of the essential ingredient with each successive therapy. Donating Power Red (double red cell gift) takes around 30 minutes longer than donating whole blood, and donors can give every four months on average.
  • All of your platelets and plasma, plus some saline, are returned to you after a blood donation, which may leave you feeling more hydrated than before.

Am I Eligible to Donate?

Donating Power Red requires additional parameters, including hemoglobin, weight, and height, to be met. There is a dividing line between the sexes that varies.

  • Donors of blood types O, A-, and B-negative should use Power Red.
  • Multiple times per year; possibly up to three times per year
  • You need to be in tip-top physical and mental shape to take part in this**.
  • Most states have a minimum height and weight requirement of 5’1″ for male donors+ and 17 years of age for male donors.
  • Donating is restricted to women who are at least 19 years old, 5 feet 5 inches tall, and 150 pounds.

How Long Does It Take?

A Power Red takes about 1.5 hours to complete from start to finish (registration to canteen).

How Often Can I Donate A Power Red?

Each Power Red can be donated every 16 weeks, or four months.

Why Donate A Power Red?

Donating two units of blood has the greatest impact on your community and on those in need. Even though a single donation can save three lives, a single patient may require many.

Give blood to Red Cross | Red Cross Stories ✓

Donor Benefits

You can save some time by limiting your Power Red contributions to only three times a year. This is the best option for those of you who lead very busy lives and don’t have much spare time.

Compared to regular blood donations, the lives you can help save with a Power Red transfusion are doubled.

Donating blood using apheresis really helps you retain more fluid than you started with.


The following conditions must be met in order to receive a Power Red contribution:

On the go blood drive:

Donor eligibility is determined by total blood volume and hematocrit, both of which can be determined by speaking with a specialist at a blood bank.

In Conclusion

Finally! Donations of power red are well-known. If you’re interested, we can schedule a meeting with you as soon as you’d like. If you’re interested in joining forces, head over to the Donate More Power Red Donation page. Always make sure you’re meeting or exceeding all requirements. Body mass index, height-to-weight ratio, and overall health status are all considered. Those in the surrounding community as well as the sickest patients would benefit greatly. See the importance of blood donation and how to enhance iron levels in the blood for further details on blood donation. Having you here today has been a great honor.