Updated at: 26-09-2022 - By: cnbusinessnews

Using a wood stove damper: what’s the best way to go? For as long as we can remember, wood stoves have been an essential part of any home that wanted to bring the warmth of a fire into the living space. The only apparatus that could contain and keep a fire going for long periods of time was the wood stove. Many individuals continue to use that innovation because of its utility.

What is a damper, anyway? For those who have no idea how to use the device, it aids you in controlling your fire and regulating airflow in your firebox while the door is closed. Depending on how fast and how hot the fire is burning, you can open and close the fire to use it as you see fit.

While this may be the case, let’s move on to other aspects of the article’s subject matter now. Learning new skills is always a good idea if you’re not sure when you’ll need them. Let’s get right down to business, shall we? Keep an eye out for these and jot them down anytime you come across one.

Does A Wood Stove Need A Damper?

Is a damper for a wood stove necessary? It’s impossible to give a definitive response to this issue because it depends on whoever you ask. The thermostat on your fireplace or wood burning stove may seem like a good idea, but other homeowners have discovered that other options are more suited to their needs and circumstances.

You may require a wood stove damper for the following reasons:

  • Your stove’s temperature can be controlled to avoid losing too much heat through the chimney. When you’re not using your fireplace or wood-burning stove, you can save money on heating costs and limit the number of times you’ll need to start a fire in order to maintain a comfortable temperature.
  • Improve the performance of your machine. Shutting down your fireplace or wood stove and closing the damper can help you save money on your heating bills because it reduces the amount of fuel being burned.
  • To regulate the movement of air from one section of your home to another. If your living room and kitchen have an open floor plan, closing the damper can help prevent heat from escaping into rooms where it isn’t needed or wanted, for example.
  • Even if you don’t plan on using a wood stove damper for personal reasons, it’s a good idea to install one because of their role as fire protection measures. If there is no method for smoke and other byproducts of combustion to be expelled from a room, they can suffocate anyone who happens to be in the vicinity.

What Is The Function Of A Damper On A Wood Stove?

When the damper on your wood stove is closed, no air may enter the chimney. Insulation around your fireplace or wood-burning stove helps to keep the heat in the area it is located in and prevent cold air from escaping into other rooms. When you’re using a flue, the damper should always be open, however this depends on the age of the house and how well-insulated it is. Most modern homes don’t require a damper because they are built with better insulation than older homes were, while many old farmhouses do have them because of poor insulation in their walls and ceilings.

How to Use a Wood Stove Damper

If you’re unsure about whether or not your home has a wood stove damper, assume it doesn’t have one. Installing a damper kit is easy and affordable, so do it anyway. Most of the year, you won’t need the damper on your fireplace or stove if you live in a modern, well-insulated home. However, this is a critical component that should be put immediately in older homes without adequate insulation if the owners wish to securely use their wood-burning equipment.

Does A Wood Stove Need A Damper?

One of the most frequently asked questions about having a wood stove is whether or not it requires a damper. No, is the quick answer. If you have a wood-burning appliance, you don’t need to use a damper at all. However, your wood stove may require a proper venting system at times in order to function properly and keep you warm.

What exactly do I mean if you’ve just bought or installed a new wood stove in your house? In order to better comprehend why these items, which don’t actually need them, but may still be desired, I’d like to explain how everything works.

Steps To Use A Wood Stove Damper

We’re here to clear up any misunderstandings you might have about how a damper works. Even if you are a complete novice, it is simple to do. If that’s the case, you’ll want to take note of the following procedures for future reference. So, how do you use a damper on a wood stove?

Step #1. Preheating your wood stove

Ideally, you don’t want to clear your wood stove’s ashes first, because we’ll need them to preheat the appliance. To start a fire as soon as the furnace has been turned on, it isn’t necessary to put a lot of fuel in since you will only be preheating your equipment.

Let it warm up until it’s ready to use.

Make sure your damper is upright, which shows how much heat you want to leak from your wood stove when it’s used later, after you’ve opened the doors. As a precaution, make sure that the damper is fully open.

Step #2. Adding wood to the woodstove

It’s safe to open the device’s door now that it’s been preheated. However, be careful because the preheating has caused it to boil. Add the wood to the inside of the door, making sure to fill it to the desired level.

When you’ve got a good fire or heat momentum, it simply indicates that you’ve got an excellent flow of air. That means that we’ll need to go on to the following stage, which is to adjust the damper to the desired position or location. Read about how to line a wood stove with fire brick for additional information.

Step #3. Regulating your damper

We’ll need to make some modifications because the damper is in an open position, and the regulation process won’t work properly for you. To accomplish this, move the damper slightly to the right to ensure that all of the smoke is expelled through the chimney at once. Stoves are typically regulated at roughly a three-quarters position.

Can I Use a Barometric Damper With a Wood Stove? | Hunker

A damper, a device that acts as a chimney to limit heat loss, includes a lot of moving parts. As a result, you’ll have to experiment with several options until you find the one that works best for you. Use a damper on a wood stove to better comprehend what is going on.

If you need to change the airflow, always turn it right.

There aren’t many stages you’ll need to know when dealing with a damper because this is the end of the procedure. The only good thing is that you already know what will happen when you use it. Even a novice may pick this up in a matter of weeks or days if they study the instructions carefully.

Environmental Protection Agency

Because of the EPA certification, this stove is effective in reducing emissions. The less pollution there is, the more resources are conserved and the ecosystem is protected. When purchasing a new wood-burning appliance like a furnace or pellet stove, EPA certifications are a vital consideration, but they aren’t the only thing you should be concerned about.

  • The certificates from the EPA are crucial.
  • The EPA certifies all pellet stoves.
  • When purchasing a wood-burning furnace or pellet stove, consumers should think beyond the EPA certifications.
  • In terms of efficiency and environmental impact, this is an excellent option.
  • It can be used to keep you warm in the winter or to give you with hot water for a bath.

Safety Tips

  • Keep your stovepipe clear of debris. Chimney fires can be started by simply adding fuel to an already flaming fire.
  • Proper combustion requires a sufficient amount of wood. This will help keep your home warm and avoid drafts.
  • At least three feet away from anything flammable, including walls or furniture, put the wood stove in a safe location. You don’t want to take the chance that one ember will start a fire!
  • When the stove is on, open a window slightly. You won’t be able to properly burn anything if there’s a lot of smoke within.
  • Never use your wood burning stove to burn garbage or anything else than well-seasoned firewood! These products are dangerous to human health and the environment because of the chemicals and plastics they produce.

A Guide to Maintaining Your Wood Stove

Cleaning & Inspecting Your Wood Stove

It’s a good idea to get a wood stove inspected before you move into a house that has one. Having your stove inspected by a professional chimney sweep will verify that it is safe to use and that it complies with local regulations.

Before using your chimney, you should get it cleaned if necessary. You’ll be safe to use your stove this winter if you have a clean chimney and a passing inspection.

Your stove should be serviced at least once a year after the initial cleaning. Depending on how often you use it and the type of fires you’re burning, you may need to get it serviced more frequently. Annually, following the burning season, is a good time to have it done as a rule of thumb.

If you’re fed up with paying your local chimney sweep to clean your stove, you may also get the necessary tools to do it yourself. The most crucial thing is that your stove is cleaned on a regular basis and done so correctly.

Choosing The Right Firewood for Your Wood Stove

Choosing the appropriate fuel for your wood stove might make all the difference. Hardwood and softwood are the two types of wood used for making fire. Oak, maple, and birch trees yield hardwood, which is denser. Pine, fir, and cedar are all softwoods.

Because hardwood is more dense, it burns more slowly than other types of fuel. Over the course of a longer time period, it generates greater heat. As a result, hardwood is commonly used in wood stoves. Softwood works just as well, but it burns more quickly and produces more heat.

Where you reside has a significant impact on the type of wood you might expect to find. The availability of hardwoods may be limited in some areas and your cord may be composed primarily of softwood.


When discussing wood stoves, it’s imperative to bring up the subject of creosote, which might pose a danger to the user’s safety. Incomplete combustion from your fire causes creosote, a dark brown material, to build up in your chimney.

What’s the big deal? Creosote buildup can lead to chimney fires and poor ventilation. Creosote hardens over time and can catch fire if heated enough. Having your stove and chimney cleaned by a professional is essential because creosote is a major cause of chimney fires.

A wood stove thermometer is a modest but useful tool for managing your fires (pictured below). One of these can be installed in your chimney to help you keep the temperature of your fires in a safe range for a long period of time.

A couple things you can do to prevent creosote:

There are ways to keep creosote buildup at a minimum, but it will eventually accumulate in practically every chimney. The amount of creosote in your stove depends on how frequently you use it, the type of wood you use, and the temperature of your flames.

  • Instead of using low, smoldering fires, use hot ones. Fires that burn slowly and are smoldering tend to build up more creosote than those that burn quickly and are extinguished.
  • Make sure you’re using the proper kind of wood. Only use dry, seasoned wood. Also, be sure that your stove is built of wood and not paper or cardboard, which contain man-made toxins.
  • Because most wood stoves produce creosote, it’s critical to do regular maintenance on them. An annual cleaning is sufficient in the vast majority of instances.


Do I need a damper?

Yes. Because you want the finest possible draft, you need an adjustable flue gas vent (damper) in a wood stove. When using a natural gas or propane or oil furnace, the ideal amount of air entering your home through the chimney is roughly 15 cubic feet per minute, whereas the ideal amount is 30 cubic feet per minute. Depending on how much control you want over airflow, you can select either manual or automatic dampers. Creosote buildup, which may be extremely harmful if allowed to gather in excess inside your chimney, may occur if there isn’t a strong draft traveling up the chimney.

How to Control the Air in a Wood Burning Stove

Where do I buy a damper?

Hardware and home improvement stores, as well as internet retailers like Amazon.com, carry them. depending on the kind of your wood stove and what you want it to be able to do, dampers can cost anywhere from $15 to $400. (manual or automatic).

Does A Wood Stove Need A Damper?

Yes. An adjustable flue gas vent inside your chimney is required while burning wood since there won’t be enough draft to prevent the buildup of highly combustible creosote around the outer surface of your chimney, which could lead to an unsafe fire. depending on the kind of your wood stove and what you want it to be able to do, dampers can cost anywhere from $15 to $400. (manual or automatic).

It’s A Wrap!

If you’re a first-time wood-stove owner, knowing how to operate a damper is a huge advantage. Though it isn’t your cup of tea, I can recommend you to some other stoves that you might like. It’s basically the same, although there may be a sliver of a difference. Knowing how to operate a fireplace damper is something I’d make sure you have mastered.

Wood stove damper use can be a considerable advantage, especially if you’re a first-time wood stove owner or operator. Even if it’s not your style, I have some other stoves I think you’d enjoy. Aside from that, it’s exactly the same; there may be a minor variation in its performance, though. Learn how to operate a fireplace damper if I were you.