Updated at: 09-09-2022 - By: cnbusinessnews

How long will cilantro keep in the fridge? The delicious stems of cilantro can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator, according to culinary experts. We’ll go over a few different strategies for keeping your herbs fresh for longer.

Many people consider cilantro to be the single most important herb for adding depth of flavor and heat to food. One of the best ways to get people to try new foods is to season them with coriander, which adds a citrusy flavor and a strong, aromatic scent. It has such a unique flavor that it’s impossible to ignore.

Because of its robust flavor, cilantro is a staple in many cuisines. Therefore, it’s unfortunate that it loses its taste after just a few days. We can assist you since we know several different ways to preserve the quality of your coriander for as long as possible. In other words, keep reading!

How Does a Refrigerator Work?

The refrigeration cycle consists of a compressor (which controls the flow of refrigerant), condenser and evaporator coils, expansion device, and refrigerant. As you can see, they cooperate to provide a cool environment for your food.

  1. The compressor boosts the pressure of the refrigerant before pumping it through the refrigerator’s external coils.
  2. When the hot gas from the coils meets the cooler air in the kitchen, a liquid is created.
  3. By passing through the coils in a fridge or freezer, the refrigerant is cooled down.
  4. The air within the fridge is cooled by the refrigerant, which draws heat from the air.
  5. Once again, the cycle begins when the gas is released from the compressor and sent back into the system.

5 Big Benefits Of Having A Refrigerator

To maintain food safety, we utilize preservatives.

One of the biggest benefits of refrigerators. They keep your food and other commodities fresh for later use. They prevent spoilage and waste to ensure that no food is wasted. To give just a few examples, fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices can be stored in a refrigerator in addition to prepared foods. Any number of websites now offer refrigerator rentals in Ahmedabad.

How to Store Cilantro To Make It Last For Weeks - Easy To Keep Fresh!


Through regulating the temperature, refrigerators ensure that food is both edible and safe to consume. You can get the most out of your water and other beverages this summer by storing them in a cool environment like a refrigerator. Water may be frozen to produce ice, which has many practical uses. This feature is present in every refrigerator and should be taken into account.

Cost effective

One of the most economical pieces of home equipment is the refrigerator. A refrigerator is an easy purchase that doesn’t require much thought. It’s the kind of buy you can’t later regret. Investing in a fridge is money well spent.


Moreover, fridges come in a broad variety of shapes, sizes, capacities, and prices. Since there are no limits, the customer has an unlimited selection of refrigerators from which to pick. If you shop about, you can find a refrigerator that meets your needs without breaking the bank.

Can be customized

The coolest part of the refrigerator is going to be unveiled. You have hit the nail on the head. Refrigerators can be altered to suit individual needs. Customization is available to ensure that it fits your requirements perfectly. Any color you desire can be used for the paint job. Among the many features that a refrigerator provides is the opportunity to set the internal temperature to your preferences.

Having a refrigerator also has many other benefits. Those who have used refrigerators have considered them to be useful. Many of the most up-to-date refrigerator models provide convenient extras that elevate the user experience. Knowing the benefits of a refrigerator, however, is essential prior to making a purchase. You can find other, more affordable TV rental options in Ahmedabad.

Tips To Store Fresh Cilantro In The Fridge

Here are several ways to extend the life of cilantro in the fridge:

Tip #1. No-wash storing method

Leaving out the water is the single most critical step in learning how to keep cilantro fresh in the fridge. Food spoilage occurs when moisture in the food mixes with the numerous bioactive components that speed up the aging process. Therefore, humidity is a major no-no, as mold growth is typically problematic.

It’s really simple to get rid of water. To begin, I would ask that you not do that. Don’t fret; there’s no need to clean the item before stowing it away. You should cleanse your herb right before you use it. Let’s not expose it to water right now.

Tip #2. Keeping moisture out

If the thought of putting dirty food in your fridge gives you the willies, this is a fantastic option. To speed up the drying process, you can lay a stack of paper towels on top of it. To get the coriander ready, spread a sheet of paper towels out on a flat surface and sprinkle it with salt. See whether there is any overlap by checking each one.

If there is any remaining moisture in the cilantro, pat it dry with a fresh stack of paper towels. Since crushing it would likely lead to the loss of many of the herb’s beneficial spices and nutrients, it should be avoided. Allow the air to dry for a few more minutes. In all honesty, there isn’t a better path to choose.

Tip #3. Paper towel method

This technique is not limited to the cultivation of herbs; it may be used on any type of vegetable. When it comes to dealing with moisture issues in storage, paper towels are by far the most common and reliable method. For the paper towel method, you may use either a container or a ziplock bag. If you use this strategy, your herb should keep fresh for around four weeks.

Tip #4. Plastic bag

Make sure the plastic bags you use have zippered tops if you must use them. By following these steps, you may rest assured that your product’s shelf life will not be compromised by accidental exposure to air. Spread some paper towels out on the table. Towels should be placed on top of the cilantro. Carefully place it on top of the other layer without squishing any of them. Carefully pick up one of the long ends of the coriander and paper towel sandwich and fold it in half across.

Once you’ve reached the opposite end, continue folding carefully so as not to crush the leaves. After using the bag, please close the zipper. It’s best to degas the container completely before sealing it tightly and storing it in the fridge.

Tip #5. Container

Put a layer of paper towels in each container, then put another layer on top of that. Additional cilantro layers may be necessary, depending on the size of the storage container. Regardless, make sure the container is completely sealed with the lid once the last layer of towels has been added.

How to Keep Cilantro Fresh - Good Cheap Eats

Tip #6. Using preservatives

Many organic preservatives are used in a natural method. Vinegar and frozen water are what you’ll need for this method. A solution can be made by mixing equal parts vinegar and water. Combine the two and use it to wash the coriander, making sure to get every last bit of dirt off the leaves and the stems. Vinegar’s acidic nature is responsible for its ability to preserve food. With its low pH levels, it helps other foods last longer in the fridge.

Tip #7. Submerging in water

It’s possible that this is an unusual way to store cilantro. Decomposition can be sped up by eliminating moisture, thus that has been a repeating subject here. However, there are approaches when water is really helpful rather than detrimental.

In rare cases, water may be helpful to prolong the life of your leaves. Remove the spent flower stalks from the coriander. Fill the jar with water until it is one-third full. Warm enough water to drink. Start by filling the jar halfway with water, then adding the herbs. Be sure the refrigerator is completely sealed before putting it in the oven. In this way, you may keep your spices fresh for much longer. For at least the next two weeks, you’ll have to make do with crunchy, fresh greens. Also, this is one of the quickest and easiest methods.

Tip #8. Freezing

Freezing is always an option for keeping food fresh. Extremely low temperatures keep food edible for very long periods of time. Cilantro can be substituted for parsley with the same effect. First, strip the leaves from the stalks.

When possible, keep them apart. Put the tray in the fridge for an hour, then transfer to the freezer. Once it’s frozen solid, put it in a Ziploc bag. There will be a thousand bits of them left. Refrigerate it for another month or two, and it will be ready for storage.

How to store other vegetables in the refrigerator?

Tender Salad Greens and Lettuces

Delicate fresh greens like arugula, baby spinach, spring mix, mesclun, and others lose their nutritional value and flavor if they are allowed to wilt. If you toss a plastic bag of salad greens into the fridge, you may be disappointed to find that they have slimed up in a short amount of time.

The best time to keep salad greens is shortly after you get them home from the store (or receive your delivery). The first step is to remove the greens from their packaging and organize them. When a leaf turns brown and mushy, it’s time to pick it from the tree and toss it in the trash. Additional moisture in the bag can be absorbed with paper towels or a dry dish towel to prevent spoilage. The greens should be returned to the clamshell after being wiped off with dry paper towels or a clean dish towel. Make a ball out of a paper towel and toss it in the bag. The bag can then be secured using a clip. Utilize within a week of purchase.

Certain types of lettuce will be better able to withstand the cold than others. Lettuce, such as romaine or iceberg, can be stored for several weeks in the fridge. If you want it to stay fresh for as long as possible, trim the ends but don’t touch the rest. Don’t bother cleaning them up before utilizing them. Keep them fresh by wrapping each one in a paper towel before placing them in a plastic bag. Place it in the refrigerator’s crisper. Also? The fumes given out by ripening fruits will soon kill your lettuce, so keep it away from avocados and bananas.

Hardier Greens

When I say “greens,” I’m thinking about stuff like kale, collards, and mustard greens, as well as bok choy, Swiss chard, and fully developed spinach. Spinach should be kept in the refrigerator in a plastic bag, bowl, or clamshell lined with a paper towel. Before putting other greens away, make sure to remove any rubber bands or ties holding them together. After that, place them in a paper towel-lined resealable bag and keep them in the fridge. They can probably be kept fresh for a week or two at most.

Hardier greens can be frozen for use after ten days if they aren’t needed before then. Blanching is the best option for harder greens. Blanching not only stops the enzyme activity, but also washes away any dirt or germs that may have been hiding on the leaves, giving them a cleaner, crisper flavor and appearance. Here, let me to demonstrate. Greens like kale have woodier stems that need be removed before eating, thus they should be boiled for one minute in a saucepan of boiling water. Finally, place the leaves in a dish of ice water for a few seconds before drying them completely (a salad spinner works great for this) and freezing them flat on a baking sheet to prevent them from sticking together. Freezing them all together in a large mass is also effective. Once completely frozen, they can be stored in the freezer for another six to eight months. Greens purchased frozen can be added directly to sauces, stews, and smoothies without first being defrosted.

Bell Peppers and Fresh Chiles

Bell peppers can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks with minimal care. Pack them in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer. Two of the spiciest peppers, habaneros and jalapenos, belong to the same family. Peppers may be easily frozen to extend their shelf life. Take off the pulp and the seeds, then cut them to the size you want, and freeze them on a baking sheet. Once completely frozen, they can be kept in a freezer bag for up to six months. Sliced or whole chiles can be frozen, and whole chiles can be pickled in citrus juice or vinegar.


If you buy cucumbers from the store, you can usually just put them in the fridge without washing them beforehand. If you get them from a farmer’s market or a garden, though, you should wash and dry them well to prevent any dirt from hastening their demise. After that time, your available options will be slim to none. Place them in the fridge or on the counter and wrap them in a paper towel or a clean dishcloth to keep them fresh. If they came in a plastic bag, you may prevent them from getting wet by placing a dry paper towel over the bag. You should eat them within five days and keep them away from the off-gassing fruits I mentioned in the section on tender greens. However, you can make spicy pickles out of cucumbers to preserve them for a longer period of time.

Root Vegetables

Since they retain so much of their nutritional worth even after being stored for a long time, root vegetables are a great option. Parsley, beets, rutabaga, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, yams, and regular potatoes are all examples of root vegetables. Most of the time, you may skip the fridge altogether and just use these variations. You may keep potatoes and sweet potatoes in a paper bag for up to three months without their going bad if you store them in a cool, dark spot like a garage, cellar, or closet. If you live in an area with weather circumstances similar to those under which a potato would grow, you shouldn’t bother planting potatoes there. When compared to smaller potatoes, larger ones tend to keep for a longer period of time.

Wrap your carrots, parsnips, and turnips in a moist paper towel or dishcloth and store them in the fridge; if they arrived with leafy tops, remove them first. There is a three- to four-week shelf life in the fridge. Beets and celeriac, without their leaves, can be refrigerated in a wet, clean towel for up to a week. Both can be kept for up to two weeks in the fridge. Radishes can be kept fresh for up to a week when stored in an airtight container with a damp paper towel folded in half. They can be stored for up to two weeks in the fridge. The removed greens can be used to make stock or added to a greens-heavy sauce like pesto, salsa, or gremolata, so there’s no need to waste them.


Carrots, parsnips, and turnips can be stored in the fridge for up to a week when they are wrapped in a damp paper towel or dishcloth. Keep them in the fridge; if they arrived with leafy tops, remove them first. Store them in the fridge for up to four weeks without any problems. Beets and celeriac, without their accompanying leaves, can be preserved in the refrigerator in a damp, clean towel. Each one can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks. To keep your radishes fresh for as long as possible, wrap them in a damp paper towel that has been folded in half and store them in an airtight container. These are also good for two weeks after opening. Instead of tossing out the greens, remove them and either store them for future stock or include them into a sauce that relies heavily on greens, such as pesto, salsa, or gremolata.


Those of us who are accustomed to country living know all too well the adage, “don’t pick an ear until the water is boiling,” which is meant to be followed when cooking corn. I have to buy my corn from the grocery store or a farm stand because I don’t have access to any nearby fields. However, there is some validity to the proverb that may be applied to maize. The freshest and sweetest produce is right after it has been harvested, whereas the longer it is stored, the more starchy it becomes. While this can be used in some situations, such as baking, fresh sweet corn is best used as soon as possible. Store the corn in its husk until you’re ready to peel it and prepare it. When not in use, seal it in a plastic bag. If you need to keep your corn for a longer amount of time, freezing it is the way to go. To freeze corn, you need only blanch it in a saucepan of boiling water for a few seconds, drain it, pat it dry, and then place it in freezer bags. Corn kernels can be removed from the cob and frozen for up to a year after being blanched.

Winter Squash and Pumpkins

Winter squashes can be kept for an extended period of time at room temperature. Anyplace cool in your house will suffice, as long as you keep them off the floor to allow for adequate air circulation. The use of a rack is ideal for this job. To prevent the skin from drying out, keep the squash away from gas-releasing fruits like apples, avocados, and bananas as they develop. If you find a squash with spots, don’t leave it with the rest of the crop. Peel or clean the squash thoroughly before eating if you notice any spots, and then wipe it off with a mild bleach solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water). However, acorn squashes stored in these conditions should be consumed within a month to two months.

Zucchini and Summer Squash

In comparison to hardy winter squashes like zucchini and yellow squash, summer squashes are much more delicate. After washing the vegetables, place them in a plastic bag with a tight seal and keep them in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer. They taste best if eaten within the first five days of purchase. When stored properly, zucchini can maintain its freshness for up to two weeks. Summer squash can also be frozen after being halved, boiled for a few minutes, and then placed in the freezer. Expect it to last for three months.

These Five Grocery Hacks Will Make Your Groceries Last Longer | Grocery hacks, How to store asparagus, Storing vegetables

Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage

Let’s say we told you that Brussels sprouts are really just miniature cabbages. How about some cauliflower for your gerbils? Cute! But if you put them in a plastic bag and store them in the fridge, they will stay fresh for a while. They will be fine for at least a week and perhaps for two weeks. Don’t worry too much about it though; that was the one and only time I actually saw sprouts on the stem in real life.

A whole head of cabbage, of any color, may sustain you for quite some time. Refrigerating the product while still in its original packaging (or a resealable plastic bag if none was included) is all that is required for storage. Don’t fret if your crisper drawer isn’t large enough; cabbages can grow to huge proportions. A shelf life of two to three weeks should be sufficient.

Broccoli and Cauliflower

There appears to be some similarity between these two cruciferous vegetables, and they also have similar storage needs. Both whole heads and pre-cut floret packets have an extended shelf life. Broccoli and cauliflower stems should be stored in a plastic bag without being washed until just before being eaten. It’s best used within a few days of preparation, but can be stored for up to a week.

Broccoli and cauliflower can also be frozen. To freeze broccoli, cut it into florets, spread them out on a baking sheet, and then transfer to a freezer bag. In order to fully appreciate the flavor, consume within six months.


To preserve their quality, mushrooms should be kept cold and out of direct sunlight. The plastic container they came in at the store is fine as long as you don’t open it. If you can remove them without damaging them, brush them instead of washing them. Place them in a paper bag and store them in the refrigerator. Mushrooms do not freeze well, therefore it is best to use them as soon as possible after purchasing them, within a week at the most.

Onions, Shallots, and Scallions

Whole onions (white onions, yellow onions, sweet onions, red onions, and shallots) will keep for up to a month without refrigeration if stored in a cool, dark place in a permeable bag or other container. After then, it’s safe to assume they’ll continue on in the same fashion for another month. You might hasten the death of entire onions and promote their sprouting by storing them in the fridge. In a sealed plastic bag or airtight container, onions will keep fresh in the fridge for up to 10 days. Glass jars filled with an inch or two of water will keep the scallion or leek roots submerged. Even if you take off the tips of the scallions, you can still grow them in a jar as long as the jar is placed in a sunny spot and the water is changed frequently.


Carefully storing garlic bulbs allows for up to six months of storage time, making it another flavorful and long-lasting item. Use the whole item instead of buying it already peeled or chopped if possible. Keep it cool and dry to prevent it from growing. If you find yourself with a surplus of garlic, you might want to try making some garlic confit and preserving it in the oil it was cooked in. In my opinion, four months is plenty of time to do it.

Most vegetables’ storage lives can be lengthened to help you get the most out of them, minimize food waste, and shop less frequently.


The saddest thing in the world is a stalk of limp celery. A former coworker of mine, Maxine Builder, claims that keeping celery in a cool, moist environment is the key to keeping it crisp. The high water pressure within celery’s cells is responsible for its characteristic crunch. Wrap it in aluminum foil, but don’t crimp the edges, and store it in the fridge. The bag must allow moisture to escape but not the ethylene gas that celery emits. A quart container, Mason jar, or zip-top plastic bag filled with water will keep celery stems fresh for months. Soaking limp celery for an hour or two in water can help bring it back to life.


You may extend the time you get to enjoy these tempting herbs by learning how to properly store fresh cilantro in the refrigerator. Enjoy exploring with its distinctly sour taste. Want to see more content like this? Learn how to put that empty space over the fridge to good use.