Updated at: 15-07-2022 - By: cnbusinessnews

Do you wonder, “How do I clean under the fridge?” if your fridge has a foul odor? The simplest approach to clean behind your refrigerator is to first remove it from its current location. Finally, vacuum the floor where you placed the refrigerator to remove any debris and dust that may have accumulated there.

A vacuum cleaner, broom, or stick will help you remove waste from under a refrigerator you can’t move. Most of the time, when you clean your refrigerator, you overlook the area beneath it.

Your fridge may become infested with bugs if you don’t remove the rubbish that accumulates on the floor. Leaving this region filthy for a lengthy period of time may also cause problems with your refrigerator. However, if you have any ideas on how to get to the bottom of the fridge, keep reading because we’ll go through the best options!

Methods To Clean Under The Fridge

There are a variety of ways to swiftly clean the debris that has accumulated under the fridge. Trash should be emptied as quickly as possible to prevent the accumulation of dirt and dust under the fridge. If you want to keep filth from accumulating behind your fridge, cleaning it out at least once every three months is a good idea. And now for some efficient ways to clean the area underneath your refrigerator.


Method #1. Using a long stick

To clean the garbage under the fridge, you may need to use something other than a vacuum cleaner if you can’t move it. You’ll need a stick long enough to reach the end of the area where the fridge is located for the first option. Sliding a stick across the floor to remove the rubbish from under the refrigerator is an easy way to accomplish this task.

Method #2. Using a broom

A broom is an effective tool for removing dust from the area beneath the refrigerator as well. The broom makes it easier for you to access the region beneath the refrigerator, but it is more difficult for you to clear the dust accumulated there. When you’re done cleaning, slide the broom out from between the fridge and the floor in the same manner as you did with the stick.

Method #3. Using a vacuum cleaner

Using a vacuum to clear debris from under the fridge is a time-saving and easy option. When utilizing a vacuum cleaner, you have the option of moving the refrigerator or not. It is, however, recommended that you remove the fridge to check that the area beneath it has been thoroughly cleaned. To avoid having to relocate the fridge, simply vacuum the floor through the chasm that’s been created.

Method #4. Cleaning a fridge with grills

To keep the coil operating and in good condition, some versions of refrigerators include grills on their base that allow the air to circulate around them. Only if you are unable to relocate the refrigerator away from its current location may you remove the grills in order to clean beneath the appliance and have access to the subfloor.

While cleaning the floor where the refrigerator was located, you can also take out the grills first if you’re able to do so.

First and foremost, make sure the refrigerator is not connected to any power source in order to prevent any harm. In order to remove the refrigerator’s base grill, you’ll need to open the door. Using a soft bristled brush, scrub away the debris and dust that has accumulated behind the refrigerator. After that, completely remove any leftover dust using a vacuum cleaner.

You might also try to attach the vacuum cleaner with a roll of wrapping paper. Insert the tube into the vacuum cleaner tool through holes drilled in the tube’s sidewalls. To clean the coils, place a vacuum beneath the refrigerator and slide it under the appliance. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove the residual dust and debris.

After cleaning the refrigerator’s coils, go to the base grille’s cleaning. Then, using a cleaning solution and a scrub brush, thoroughly clean the base grill. Dry and put it back in the fridge after you’ve cleaned it.

Vacuum the floor where you positioned the refrigerator once you have done cleaning its base grill. Finally, return the refrigerator to its normal position and clean the area where you cleaned the grills of any remaining dust and grime. All you have to do now is plug in the fridge!

8 Things You Should Never Do When Cleaning the Fridge

1. Don’t procrastinate.

As with any cleaning task, the longer you put it off, the more difficult it will be to do it. To avoid caked-on food, remove any spilled items from the refrigerator as soon as you notice them. For fridge spot cleaning, Bell recommends using these strong, handy kitchen cleaning wipes because of how rapidly spills can dry in the cold.

2. Don’t skip the deep clean.

According to Bell, regular, thorough cleaning of refrigerators is critical due to the possibility of mold and bacteria growth. Depending on your dietary choices, you may be able to get away with a quarterly deep clean if you meticulously wipe out older foods and condiments. It’s possible that monthly is a better rule for you if you have a large family or cook a lot.

3. Don’t let expired stuff stay in there.

Make sure to check the expiration dates on any condiments or jarred foods during your quarterly or monthly deep clean. Anything that doesn’t make the cut should be rinsed, emptied, and recycled in the original containers. Bell recommends cleaning down the goods you plan to put back in the fridge before putting them away. Check the bottom, sides, and lid for any messes.


4. Don’t put hot shelves back in.

Most refrigerator shelves and crisper drawers can be cleaned in the dishwasher to save time and get the job done more completely. Make care to let them get to room temperature before starting the cycle (or if you wish to wash them by hand under warm water) and allow them to cool down completely before returning them to the appliance. The reason for this is that temperature changes can produce cracks.

5. Don’t use harsh cleaners.

Bell advises using a mild cleaner because food will be placed back on the shelves after they have been cleaned to ensure its safety and to prevent odors from migrating to the food. Most fridge messes may be cleaned up with a mild dish soap and a sponge, and a brush can be used for more stubborn messes.

6. Don’t use bleach.

Contrary to popular belief, Bell advises against using bleach to clean your fridge. Using bleach to clean the fridge is generally discouraged by appliance manufacturers since it can damage the materials and pose a health risk if it gets into the food. Bell advises a spray bottle mix of one part white vinegar and three parts water to break down stubborn food.

7. Don’t clean the coils when your fridge is plugged in.

Cleaning the coils in the back of your refrigerator is important for proper ventilation and to improve the efficiency of your appliance. You can clean them with a vacuum or dustpan, but Bell recommends doing so only after you have unplugged the fridge.

8. Don’t use soap and water on stainless steel.

Remove all the smudges and fingerprints off the outside of your fridge when undertaking a deep clean or a weekly clean. Bell advises against using soap and water to clean stainless steel. The best cleaner for stainless steel is a spray cleaner, whether it’s an all-purpose or a stainless steel-specific cleaner, according to her. Make use of the microfiber cloth recommended by Bell to wipe down the stainless steel surfaces.


What is the best thing to clean the inside of a fridge with?

Using a solution of two tablespoons of baking soda and one quart of hot water, scrub the interior of the refrigerator. You should use mild, unscented cleaners because food can absorb the odors.) Then use a towel to dry the surface. Scrub, rinse, and dry the removable sections after soaking them in the same solution.

What are the steps to clean a fridge?

Refrigerator Cleaning: 7 Simple Steps Take Your Refrigerators Out of the Electricity Grids. Empty Each Shelf of All Items. Throw Away Any Expired or Moldy Food. Completely Wipe Down the Interior of the Refrigerator or Freezer. Sanitize with a Sanitizer to get rid of germs. Condenser and coils should be cleaned with compressed air. Refrigerators and freezers need to be cleaned from the inside and outside.

How often should you clean fridge?

7 Steps to a Clean Fridge Take Your Refrigerators Out of the Electricity Outlets. Each Shelf Must Be Cleared. Discard any food that is past its expiration date or has become moldy. Wipe Out the Refrigerator or Freezer Interior Thoroughly. Use a Sanitizer to disinfect. Purge the Condenser and the Coils of any dust or other debris. Refrigerators and freezers should be kept clean from the inside and outside.

Can I use white vinegar to clean my fridge?

My preferred cleaning agent is vinegar for this task. This food-safe cleanser works wonders on any crud that has gathered on the shelves of your refrigerator after being combined with hot water in a spray bottle.

How do you clean a fridge without chemicals?

Natural Fridge Cleaner Using hot water, vinegar, and lemon juice to clean your fridge is easy. It’s ready when it’s shaken up! Using this mixture, you may naturally clean and disinfect the interior of your refrigerator and its numerous compartments.

How do I get rid of bacteria in my fridge?

Refrigerator. Refrigeration only inhibits the growth of germs, not kills it. Mold is more likely to grow in a refrigerator that is often opened and closed. A vinegar solution can be used to clean all the surfaces of your refrigerator, including the racks and drawers.

What are the 8 steps in cleaning the refrigerator?

Your Refrigerator and Freezer Can Be Cleaned in 8 Easy Steps.

The first step is to make a plan and get organized.

Step 2: Remove the items from the truck.

Finally, remove.

Step 4 – Unplug and Begin Cleaning the Outside.

Step 5: Do an Interior Cleanup.

Step 6 – Wipe down the outside of the vehicle.

Plug in and then return.

Additional Wiping Is Required in Step 8.

How do you clean a fridge with vinegar and baking soda?

Cleaning the Refrigerator’s Interior Combine the following in a gallon of hot water to make an all-purpose cleaner: 2 cups of vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda are all that is needed to make this solution. After cleaning the refrigerator, apply a thin layer of paste wax to the top to keep grease and odors from accumulating.

How to Clean Under Your Fridge | House cleaning tips, Cleaning hacks, Deep cleaning

Why should you put a sponge in your fridge?

Is the scent coming from your refrigerator? Place a damp sponge on a refrigerator shelf, sprinkled with baking soda (away from any food). Odors are effectively eliminated by the combination of baking soda and sponge. To get rid of kitchen odors, here are some further tips.

How do you clean a fridge without unplugging it?

Using a freezer without turning it off, how to clean it Hot cloths are ideal for wiping down ice. You should defrost your freezer to remove any ice that has formed. Use a sponge or rag to wipe down the freezer. Make sure your freezer is completely dry before using it again. Make sure the shelves and drawers are clean before using them again. Re-freeze the meal.

What happens if you don’t clean your fridge?

As a result, what you don’t see lurking in your fridge could be making you sick. Dirty refrigerators may be breeding grounds for deadly diseases like salmonella, listeria and E. coli if they aren’t cleaned regularly.

How do you clean a fridge with vinegar?

Remove all of the food from the fridge. In a spray bottle, combine 3 parts hot water and 1 part vinegar; liberally apply to refrigerator shelves that have been cleaned out. Wipe clean the shelves and walls with a wet washcloth to remove all stains and dirt. The refrigerator is ready for restocking after a quick wipe down with a towel.

Is baking soda good for cleaning fridge?

Using baking soda and water to clean the refrigerator’s interior may help remove lingering odors. It can be used to remove stubborn odors. Baking soda and water should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

How do you clean a fridge with baking soda?

Seasonally, use a mixture of 2 teaspoons baking soda and 1 quart hot water to clean the inside of the vehicle. Dry with a clean towel after rinsing with water. This can be used to remove odors as well as to clean. Soap and detergent can leave left a lingering aroma in the food, which can be absorbed by the diner.

Do you have to rinse after cleaning with vinegar?

Clean water should be used to remove any dirt or grime. Wipe the shower doors with a sponge that has been moistened in white vinegar to prevent soap scum. Rinsing is unnecessary.

Final Words

There you have it, four proven methods for cleaning underneath a fridge! Even if you clean your kitchen on a regular basis, there is always one place that has to be scrubbed. Maintaining your refrigerator and preventing other parts from being damaged necessitates a thorough cleaning of the underside of the appliance. Roaches can also be prevented from entering your fridge by frequently cleaning the area under the fridge.