Updated at: 30-08-2022 - By: Sienna Lewis

Are you curious about how long it will be before I can work out again after giving blood? Donors of blood may wish to know when it is safe to resume their regular exercise routine. This guide was put together to assist you in any way we could.

We will discuss the hazards and advantages of exercising after giving blood, as well as the optimal activity interval.

Blood donation is a great way to let people know about your healthy lifestyle. The American Red Cross estimates that three people can receive life-saving treatment from a single blood donation. However, giving blood may make you reevaluate your habits and schedule. Can I exercise after donating blood, or should I wait?

What Is Blood Donation?

The most common question for doctors is, “How long can I exercise after donating blood?” One must look to the past to truly appreciate the present value of blood donations. Donating blood is sometimes referred to as giving blood, donating blood, participating in a blood drive, or using a blood service. MSC. Donating blood is a straightforward procedure that results in the delivery of whole blood, RBCs, plasma, or platelets.

Can you work out after giving blood? Recovery time and side effects

Donors must be at least 16 years old, in generally excellent health, and weigh less than 100 pounds to give blood at most facilities. There is no upper weight limit. Donating blood helps save lives, but if you are pregnant or have a medical condition like STDs or sickle cell disease, you cannot give. While anyone can give platelets, only those with the sickle cell trait are able to donate whole blood. This is despite the fact that doing so might compromise the safety of future blood transfusions. You may have to wait in line if you have iron deficiency anemia, take medication, have the flu or a cold, or have undergone a potentially lifesaving therapy in the past year. Find out why and how you can help with blood donation.

How soon can a person work out after donating blood?

The American Red Cross recommends waiting at least 24 hours before engaging in strenuous exercise after donating blood. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking it easy for at least 48 hours after participating in any physically demanding activity. Trustworthy.

Arm bruising and soreness are more likely to occur during weightlifting and other body activities, as well as arm-related movements like tennis, due to the increased pressure placed on the needle site.

Exercise of any type, including anaerobic, can increase oxygen use. A person’s physical and mental stamina may be compromised after donating blood.

According to a review published in 2016, blood donation is associated with a decrease in a person’s general exercise ability for about the first two days after donation.

The next step is to begin resuming a more strenuous exercise routine. Try new things gradually to observe how they make you feel. More rest should be taken in between workouts.



Donating blood can take its toll on your energy levels, especially as your body recovers. Regular exercisers should not expect to perform at their peak for two days after donating blood.

Getting some sleep is an effective strategy for fighting fatigue. Reduce fatigue by taking longer, more frequent breaks. You might be able to avoid fatigue by exercising at a lower intensity than usual.


If you notice dark urine, dry mouth, or dizziness, you may be dehydrated and need to drink more water.

Donating blood causes an imbalance in the donor’s fluid and mineral levels. These liquids need to be topped off.

Donors are usually instructed to consume large amounts of water before to surgery. Donors will have access to hydrating beverages such as juice or water as they rest and recover from their donation. Drink an extra 16 ounces (oz) of water before your appointment, as recommended by the American Red Cross (about 2 cups).

In the days that follow, it is equally important to drink plenty of fluids in order to stay hydrated and restore the body’s mineral and water stores.

After giving blood, it’s important to replenish lost fluids by drinking an extra 32 ounces. In addition to water, the body also need other liquids for proper nutritional and mineral absorption.

People can better satisfy their fluid needs by drinking more:

  • Casseroles and broths
  • juice
  • Electrolyte-rich drinks that are low in sugar
  • Foods like melons, cucumbers, and greens that contain a lot of water are good examples.

Keep alcohol out of your system for at least the first 24 hours after you are sober.

Caffeine-free beverages and snacks can also aid in the healing process. The American Heart Association (AHA)Trusted Source warns that caffeine might increase fluid loss since it acts as a diuretic.

Keep your body well-hydrated to avoid dehydration-related problems.

Iron deficiency

Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your body from experiencing any issues associated with dehydration.

For this reason, restoring iron stores after giving blood is essential. All donors, according to the National Institutes of Health, should consume iron- and vitamin C-rich foods after giving blood.

A few examples of such foods are:

  • Lean meat
  • poultry
  • seafood
  • beans
  • lentils
  • Leafy greens like spinach
  • tofu
  • Iron-fortified cereals

Some people may need to take an iron supplement on a daily basis to ensure they are getting enough iron in their diet. An M.D. or other qualified medical expert should be consulted to determine the necessity of this.

In addition to fatigue, an iron deficiency can cause other symptoms that may be alleviated by consuming adequate iron.

When is the best time for an athlete to donate blood?

Donating blood at the right time could be especially important for people like athletes who value regular exercise.

It’s possible that donations made at the start of a break or off day will be the most productive. The human body may then relax and heal.

Despite this window, it is important to ease back into exercise and keep an eye on how your body reacts to the new routine.

If you start to feel faint, lightheaded, or fatigued during your workout, you should slow down or stop altogether. If you try to ignore them, you can end up stumbling or passing out during your workout, both of which are dangerous. No one should try to “tough it out” while experiencing these signs.

Donating blood can interfere with a person’s workouts, and they may not be able to compete or perform at their peak levels for a few days afterwards.

Donating blood during a pandemic

The Risks of Intense Exercise After Giving Blood

After a rest, it’s recommended but not required to get back into your fitness routine. Donors of blood are advised not to engage in any high-intensity interval training or heavy lifting for the rest of the day.

St. Paul, Minnesota-based vice president and medical director of Innovative Blood Resources, Dr. Jed Gorlin, advises exercisers to avoid lightheadedness and fainting. Donating blood might leave you feeling drowsy, which can make it dangerous to exercise if you fall and hit your head. If you go for a run in the nearby park and then get into your hot car, you might faint.

The National Academy of Sports Medicine reports that donors lose roughly 10% of their total blood volume with a single unit blood donation. More over half of that blood is plasma, according to the Red Cross.

On average, your body will restore the fluid component of your blood within a day. Dr. Gorlin says that after 24 hours, your blood volume has returned to normal. The doctor says, “Your fluid balance is back to normal.”

It may take a little longer to restore all of the other blood components, such as red and white blood cells and platelets. According to the Red Cross, it takes four to six weeks to completely restore your red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your body.

Restoring the other blood components, such red and white blood cells and platelets, may take a little longer. The Red Cross states that it takes four to six weeks for your red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body, to fully recover.

Dr. Gorlin suggests weightlifting or tennis as a way to “bust that little clot straight out” of the arm. If this happens, you can have a bruise or a raised bump under your skin. He said that the pain from an injured arm could continue for several days.

After Blood Donation, Exercise With Caution

Donating blood should be followed by at least 24 hours of rest. However, this is no excuse for doing nothing all day. After taking the time to drink some fluids, you should be fine to engage in light to moderate activities (the American Red Cross suggests an additional 32oz). Exercising might be anything from a brisk stroll to a relaxed bike ride. Drinking plenty of water before and after donating blood can help prevent dehydration.

If you start to feel faint or dizzy while or after exercising after donating blood, you should rest. If you have any concerns about your health after giving blood, you should get in touch with your local donation facility or a medical professional.


Donating blood is a straightforward way to aid those in need. Although there is no risk to healthy individuals throughout the donation process, donors should avoid excessive physical activity for a few days afterwards.

One full day, and preferably up to two days, should pass between eating and exercising. Reliable Information.

It’s improbable that a person can exercise at peak performance for a few days. You can speed up the recovery process by getting enough of fluids and eating healthy foods.


How long does it take to fully recover from a blood donation?

When I give a pint of blood, how long will it be before my body produces an equal amount? The volume of plasma in your blood will be restored within 48 hours (blood). Donated red blood cells take four to eight weeks to be completely replenished following donation. The average adult has a blood volume of between 8 and 12 quarts.

Is exercise harder after giving blood?

They found that after giving whole blood, a person’s VO2 max and time to fatigue dropped significantly. Two hours after donating blood, both VO2 max and time to exhaustion dropped by 15% and 19%, respectively, on the exercise test.

Why do I sweat after donating blood?

These symptoms may have been present prior to the donation, but they are also triggered by the donor’s presence to the donation center and the subsequent wait time.

First-Time Blood Donation Guide | UPMC HealthBeat

How many calories do you burn donating blood?

Regular donors, however, have the potential to significantly reduce mortality rates. Accelerating weight loss by revving up your metabolism. Donating blood probably won’t catch on as a popular way to trim down. However, a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of California San Diego found that donors can burn as many as 650 calories per pint during the process of blood donation.

What should you not do after giving blood?

Donating blood should not be done on an empty stomach. There may be a temporary increase in blood pressure after having blood drawn. Fainting, dizziness, shivering, etc., are just few of the symptoms of low blood pressure.

How long does fatigue last after blood donation?

Time to exhaustion and maximum heart rate were not affected by blood donation. Donating blood significantly reduces VO2peak for up to three weeks.

Is it OK to exercise before giving blood?

Please refrain from doing any hard lifting or vigorous exercise on the day of your donation. Resting and rehydrating after giving blood can help lessen feelings of faintness and lightheadedness.

It’s A Wrap!

Donating blood is a simple way to help those in need. Although healthy individuals are not at risk, blood donors should limit their activity levels as a precaution. Which is why the question “how long after a blood donation may I exercise?” was posed in the first place. It’s recommended that people wait at least 48 hours before starting an exercise routine, and they should be ready to take pauses as needed during the program. It’s unlikely that anyone will be at their physical best over the next four days. Staying hydrated and eating well are both essential during the healing process. Here’s some advice on what to eat after giving blood.